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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 50518-2020
Standard for the equipment configuration of ventilative safety of coal colliery
GB 17465.2-2009
家用和类似用途器具耦合器 第2部分:家用和类似设备用互连耦合器(中英文版)
Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 2: Interconnection couplers for household and similar equipment
GB/T 5213-2019
Cold rolled low carbon steel sheet and strip
GB/T 21956.2-2024
Agricultural and forestry tractors - Rollover protection devices for narrow-track wheeled tractors - Part 2: Rear-mounted
GB/T 14235.1-1993
熔模铸造模料 熔点测定方法(冷却曲线法)(中英文版)
Testing method for melting point of pattern materials in investment casting
GB/T 22260-2008
饲料中甲基睾丸酮的测定 高效液相色谱串联质谱法(中英文版)
Determination of methyltestosterone in feeds - High performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
GB/T 18007-2011
咖啡及其制品 术语(中英文版)
Coffee and coffee products - Vocabulary
GB/T 3301-1999
Standard method for measurement of volume,rim diameter allowance, hight allowance, weight allowance and size of defects of domestic ceramic ware
GB/T 36721-2018
Specification for museum audience service
GB/T 15587-2023
能源管理体系 分阶段实施指南(中英文版)
Energy Management System Phased Implementation Guide
GB/T 13309-2007
机械振动台 技术条件(中英文版)
Specification for mechanical vibration generator systems
GB/T 22697.1-2008
电气设备热表面灼伤风险评估 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
The risk assessment for the temperatures of hot surfaces of electrical equipments to be touched - Part 1: General requirements
GB 50954-2014
Code for design of municipal solid waste co-processing in cement kiln
GB/T 5195.3-2017
萤石 105℃质损量的测定 重量法(中英文版)
Fluorspar—Determination of loss in mass at 105℃—Gravimetric method
GB/T 31464-2022
Grid Operation Guidelines
GB/T 25751-2010
Compression gas spring technical specification
GB 16487.10-2017
Environmental protection control standard for imported solid wastes as raw materials—Metal and electrical appliance scraps
GB/T 22683-2021
Methods used to designate model of controls for household and similar use
GB/T 3036-1994
Marine center-pivoted butterfly valves
GB/T 15342-2012
Talc powder
GB 23200.4-2016
食品安全国家标准 除草剂残留量检测方法第4部分:气相色谱-质谱/质谱法测定 食品中芳氧苯氧丙酸酯类除草剂残留量(中英文版)
National food safety standards—Determination of aryloxyphenoxypropionate herbicide residues in foods Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
GB 18281.1-2000
医疗保健产品灭菌 生物指示物 第1部分:通则(中英文版)
Sterilization of health care products--Biological indicators--Part 1:General
GB/T 38832-2020
基于公用电信网的宽带客户网络联网技术要求 通照一体化高速可见光通信(中英文版)
Technical requirements of broadband customer networking based on public telecommunication network—High-speed visible light communications under lighting constrains
GB/T 21730-2008
Concentrated orange juice
GB/T 24482-2009
Roasted molybdenum concentrate
GB/T 37988-2019
信息安全技术 数据安全能力成熟度模型(中英文版)
Information security technology—Data security capability maturity model
GB/T 20110-2006
液压传动 零件和元件的清洁度 与污染物的收集、分析和数据报告相关的检验文件和准则(中英文版)
Hydraulic fluid power - Cleanliness of parts and components - Inspection document and principles related to contaminant collection,analysis and data reporting
GB/T 27888.4-2011
船舶与海上技术 船舶与海上结构物的排水系统 第4部分:卫生水排放和污水处理管(中英文版)
Ships and marine technology - Drainage systems on ships and marine structures - Part 4: Sanitary drainage,sewage disposal pipes
GB/T 1216-2018
External micrometer
GB 1886.355-2022
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 甜菊糖苷(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standards Food Additives Steviol Glycosides
GB 15702-1995
Specifications for electronic charts
GB/T 23935-2009
Design of cylindrical helical springs
GB/T 8738-2014
Zinc alloy ingots for casting
GB/T 34471.2-2017
弹性合金 第2部分:恒弹性合金(中英文版)
Elastic alloys—Part 2: Constant elastic alloys
GB/T 18713-2002
Solar water heating systems--Design,installation and engineering acceptance
GB/T 41626-2022
动物腧穴名称与定位 马属动物(中英文版)
Animal acupoint names and locations Equus animals
GB 10070-1988
Standard of environmental vibration in urban area
GB/T 22226-2008
Standard test method for boiling point of engine coolants
GB/T 26053-2010
Spray welding powder for cemented carbide
GB/T 35146-2017
石油天然气工业 海上钻井和修井设备(中英文版)
Petroleum and natural gas industries—Offshore drilling and workover equipment
GB/T 3075-2021
金属材料 疲劳试验 轴向力控制方法(中英文版)
Metallic materials—Fatigue testing—Axial force-controlled method
GB/T 20718-2006
道路车辆 牵引车和挂车之间的电连接器 12V13芯型(中英文版)
Road vehicles - Connectors for the electrical connection of towing and towed vehicles - 13-pole connector for vehicles with 12V nominal supply voltage
GB/T 29493.5-2013
纺织染整助剂中有害物质的测定 第5部分:乳液聚合物中游离甲醛含量的测定(中英文版)
Determination of harmful substances in textile dyeing and fininshing auxiliaries - Part 5: Determination of free formaldehyde in emulsion polymers
GB/T 15776-2016
Afforestation technical regulations
GB 39727-2020
Emission standard of air pollutants for pesticides industry
GB/T 9313-1995
General specifications for CRT display device of computer
GB 13649-2009
Fenitrothion technical
GB/T 31586.1-2015
防护涂料体系对钢结构的防腐蚀保护 涂层附着力/内聚力(破坏强度)的评定和验收准则 第1部分:拉开法试验(中英文版)
Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems—Assessment of ,and acceptance criteria for,the adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of a coating—Part 1: Pull-off testing
GB 50144-2019
Standard for appraisal of reliability of industrial buildings and structures
GB/T 652-2003
化学试剂 氯化钡(中英文版)
Chemical reagent--Barium chloride dihydrate

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