"Electrotechnical pro" CNS Standards Search Result |
1. Ready translated english version CNS Standards (
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2. Other English version CNS Standards are not ready translated, only after get your order, then we translate them, time usually need more 3-5 days . |
CNS 15050
- English Version Electrotechnical products - Determination of levels of six regulated substances (lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers) 電機電子類產品-六種管制物質(鉛、汞、鎘、六價鉻、多溴聯苯、多溴二苯醚)測定法 - 英文版 |
CNS 14545-3
- English Version Fire hazard testing-part 1:Guidance for the preparation of requirements and test specifications for assessing fire hazard of Electrotechnical products-Guidance for use of preselection procedures 火災危險性試驗-第1部:制定評估電氣產品之火災危險性需求及試驗內容之指引-預選程序之指引 - 英文版 |
CNS 14545-2
- English Version Fire hazard testing-part 1:Guidance for the preparation of requirements and test specifications for assessing fire hazard of Electrotechnical products-Guidance for electronic components 火災危險性試驗-第1部:制定評估電氣產品之火災危險性需求及試驗內容之指引-電子零組件之指引 - 英文版 |
CNS 14545-1
- English Version Fire hazard testing-part 1:Guidance for assessing fire hazard of Electrotechnical products(general guidance) 火災危險性試驗-第1部:評估電氣產品火災危險性的指引(通則) - 英文版 |
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