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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 10954-2006
Turning tools for threads with clamp tips
GB/T 24986.3-2010
家用和类似用途电器可靠性评价方法 第3部分: 洗衣机的特殊要求(中英文版)
Evaluation methods for reliability on household and similar electrical appliances - Part 3: Particular requirements for washing machines
GB/T 41152-2021
城市和社区可持续发展 低碳发展水平评价导则(中英文版)
Sustainable cities and communities -- Guides for low-carbon development evaluation
GB/T 32067-2015
Map legends and symbols of marine features
GB/T 19920-2020
Container buttress fitting for ships
GB/T 27920.2-2012
数字航空摄影规范 第2部分:推扫式数字航空摄影(中英文版)
Specifications for digital aerial photography - Part 2: Push-broom digital aerial photography
GB/T 15521-1995
Format and classification of digital audio tape cassette system (DAT) used for broadcasting
GB/T 7670-2009
电动振动发生系统(设备) 性能特性(中英文版)
Electrodynamic vibration generating systems(equipment) - Performance characteristics
GB/T 37330-2019
有砟轨道轨枕 混凝土枕(中英文版)
Sleeper for ballasted track—Concrete sleeper
GB/T 43979-2024
Indoor LED display light comfort evaluation method
GB/T 16254-2008
GB/T 31226-2014
Standard test method for determination of surface roughness by scanning tunneling microscopy for gas distribution system components
GB/T 5986-2000
Test method for modulus of elasticity of thermostat metals
GB/T 36588-2018
过压保护安全装置 通用数据(中英文版)
Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure—Common data
GB/T 3163-2007
真空技术 术语(中英文版)
Vacuum technology - Terminology
GB 50208-2011
Code for acceptance of construction quality of underground waterproof
GB/T 3251-2023
Compression test methods for aluminum and aluminum alloy products
GB 3378-1982
Subscriber line signalling system for telephone automatic switching network
GB/T 7700-2005
16mm电影放映机片轴 尺寸(中英文版)
Spindle for 16mm motion picture projector reels-Dimensions
GB/T 22511-2008
Aluminum bottles packaging for chemical products
GB/T 2101-2017
General requirment of acceptance, packaging, marking and certification for section steel
GB/T 13081-2022
Determination of Mercury in Feed
GB/T 29888-2013
General requirements of DNA array-based mycobacteria identification
GB/T 16088-1995
车间空气中氯乙烯的直接进样气相色谱测定方法 (PEG 6000)(中英文版)
Workplace air--Determination of vinyl chloride--Direct injection gas chromatographic method (PEG 6000)
GB/T 33371.1-2016
色漆和清漆用漆基 醇酸树脂 第1部分:通用试验方法(中英文版)
Binders for paints and varnishes—Alkyd resins—Part 1: General methods of test
GB/T 25046-2010
High magnetic induction cold-rolled non-oriented electrical steel strip and sheet
GB/T 39820-2021
Cerium bromide scintillator
GB 11567.1-2001
Motor vehicles and trailers--Lateral protectionrequirements
GB/T 18854-2015
液压传动 液体自动颗粒计数器的校准(中英文版)
Hydraulic fluid power—Calibration of automatic particle counters for liquids
GB/T 29479.2-2020
移动实验室 第2部分:能力要求(中英文版)
Mobile laboratory—Part 2: Competence requirements
GB/T 1608-2008
Potassium permanganate for industrial use
GB/T 28648-2012
化学品 急性吸入毒性试验 急性毒性分类法(中英文版)
Chemicals - Acute inhalation toxicity testing - Acute toxic class method
GB 50281-2006
Code for construction and acceptance of foam fire extinguishing systems
GB/T 14643.5-2009
工业循环冷却水中菌藻的测定方法 第5部分:硫酸盐还原菌的测定 MPN法(中英文版)
Examination of bacteria and algae in industrial circulating cooling water - Part 5: Examination of sulfate-reducing bacteria - MPN test
GB/T 37738-2019
信息技术 云计算 云服务质量评价指标(中英文版)
Information technology—Cloud computing—Cloud service quality evaluation indicator
GB 4706.13-2014
家用和类似用途电器的安全 制冷器具、冰淇淋机和制冰机的特殊要求(中英文版)
Household and similar electrical appliances―Safety―Particular requirements for refrigerating appliances, ice-cream appliances and ice-makers
GB/T 6472-1996
立式内拉床 精度检验(中英文版)
Vertical internal broaching machines--Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 36136-2018
General requirements of DNA array-based M.tuberculosis drug resistance detection
GB/T 26674-2011
道路车辆 起动机电气特性试验方法(中英文版)
Road vehicle - Electrical performance of starter motors - Test methods
GB/T 43216-2023
Technical requirements for monitoring karst critical zones
GB 10330-1989
Hygienic standard for carbon black dust in the air of workplace
GB 22612-2008
Cartap hydrochloride technical
GB/T 1506-2002
锰矿石 锰含量的测定 电位滴定法和硫酸亚铁铵滴定法(中英文版)
Manganese ores--Determination of manganese content--Potentiometric method and ammonium iron (II) sulphate titrimetric method
GB/T 22780-2017
Liquid crystal displaying quartz watches
GB/T 41469-2022
数字教材 中小学数字教材元数据(中英文版)
Digital textbook metadata of primary and secondary school digital textbook
GB/T 4654-2008
The general technical specifications for non-metallic basic body infrared heater
GB/T 2900.5-2013
电工术语 绝缘固体、液体和气体(中英文版)
Electrotechnical terminology―Electrical insulating solids,liquids and gases
GB/T 35244-2017
Guideline for risk information management of consumer product quality safety
GB/T 19851.14-2007
中小学体育器材和场地 第14部分:球网(中英文版)
Sports equipment and playground for middle school & primary school - Part 14:Net
GB/T 13071-2010
地质水样 234U/238U、230Th/232Th 放射性活度比值的测定 - 萃淋树脂萃取色层分离 α 能谱法(中英文版)
Geological waters samples - Determination of radioactive ratios 234U/238U and 230Th/232Th - Extraction chromatograph and alpha spectrometry measure

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