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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 16919-1997
Food grade spirulina powder
GB/T 33012.2-2016
道路车辆 车辆对窄带辐射电磁能的抗扰性试验方法 第2部分:车外辐射源法(中英文版)
Road vehicles—Vehicle test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy—Part 2: Off-vehicle radiation sources
GB 29224-2012
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 乙酸乙酯(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additive - Ethyl Acetate
GB/Z 20283-2006
信息安全技术 保护轮廓和安全目标的产生指南(中英文版)
Information security technology - Guide for the production of PPs and STs
GB/T 6960.8-2021
拖拉机术语 第8部分:电子控制系统(中英文版)
Tractor terminology—Part 8:Electronic control system
GB/T 24223-2009
铬矿石 磷含量的测定 还原磷钼酸盐分光光度法(中英文版)
Chromium ores - Determination of phosphorus content - Reduced molybdophosphate photometric method
GB/T 18606-2001
The standard test method for biomarker in sediment and crude oil by GC-MS
GB 8031-2015
Industrial electric blasting cap
GB/T 39673.3-2020
住宅和楼宇电子系统(HBES)及楼宇自动化和控制系统(BACS) 第3部分:电气安全要求(中英文版)
Home and building electronic systems (HBES) and building automation and control systems (BACS)—Part 3: Electrical safety requirements
GB 18143-2011
眼科仪器 试镜架(中英文版)
Ophthalmic instruments - Trial frames
GB/T 37604-2019
船舶和海上技术 船舶设计 应急拖带程序导则(中英文版)
Ships and marine technology—Ship design—General guidance on emergency towing procedures
GB/T 43848-2024
Network Security Technology-Software Product Open Source Code Security Assessment =Price method
GB/T 16911-2008
Code of dust control for cement producting
GB/T 17243-1998
Feed grade spirulina powder
GB 4706.25-2008
家用和类似用途电器的安全 洗碗机的特殊要求(中英文版)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Particular requirements for dishwashers
GB/T 36877-2018
结构胶粘剂冲击剥离强度的测定 楔形物法(中英文版)
Determination of impact peel strength of structural adhesives — Wedge method
GB/T 30431-2013
Gas chromatograph for laboratory
GB/T 20899.10-2007
金矿石化学分析方法 第10部分:锑量的测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of gold ores - Part 10:Determination of antimony contents
GB/T 22427.7-2023
Starch viscosity determination
GB 12489-2010
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 吗啉脂肪酸盐果蜡(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Morpholine fatty acid salt fruit wax
GB/Z 17625.6-2003
电磁兼容 限值 对额定电流大于16A的设备在低压供电系统中产生的谐波电流的限制(中英文版)
Electromagnetic compatibility--Limits--Limitation of emission of harmonic currents in low-voltage power supply systems for equipment with rated current greater than 16A
GB/T 34298-2017
Classification of snowstorms
GB/T 24554-2022
Fuel cell engine performance test method
GB/T 12354-1990
Method of model designation for the electronic computer peripheral equipment
GB/T 35686-2017
Electrical apparatus and installation in areas endangered by explosives
GB/T 29391-2012
Specification of remote sensing for rock desertification monitoring of grassland in Karst area
GB/T 39889-2021
Braille writing board
GB 15146.1-2008
反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全 第1部分:核临界安全行政管理规定(中英文版)
Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactors - Part 1: Administrative practices for nuclear criticality safety
GB 12350-2009
Safety requirements of small-power motors
GB/T 32421-2015
软件工程 软件评审与审核(中英文版)
Software engineering—Software reviews and audits
GB/T 244-2020
金属材料 管 弯曲试验方法(中英文版)
Metallic material—Tube—Bend test method
GB/T 21470-2008
锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差 盘、柱、环、筒类(中英文版)
Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer - Disks, columns, rings and seamless cylindrical sleeves
GB/T 27637-2011
Real-time PCR method for the detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis
GB/T 8381.3-2005
Detemination of lincomycin in feedstuff
GB/T 19321-2003
小艇 操舵装置 齿轮传动连接系统(中英文版)
Small craft--Steering gear--Geared link systems
GB/T 37896-2019
Lightweight crystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) laminated glass
GB 4706.29-2008
家用和类似用途电器的安全 便携式电磁灶的特殊要求(中英文版)
Household and similar electrical appliances-safety - Particular requirements for portable induction cooker
GB/T 36262-2018
Fiber reinforced polymer composite grids for civil engineering
GB/T 3032-2014
Marks for marine piping valves and fittings
GB 15193.28-2020
食品安全国家标准 体外哺乳类细胞微核试验(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standards In vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test
GB/T 25793-2010
反应黄KN-GR 150%(C.I.反应黄15)(中英文版)
Reactive yellow KN-GR 150%(C.I. Reactive yellow 15)
GB 34467-2017
饲料添加剂 柠檬酸钙(中英文版)
Feed additive-Calcium citrate
GB/Z 41476.4-2022
无损检测仪器 1MV以下X射线设备的辐射防护规则 第4部分:控制区域的计算(中英文版)
Non destructive testing instruments - radiation protection rules for X-ray equipment up to 1mV - Part 4: Calculation of control area
GB/T 16456.3-2008
硬质合金螺旋齿立铣刀 第3部分:莫氏锥柄立铣刀 型式和尺寸(中英文版)
End mills with brazed helical hardmetal tips - Part 3: Dimensions of end mills with morse typer shank
GB/T 22350-2017
Moulded plywood
GB/T 29284-2012
Poly (lactic acid)
GB/Z 20495-2006
电子成像 成功实施电子影像管理涉及的人及组织的问题(中英文版)
Electronic imaging - Human and organizational issues for successful Electronic Image Management(EIM) implementation
GB/T 19496-2004
Determinating of the compressive strength of spun high-strength concrete cores
GB 16161-2021
Regulations for the shape of the marks of maritime buoyage system in China
GB/T 13525-1992
Test method for tensile-impact property of plastics

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