"Aviation turbine fue" CNS Standards Search Result |
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CNS 14670
- English Version Method of test for measurement of lubricity of Aviation turbine fuels by the ball-on-cylinder lubricity evaluator 航空燃油潤滑度試驗法 - 英文版 |
CNS 2558
- English Version Aviation turbine fuels 航空燃油 - 英文版 |
CNS 14746
- English Version Method of test for determining water separation characteristics of Aviation turbine fuels by portable separometer 航空燃油水分離性測定法(可攜帶式微水分離器法) - 英文版 |
CNS 12617
- English Version Method of Test for Thermal Oxidation Stability of Aviation turbine fuels (JFTOT Procedure) 航空燃油熱氧化穩定性試驗法(JFTOT程序) - 英文版 |
CNS 14669
- English Version Method of test for acidity in Aviation turbine fuel 航空燃油酸價試驗法 - 英文版 |
CNS 14243
- English Version Method of test for smoke point of kerosine and Aviation turbine fuels 煤油及航空燃油發煙點試驗法 - 英文版 |
CNS 14242
- English Version Method of test for peroxide number of Aviation turbine fuels 航空燃油過氧化物值測定法 - 英文版 |
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