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CNS 14570
- English Version Steel and steel products - General technical delivery requirements 鋼及鋼製品之交貨技術規範通則 - 英文版 |
CNS 14306-2
- English Version Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates (Specifications and definitions for ISO surface profile comparators for the assessment of abrasive blas 塗料及有關製品塗裝前之鋼面處理-噴射清理鋼面之表面粗糙度特性(磨料噴射清理鋼面輪廓分級方法-參比標準板法) - 英文版 |
CNS 14306-1
- English Version Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates (Method for the calibration of ISO surface profile comparators and for the determination of surface pro 塗料及有關製品塗裝前之鋼面處理-噴射清理鋼面之表面粗糙度特性(磨料噴射清理表面評估用ISO表面輪廓參比標準板之規範及意義) - 英文版 |
CNS 15162
- English Version Standard test methods for heat analysis of steel products 鋼製品之鋼液分析法 - 英文版 |
CNS 14571
- English Version Steel and steel products─Inspection documents 鋼及鋼製品之檢驗文件 - 英文版 |
CNS 14502
- English Version Steel and steel products − Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing 鋼及鋼製品-機械試驗用供試樣及試片之採樣位置和製備 - 英文版 |
CNS 14306-4
- English Version Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates (Method for the calibration of ISO surface profile comparators and for the determination of surface pro 塗料及有關製品塗裝前之鋼面處理-噴射清理鋼面之表面粗糙度特性(ISO表面輪廓參比標準板校正方法及剖面曲線測定法-觸針法) - 英文版 |
CNS 13625
- English Version Product analysis and its tolerance for wrought steel 圓形砷化鎵單晶片產品標準 - 英文版 |
CNS 11836
- English Version Glossary of Terms Used in Iron and Steel (Products and Quality) 鋼鐵詞彙(製品及品質) - 英文版 |
CNS 15145
- English Version Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products-Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates (Method for the grading of surface profile of abrasive blast-cleaned steel-Comparator procedure) 調理肉品 - 英文版 |
CNS 14571
- English Version Steel and steel products─Inspection documents 鋼及鋼製品之檢驗文件 - 英文版 |
CNS 11836
- English Version Glossary of Terms Used in Iron and Steel (Products and Quality) 鋼鐵詞彙(製品及品質) - 英文版 |
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