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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 20130-2006
Self-shielding electron beam sterilizing facility
GB/T 23296.21-2009
食品接触材料 高分子材料 食品模拟物中顺丁烯二酸及顺丁烯二酸酐的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Food contact materials - Polymer - Determination of maleic acid and maleic anhydride in food simulants - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 22443-2018
Essential oil of rose, Chinese Kushui type(Rosa sertata×Rosa rugosa)
GB/T 42559-2023
声学 干涉型光纤水听器相移灵敏度测量(中英文版)
Acoustics - Interferometric Fiber Optic Hydrophone Phase Shift Sensitivity Measurement
GB/T 30769-2014
Stainless steel fruit knife
GB/T 33780.6-2017
基于云计算的电子政务公共平台技术规范 第6部分:服务测试(中英文版)
Technical specification of electronic government common platform based on cloud computing—Part 6:Service tests
GB 26373-2010
Hygienic standard for alcohol disinfectants
GB/T 492-1989
Sodium base lubricating grease
GB/T 35031.4-2022
用户端能源管理系统 第4部分:主站与网关信息交互规范(中英文版)
User end energy management system Part 4: Information exchange specification between master station and gateway
GB/T 13870.1-2008
电流对人和家畜的效应 第1部分:通用部分(中英文版)
Effects of current on human beings and livestock - Part 1: General aspects
GB/T 33006-2016
静电喷雾器 技术要求(中英文版)
Electrostatic sprayer—Technical requirements
GB/T 20969.5-2021
特殊环境条件 高原机械 第5部分:高原自然环境试验导则 工程机械(中英文版)
Special environmental condition—Machinery for plateau—Part 5:Guide rule of test for plateau natural environment—Construction machinery
GB/T 17980.64-2004
农药 田间药效试验准则(二) 第64部分:杀虫剂防治苹果金纹细蛾(中英文版)
Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(Ⅱ)--Part 64:Insecticides against leaf miner on apple
GB 18267-2013
GB/T 7299-2006
饲料添加剂 D-泛酸钙(中英文版)
Feed additive - Dextro calcium pantothenate
GB/T 32073-2015
无损检测 残余应力超声临界折射纵波检测方法(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing—Test method for measuring residual stress using ultrasonic critical refracted longitudinal wave
GB/T 24873-2010
Breeding stock of Arctic Fox
GB/T 39648-2020
纺织品 色牢度试验 数字图像技术评级(中英文版)
Textiles—Tests for colour fastness—Determination of colour fastness grades by digital imaging techniques
GB/T 37548-2019
Requirements of communication architecture and interface for substation equipments IOT
GB/T 28279.1-2012
滑动轴承 稳态条件下带回油槽流体静压径向滑动轴承 第1部分:带回油槽油润滑径向滑动轴承的计算(中英文版)
Plain bearing - Hydrostatic plain journal bearings with drainage grooves under steady-state conditions - Part 1: Calculation of oil-lubricated plain journal bearings with drainage grooves
GB/T 43865-2024
General rules for direct sampling mercury analysis method
GB/T 4312.1-1984
调频广播发射机技术参数和测量方法 单声和立体声(中英文版)
Technical parameters and measuring methods for FM broadcasting transmitters--Monophonic and stereophonic
GB/T 13305-2008
Micrographic method for determining area content of the α-phases in stainless steels
GB/T 22844-2009
Matched bedding
GB/T 36788-2018
病媒生物密度监测方法 蜱类(中英文版)
Surveillance methods for vector density—Ticks
GB/T 42813-2023
Data Paper Publishing Metadata
GB/T 31141-2014
Test method of bistable solenoid valve for household and similar use
GB/T 14409-1993
GB/T 21217.1-2007
电气用波纹纸板和薄纸板 第1部分:定义、命名及一般要求(中英文版)
Corrugated pressboard and presspaper for electrical purposes - Part 1: Definitions designations and general requirements
GB/T 34239-2017
Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-valerate)/polylactide (PHBV/PLA) blend filament yarn
GB/T 26302-2010
Seamless copper and copper alloys tube for heat pipe
GB/T 7739.8-2022
金精矿化学分析方法 第8部分:硫量的测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of gold concentrates - Part 8: Determination of sulfur content
GB/T 1452-2005
Test method for flatwise tension strength of sandwich constructions
GB 17859-1999
计算机信息系统 安全保护等级划分准则(中英文版)
Classified criteria for security protection of computer information system
GB/T 17913-2008
粮油储藏 磷化氢环流熏蒸装备(中英文版)
Grain and oil storage - Furnishment of phosphine recirculation fumigation
GB/T 35418-2017
纳米技术 碳纳米管中杂质元素的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法(中英文版)
Nanotechnologies—Determination of elemental impurities in samples of carbon nanotubes—Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
GB/T 4214.9-2021
家用和类似用途电器噪声测试方法 风扇的特殊要求(中英文版)
Test method for noise of household and similar electrical appliances—Particular requirements for fans
GB/T 4893.5-2013
家具表面漆膜理化性能试验 第5部分:厚度测定法(中英文版)
Test of surface coatings of furniture - Part 5: Determination of thickness
GB/T 12789.1-1991
核反应堆仪表准则 第一部分:一般原则(中英文版)
Criteria for nuclear reactor instrumentation--Part 1:General principles
GB/T 32467-2015
化学分析方法验证确认和内部质量控制 术语及定义(中英文版)
Verification and validation of methods and internal quality contorl on chemical analysis—Terms and definitons
GB/T 6144-2010
Synthetic cutting fluids
GB 7300.601-2020
饲料添加剂 第6部分:非蛋白氮 尿素(中英文版)
Feed additives-Part 6:Non-protein Nitrogen-Urea
GB/T 15181-1994
Capacity calibration of spherical metal tanks--Strapping method
GB/T 13793-2008
Steel pipes with a longitudinal electric (resistance) weld
GB/T 37884-2019
Determination of volatile organic compound(VOC)emission from coating materials
GB/T 13025.11-2012
制盐工业通用试验方法 氟的测定(中英文版)
General test method in salt industry - Determination of fluoride
GB/T 6497-1986
The general rules of terrestrial solar cell calibration
GB/T 20396-2006
三系杂交水稻及亲本 真实性和品种纯度鉴定 DNA分析方法(中英文版)
Identification of genuineness and varietal purity of three-line hybrid rice and its parents with DNA analysis method
GB/T 18311.3-2001
纤维光学互连器件和无源器件 基本试验和测量程序 第3-3部分:检查和测量 监测衰减和回波损耗变化(多路)(中英文版)
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components--Basic test and measurement procedures--Part 3-3:Examinations andmeasurements--Monitoring change in attenuation and in return loss (multiple paths)
GB/T 23824.3-2009
信息技术 实现元数据注册系统(MDR)内容一致性的规程 第3部分:值域(中英文版)
Information technology - Procedures for achieving metadata registry content consistency - Part 3: Value domains

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