"Ships and marine tec " CNS Standards Search Result |
1. Ready translated english version CNS Standards (
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1~3 days.
2. Other English version CNS Standards are not ready translated, only after get your order, then we translate them, time usually need more 3-5 days . |
CNS 9329
- English Version Ships and marine technology − Identification colours for the content of piping systems 船舶及海洋技術-管線系統內容物識別顏色 - 英文版 |
CNS 15701
- English Version Ships and marine technology − Sea anchors for survival craft and rescue boats 船舶與海事技術-救生艇與救難船之海錨 - 英文版 |
CNS 20858
- English Version Ships and marine technology - Maritime port facility security assessments and security plan development 船舶與航運技術-海運港口設施之安全評鑑與安全計畫擬定 - 英文版 |
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