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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 29165.1-2012
石油天然气工业 玻璃纤维增强塑料管 第1部分:词汇、符号、应用及材料(中英文版)
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping - Part 1: Vocabulary, symbols, applications and materials
GB/T 35761-2017
Determination methods of heavy metal element content in printing ink or painting of fireworks and firecracker
GB/T 16484.16-2009
氯化稀土、碳酸轻稀土化学分析方法 第16部分:氯化稀土中水不溶物量的测定 重量法(中英文版)
Chemical analysis methods of rare earth chloride and light rare earth carbonate - Part 16: Determination of water insoluble substance content in rare earth chloride - Gravimetry
GB/T 3883.209-2021
手持式、可移式电动工具和园林工具的安全 第209部分:手持式攻丝机和套丝机的专用要求(中英文版)
Safety of motor-operated hand-held, transportable and garden tools - Part 209: Particular requirements for hand-held tappers and threaders
GB/T 32427-2015
信息技术 SOA 成熟度模型及评估方法(中英文版)
Information technology—SOA maturity model and assessment method
GB/T 32288-2020
Electrical steel core for power transformers
GB/T 28229-2011
Detection of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli in ballast water of entry-exit ships
GB/T 16505.3-1996
信息处理系统 开放系统互连 文卷传送、访问和管理 第3部分:文卷服务定义(中英文版)
Information processing systems--Open systems interconnection--File transfer, access and management--Part 3:File service definition
GB/T 21680-2008
木工圆锯片 尺寸(中英文版)
Circular saw blades for woodworking - Dimensions
GB/T 23305.2-2009
造船 船体结构单元的拓扑 第2部分:单元的描述(中英文版)
Shipbuilding - topology of ship hull structure elements - Part 2: Description of elements
GB/T 37946-2019
Test method of thermal stability of materials for organic light emitting diode display (OLED)
GB/T 17880.6-1999
Specifications for riveted nuts
GB/T 30579-2014
Damage modes identification for pressure equipments
GB/T 20204-2006
General testing specification of automatic system equipment for water resources and hydrology
GB/T 19557.12-2018
植物品种特异性、一致性和稳定性测试指南 大蒜(中英文版)
Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability—Garlic(Allium sativum L.)
GB/T 25847-2010
Standard specification for chemically setting silicate chemical - resistant mortars
GB 1886.346-2021
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 柑橘黄(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard Food Additive Citrus Yellow
GB/T 13747.6-1992
锆及锆合金化学分析方法 2,9-二甲基-1,10-二氮杂菲分光光度法测定铜量(中英文版)
Zirconium and zirconium alloys--Determination of copper content--2,9-Dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline spectrophotometric method
GB/T 34453-2017
General technical requirements for swing child car
GB 23350-2021
限制商品过度包装要求 食品和化妆品(中英文版)
Restrictions on Excessive Packaging Requirements for Products Food and Cosmetics
GB/T 4324.23-2012
钨化学分析方法 第23部分:硫量的测定 燃烧电导法和高频燃烧红外吸收法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 23: Determination of sulfur content - The combustion-conductometric titration and high frequency combustion-infrared absorption method
GB/T 8129-1997
工业自动化系统 机床数值控制 词汇(中英文版)
Industrial automation systems--Numerical control of machines--Vocabulary
GB/T 6017-2008
工业用丁二烯纯度及烃类杂质的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Butadiene for industrial use - Determination of purity and hydrocarbon impurities - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 9101-2017
Polyamide 66 dipped tyre cord fabric
GB/T 1209.3-2009
农业机械 切割器 第3部分:动刀片、定刀片和刀杆(中英文版)
Agricultural machinery - Cutter bars - Part 3:Knife sections, ledger plates and knife backs
GB/T 40495-2021
船舶和海上技术 船用起重设备可拆卸零部件 一般技术要求(中英文版)
Ships and marine technology—Loose gear for marine lifting appliances on ships—General technical requirement
GB/T 24031-2001
环境管理 环境表现评价 指南(中英文版)
Environmental management--Envionmental performance evaluation--Guidelines
GB/T 2424.6-2006
电工电子产品环境试验 温度/湿度试验箱性能确认(中英文版)
Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Confirmation of the performance of temperature/humidity chambers
GB/T 3780.21-2016
炭黑 第21部分:筛余物的测定 水冲洗法(中英文版)
Carbon black—Part 21:Determination of sieve residue—Water washing method
GB 51445-2021
Standard for process design of antimony smelter
GB/T 17626.9-2011
电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 脉冲磁场抗扰度试验(中英文版)
Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Pulse magnetic field immunity test
GB/T 31593.3-2015
消防安全工程 第3部分:火灾风险评估指南(中英文版)
Fire safety engineering—Part 3: Guidance on fire risk assessment
GB/T 23458-2009
Ceramic tile for plaza
GB/T 38319-2019
建筑及居住区数字化技术应用 智能硬件技术要求(中英文版)
Digital technique application of building and residence community—Technical requirements for intelligent hardwares
GB/T 30767-2014
Coffee based beverages
GB/T 16645.1-2008
信息技术 开放系统互连 公共管理信息协议 第1部分:规范(中英文版)
Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Common management information protocol - Part 1: Specification
GB/T 37272-2018
Determination of 11-nor-9-carboxy-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in urine—Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method
GB/T 25915.5-2010
洁净室及相关受控环境 第5部分:运行(中英文版)
Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - Part 5: Operations
GB/T 4822-2023
Saw timber inspection
GB/T 18746-2002
GB/T 3048.2-2007
电线电缆电性能试验方法 第2部分:金属材料电阻率试验(中英文版)
Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 2:Test of electrical resistivity of metallic materials
GB/T 30104.103-2017
数字可寻址照明接口 第103部分:一般要求 控制设备(中英文版)
Digital addressable lighting interface—Part 103: General requirements—Control devices
GB/T 42509-2023
质量管理 顾客体验管理指南(中英文版)
Quality Management A Guide to Customer Experience Management
GB/T 10067.42-2013
电热装置基本技术条件 第42部分:推送式电阻加热机组(中英文版)
Basic specifications for electroheat installations - Part 42: Pusher resistance heating unit
GB/T 2822-2005
Standard linear dimensions
GB/T 271-2017
滚动轴承 分类(中英文版)
Rolling bearings—Classification
GB 5413.33-2010
食品安全国家标准 生乳相对密度的测定(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Determination of relative density of raw milk
GB/T 20568-2022
金属材料 管环液压试验方法(中英文版)
Metallic materials - Hydraulic test method for pipe rings
GB 1886.180-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 β-环状糊精(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Cyclodextrin
GB/T 40926.4-2021
冰球运动护具 第4部分:守门员的头部和面部护具(中英文版)
Protective equipment for use in ice hockey—Part 4:Head and face protection for goalkeepers

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