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CNS 8938
- English Version Methods of Test for Enamelled Copper and Enamelled Aluminium Wires 漆包銅線及漆包鋁線檢驗法 - 英文版 |
CNS 11942-1
- English Version Methods for determination of copper in Copper and copper alloys 銅及銅合金中銅定量法 - 英文版 |
CNS 10442
- English Version Copper and copper alloy rods and bars 銅及銅合金棒 - 英文版 |
CNS 15356
- English Version Test method for continuity of anodic oxide coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys - Copper sulphate test 鋁及鋁合金之陽極氧化膜連續性試驗法-硫酸銅試驗法 - 英文版 |
CNS 11942-7
- English Version Methods for determination of aluminium in Copper and copper alloys 銅及銅合金中鋁定量法 - 英文版 |
CNS 5745
- English Version Method of test for Electrical Copper and Aluminium Wires 銅電線及鋁電線檢驗法 - 英文版 |
CNS 11942-5
- English Version Methods for determination of manganese in Copper and copper alloys 銅及銅合金中錳定量法 - 英文版 |
CNS 5127
- English Version Copper and copper alloy seamless pipes and tubes 銅及銅合金無縫管 - 英文版 |
CNS 672
- English Version Tin Coated Annealed Stranded Copper Wires 鍍錫軟銅絞電線 - 英文版 |
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CNS 11942-10
- English Version Methods for determination of cobalt in Copper and copper alloys 銅及銅合金中鈷定量法 - 英文版 |
CNS 9313
- English Version Method of Test for Colour Fastness to Metals in the Dyebath: Iron and Copper 耐染浴內鐵鹽及銅鹽染色堅牢度檢驗法 - 英文版 |
CNS 11942-9
- English Version Methods for determination of arsenic in Copper and copper alloys 銅及銅合金中砷定量法 - 英文版 |
CNS 9504
- English Version Methods for estimating average grain size of wrought Copper and copper alloys 銅及銅合金展伸材料之晶粒尺度測定法 - 英文版 |
CNS 11942-6
- English Version Methods for determination of nickel in Copper and copper alloys 銅及銅合金中鎳定量法 - 英文版 |
CNS 12869
- English Version Methods of Test for Minerals in Infant Formula -Test of Copper,Iron Magnesium, Manganese,Potassoium,Sodium and Zinc 嬰兒配方食品中礦物質之檢驗方法–銅、鐵、鎂、錳、鉀、鈉、鋅之檢驗 - 英文版 |
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CNS 11942-2
- English Version Methods for determination of tin in Copper and copper alloys 銅及銅合金中錫定量法 - 英文版 |
CNS 12834
- English Version Methods of Eddy Current Testing for Copper and copper alloy Pipes and Tubes 銅及銅合金管渦電流檢驗法 - 英文版 |
CNS 11942-3
- English Version Methods for determination of lead in Copper and copper alloys 銅及銅合金中鉛定量法 - 英文版 |
CNS 11942-19
- English Version Methods for determination of cadmium in Copper and copper alloys 銅及銅合金中鎘定量法 - 英文版 |
CNS 11942-22
- English Version Methods for determination of antimony in Copper and copper alloys 銅及銅合金中銻定量法 - 英文版 |
CNS 11942
- English Version General Rules of Chemical Analysis for Copper Products and Copper Alloys 銅及銅合金分析法通則 - 英文版 |
CNS 10913
- English Version Resistance and conductivity of copper materials for electrical purposes 電工用銅材電阻係數及導電率 - 英文版 |
CNS 11942-21
- English Version Methods for determination of chromium in Copper and copper alloys 銅及銅合金中鉻定量法 - 英文版 |
CNS 11942-8
- English Version Methods for determination of phosphorous in Copper and copper alloys 銅及銅合金中磷定量法 - 英文版 |
CNS 11942-4
- English Version Methods for determination of iron in Copper and copper alloys 銅及銅合金中鐵定量法 - 英文版 |
CNS 4125
- English Version Copper and copper alloy castings 銅及銅合金鑄件 - 英文版 |
CNS 5906
- English Version Non-sparking Beryllium Copper Alloy Tools - Hand Hammers 防爆用鈹銅合金手鎚 - 英文版 |
CNS 3114
- English Version Copper beryllium alloy, copper titanium alloy, phosphor bronze, copper-nickel-tin alloy and nickel silver sheets, plates and strips for springs 彈簧用鈹銅、鈦銅、磷青銅、鎳-錫銅及鎳銀之板及捲片 - 英文版 |
CNS 11942-23
- English Version Method for X-ray fluorescence spectrometric analysis of Copper and copper alloys 銅及銅合金之螢光X射線分析法 - 英文版 |
CNS 4157
- English Version Metallic and other inorganic coatings – Electrodeposited coatings of nickel, nickel plus chromium, copper plus nickel and of copper plus nickel plus chromium 金屬及其他無機電鍍層-鎳、鎳鉻、銅鎳及銅鎳鉻電鍍層 - 英文版 |
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