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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 902.3-2008
Weld studs for capacitor discharge welding
GB/T 12808-2015
实验室玻璃仪器 单标线吸量管(中英文版)
Laboratory glassware—One mark pipettes
GB 16382-1996
Diagnostic criteria and principles ofmanagement of occupational ulcers
GB/T 21833.1-2020
奥氏体-铁素体型双相不锈钢无缝钢管 第1部分:热交换器用管(中英文版)
Seamless austenitic-ferritic (duplex) stainless steel tubes and pipes—Part 1: Tubes for heat exchanger
GB/T 16554-2010
Diamond grading
GB/T 21361-2008
Motor vehicle air-conditioning unit
GB/T 17572-1998
半导体器件 集成电路 第2部分:数字集成电路 第四篇 CMOS数字集成电路 4000B和4000UB系列族规范(中英文版)
Semiconductor devices--Integrated circuits--Part 2:Digital integrated circuits--Section Four:Family specification for complementary MOS digital integrated circuits,series 4000B and 4000UB
GB/T 37724-2019
信息技术 工业云服务 能力通用要求(中英文版)
Information technology—Industrial cloud service—Capabilities general requirements
GB/T 14691.6-2005
技术产品文件 字体 第6部分:古代斯拉夫字母(中英文版)
Technical product documentation-Lettering-Part6:Cyrillic alphabet
GB/T 28676-2012
汽车零部件再制造 分类(中英文版)
Remanufacturing of automotive components - Classification
GB/T 24338.3-2018
轨道交通 电磁兼容 第3-1部分:机车车辆 列车和整车(中英文版)
Railway applications—Electromagnetic compatibility—Part 3-1:Rolling stock—Train and complete vehicle
GB 5768.1-2009
道路交通标志和标线 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Road traffic signs and markings - Part 1: General
GB/T 43201.4-2023
工业自动化系统与集成 生产系统工程的标准化程序 第4部分:生产计划过程中的关键绩效指标(中英文版)
Industrial Automation Systems and Integration Standardized Procedures for Production Systems Engineering Part 4: Key Performance Indicators in the Production Planning Process
GB/T 31065-2014
Fire-resistant hose and hose assemblies for drilling platform tensioner
GB/T 34657.1-2017
电动汽车传导充电互操作性测试规范 第1部分:供电设备(中英文版)
Interoperability test specifications of electric vehicle conductive charging—Part 1: Supply equipment
GB/T 6151-1997
纺织品 色牢度试验 试验通则(中英文版)
Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--General principle of testing
GB/T 41442-2022
山羊绒净绒率试验方法 近红外光谱法(中英文版)
Test method for cashmere net cashmere yield near infrared spectroscopy
GB/T 26553-2011
印刷机械 热敏型计算机直接制版机(中英文版)
Printing machinery - Thermal computer-to-plate plate-setter
GB/T 21882-2008
液体染料 黏度的测定(中英文版)
Liquid dyes - Determination of the viscosity
GB/T 18138.1-2000
信息技术 开放系统互连 表示层一致性测试套 第1部分:表示协议测试套结构和测试目的(中英文版)
Information technology--Open Systems Interconnection--Conformancetest suite for the presentation layer--Part 1:Test suite structure and testpurposes for the presentation protocol
GB/T 35706-2017
Technical rule for ice mapping of power grid
GB/T 22626-2008
水处理剂阻垢性能的测定 磷酸钙沉积法(中英文版)
Determination of scale inhibition performance of water treatment agents - Calcium phosphate precipitation method
GB/T 40236-2021
Borosilicate glass tubing
GB 20429-2006
Installation rule for water heaters
GB/T 30098-2013
Laboratory magnetic driven autoclave
GB/T 16284.8-2016
信息技术 信报处理系统(MHS) 第8部分:电子数据交换信报处理服务(中英文版)
Information technology—Message handling system(MHS)—Part 8: Electronic data interchange messaging service
GB/T 5230-2020
Electrodeposited copper foil for printed board
GB/T 14506.2-2010
硅酸盐岩石化学分析方法 第2部分:化合水量测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of silicate rocks - Part 2: Determination of combined water content
GB/T 21891-2015
酸性艳蓝 P-3R 200%(C.I.酸性蓝281)(中英文版)
Acid brilliant blue P-3R 200%(C.I. Acid blue 281)
GB/T 38409-2019
皮革 化学试验 N-甲基吡咯烷酮(NMP)和N-乙基吡咯烷酮(NEP)的测定(中英文版)
Leather—Chemical tests—Determination of N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone(NMP) and N-ethyl-2-pyrrolidone (NEP) content
GB/T 5095.4-1997
电子设备用机电元件 基本试验规程及测量方法 第4部分:动态应力试验(中英文版)
Electromechanical components for electronic equipment--Basic testing procedures and measuring methods--Part 4:Dynamic stress tests
GB/T 28802-2012
General technical requirements for jade carving
GB/T 15852.1-2008
信息技术 安全技术 消息鉴别码 第1部分:采用分组密码的机制(中英文版)
Information technology - Security techniques - Message Authentication Codes(MACs) - Part 1: Mechanisms using a block cipher
GB/T 18500.1-2001
半导体器件 集成电路 第4部分:接口集成电路 第一篇:线性数字/模拟转换器(DAC)空白详细规范(中英文版)
Semiconductor devices--Integrated circuits--Part 4:Interface integrated circuits--Section 1:Blank detail specification for linear digital-to-analogue converters(DAC)
GB/T 18840-2018
Inlay for bituminous waterproof sheets
GB/T 24137-2009
Wood-plastic composite decorative boards
GB/T 43269-2023
信息安全技术 网络安全应急能力评估准则(中英文版)
Information Security Technology Network Security Emergency Capability Assessment Criteria
GB/T 7597-2007
Method of sampling for transformer and turbine oils in electric power industry
GB 31571-2015
Emission standard of pollutants for petroleum chemistry industry
GB/T 7602.4-2017
变压器油、涡轮机油中T501抗氧化剂含量测定法 第4部分:气质联用法(中英文版)
Quantitative determination of T501 oxidation inhibitor content in transformer oil or turbine oil—Part 4: GC/MS method
GB/T 42383.5-2023
智能制造 网络协同设计 第5部分:多学科协同仿真(中英文版)
Intelligent Manufacturing Network Collaborative Design Part 5: Multidisciplinary Collaborative Simulation
GB 50721-2011
Code for design of water supply & drainage of iron and steel enterprises
GB/T 33501-2017
Test method for tensile property of C/C composites
GB/T 23139-2008
Pulsed xenon lamp
GB/T 16931-2022
Classification of winter para sports athletes
GB/T 30354-2013
Criterion for bulk transportation of edible vegetable oils
GB/T 10262-1988
Beta backscattering thicknessmeter for small area of plating (coating)
GB/T 18254-2016
High-carbon chromium bearing steel
GB/T 96.2-2002
大垫圈 C级(中英文版)
Large series--Product grade C
GB/T 40588-2021
Technical provisions for automatic under-voltage load shedding in electric power systems

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