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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 4661-2015
滚动轴承 圆柱滚子(中英文版)
Rolling bearings—Cylindrical rollers
GB/T 17802-2011
Thermal analysis test methods for Arrhenius kinetics constants of thermally unstable materials
GB/T 21091-2007
普通照明用自镇流无极荧光灯 性能要求(中英文版)
Self-ballasted electrodeless fluorescent lamps for general lighting services - Performance requirements
GB 18613-2020
Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and values of efficiency grades for motors
GB/T 22640-2008
Test method of C-Ring sample to stress-corrosion cracking for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys products
GB/T 37886-2019
Technical requirements for RFID read-write equipment of gas cylinder
GB/T 30149-2013
Grid common model description specification
GB/T 14926.22-2001
实验动物 小鼠肝炎病毒检测方法(中英文版)
Laboratory animal--Method for examination of mouse hepatitis virus(MHV)
GB/T 18400.7-2010
加工中心检验条件 第7部分:精加工试件精度检验(中英文版)
Test conditions for machining centres - Part 7: Accuracy of a finished test piece
GB/T 35021-2018
增材制造 工艺分类及原材料(中英文版)
Additive manufacturing—Process categories and feedstock
GB 43069-2023
Safety technical requirements for mining cables
GB/T 34525-2017
Safety rules for handling, loading and unloading, storing and using of cylinder
GB/T 28898-2012
Evaluation of uncertainty in chemical composition analysis for metallurgical materials
GB/T 2861.11-2008
冲模导向装置 第11部分:压板(中英文版)
Guide unit for stamping dies - Part 11: Clampers
GB/T 29829-2022
信息安全技术 可信计算密码支撑平台功能与接口规范(中英文版)
Information security technology trusted computing cryptographic support platform function and interface specification
GB/T 817-1988
Slotted round nuts
GB 24161-2009
Periodic inspection and evaluation of composite cylinders for breathing apparatus
GB/T 20066-2006
钢和铁 化学成分测定用试样的取样和制样方法(中英文版)
Steel and iron -- Sampling and preparation of samples for the determination of chemical composition
GB/T 16895.20-2017
低压电气装置第 5-55 部分:电气设备的选择和安装 其他设备(中英文版)
Low-voltage electrical installations—Part 5-55:Selection and erection of electrical equipment—Other equipment
GB/T 27926.8-2021
金融服务 金融业通用报文方案 第8部分:ASN.1生成(中英文版)
Financial services—Universal financial industry message scheme—Part 8:ASN.1 generation
GB/T 5907.2-2015
消防词汇 第2部分:火灾预防(中英文版)
Fire protection vocabulary—Part 2: Fire prevention
GB/T 5273-2016
Dimensional standardisation of terminals for high-voltage apparatus
GB 18871-2002
Basic standards for protection against ionizing radiation and for the safety of radiation sources
GB/T 11059-2011
原油蒸气压的测定 膨胀法(中英文版)
Standard test method for determination of vapor pressure of crude oil:VPCRx (expansion method)
GB/T 39551.7-2020
专利导航指南 第7部分:服务要求(中英文版)
Patent navigation guide—Part 7:Service requirement
GB/T 8452-2008
Test method for verticality of glass bottles
GB/T 31569-2015
六轴联动数控螺旋锥齿轮铣齿机 精度检验(中英文版)
6-axis simultaneous CNC spiral bevel gear milling machines—Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 38256-2019
Test method for optical axis parallelism of multiple optical paths
GB/T 30330-2013
中国出版物在线信息交换 图书产品信息格式规范(中英文版)
China online information exchang for publications-Product information format specification for books
GB/T 2900.52-2008
电工术语 发电、输电及配电 发电(中英文版)
Electrotechnical terminology - Generation,transmission and distribution of electricity - Generation
GB/T 21645.7-2010
自动交换光网络(ASON)技术要求 第7部分:自动发现(中英文版)
Technical requirements for automatically switched optical network -Part 7: Automatic discovery
GB/T 4169.15-2006
塑料注射模零件 第15部分: 扁推杆(中英文版)
Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 15: Flat ejector pin
GB 51321-2018
Electronic industrial plant integrated automation engineering technical standards
GB/Z 43444.1-2023
智能设备管理 第1部分:概念和定义(中英文版)
Smart Device Management Part 1: Concepts and Definitions
GB/T 34690.8-2017
印刷技术 胶印数字化过程控制 第8部分:胶印设备(中英文版)
Graphic technology—Digitalized process control for offset printing—Part 8: Offset press
GB/T 16829-2003
信息技术 自动识别与数据采集技术 条码码制规范 交插二五条码(中英文版)
Information technology--Automatic identification and data capture techniques--Bar code symbology specifications--Interleaved 2 of 5
GB/T 28981-2012
Detection and identification of Odontoglossum ringspot virus
GB/T 42319-2023
船舶和海上技术 航行数据记录仪(VDR)操作和安装指南(中英文版)
Ships and offshore technology - Guidelines for the operation and installation of voyage data recorders (VDR)
GB/T 19148.3-2009
灯座的型式和尺寸 第3部分:预聚焦式灯座(中英文版)
Types and dimensions of lampholders - Part 3: Prefocus lampholders
GB/T 33642-2017
农林拖拉机轮胎 快速耐磨试验方法(中英文版)
Tractor tires for agriculture and forestry—Test procedures of quick abrasion resistance
GB/T 17489-2022
液压传动 颗粒污染分析 从工作系统管路中提取液样(中英文版)
Hydraulic transmission Particulate contamination analysis Liquid sampling from working system piping
GB/T 16258-2008
棉纤维 含糖试验方法 定量法(中英文版)
Cotton fibers - Test method for sugar content - Quantitative method
GB 1886.191-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 柠檬醛(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - citral
GB/T 27611-2011
General requirements and labeling for recycled and remanufactured products
GB/T 12364-2007
Networking technical requirement for the Domestic(GSO/FSS) satellite communication system
GB/T 40752-2021
Sepecifications for operation management of orah poverty alleviation project
GB/T 23227-2008
卷烟纸、成形纸、接装纸及具有定向透气带的材料 透气度的测定(中英文版)
Materials used as cigarette papers, filter plug wrap and filter joining paper, including materials having an oriented permeable zone - Determination of air permeability
GB/T 19810-2005
聚乙烯(PE)管材和管件 热熔对接接头 拉伸强度和破坏形式的测定(中英文版)
Polyethylene(PE)pipe and fittings-Determination of the tensile strength and failure mode of test pieces from a butt-fused joint
GB/T 714-2015
Structural steel for bridge
GB/T 39360-2020
Evaluation and testing of performance of industrial robot control system

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