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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 16399-1996
Method for chemical analysis of clay
GB/T 19903.14-2019
自动化系统与集成 物理设备控制 计算机数值控制器用的数据模型 第14部分:电火花成形加工用工艺数据(中英文版)
Automation systems and integration—Physical device control—Data model for computerized numerical controllers—Part 14: Process data for sink electrical discharge machining (sink-EDM)
GB/T 13982-2011
The reflective and transmitting projection screens
GB/T 24820-2024
General technical conditions for laboratory furniture
GB 23176-2008
Basketball backstop
GB/T 34960.5-2018
信息技术服务 治理 第5部分:数据治理规范(中英文版)
Information technology service-Governance-Part 5: Specification of data governance
GB/T 43107-2023
Stainless steel seamless steel pipe for instrument pressure induction in nuclear power plants
GB/T 30438-2013
Principles and methods for data dictionary technology of supporting modularity design
GB/T 5137.4-2001
Road vehicles--Safety glazing materials--Method for the determination of solar transmittance
GB/T 22226-2008
Standard test method for boiling point of engine coolants
GB/T 34628-2017
焊缝无损检测 金属材料应用通则(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing of welds—General rules for metallic materials
GB 14751-2010
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 维生素B1(盐酸硫胺)(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride)
GB/T 3222.2-2022
声学 环境噪声的描述、测量与评价 第2部分:声压级测定(中英文版)
Acoustics—Description, measurement and assessment of environmental noise—Part 2: Determination of sound pressure levels
GB/T 20718-2006
道路车辆 牵引车和挂车之间的电连接器 12V13芯型(中英文版)
Road vehicles - Connectors for the electrical connection of towing and towed vehicles - 13-pole connector for vehicles with 12V nominal supply voltage
GB 16883-1997
The criteria for determinating plague natural foci and plague epizootics
GB/T 3903.2-2017
鞋类 整鞋试验方法 耐磨性能(中英文版)
Footwear—Test methods for whole shoe—Abrasion resistance
GB/T 40071-2021
纳米技术 石墨烯相关二维材料的层数测量 光学对比度法(中英文版)
Nanotechnologies—Measurement of the number of layers of graphene-related two-dimensional (2D) materials—Optical contrast method
GB/T 29400-2012
化肥中微量阴离子的测定 离子色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of microamount of inorganic anions in fertilizers by ion chromatography
GB/T 32561.3-2016
红外光学硫系玻璃测试方法 第3部分:杂质(中英文版)
Measuring method for chalcogenide infrared optical glass—Part 3: Impurity
GB 16005-2009
Delimitation for the endemic areas of iodine deficiency disorders(IDD)
GB 15892-2020
Polyaluminium chloride for treatment of drinking water
GB/T 16656.34-2002
工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据的表达与交换 第34部分:一致性测试方法论与框架:应用协议实现的抽象测试方法(中英文版)
Industrial automation systems and integration--Product data representation and exchange--Part 34:Conformance testing methodology and framework:Abstract test methods for application protocol implementations
GB/T 1632.5-2008
塑料 使用毛细管粘度计测定聚合物稀溶液粘度 第5部分:热塑性均聚和共聚型聚酯(TP)(中英文版)
Plastics - Determination of the viscosity of polymers in dilute solution using capillary viscometers - Part 5 : Thermoplastic polyester(TP) homopolymers and copolymers
GB/T 19942-2019
皮革和毛皮 化学试验 禁用偶氮染料的测定(中英文版)
Leather and fur—Chemical tests—Determination of banned azo colorants
GB/T 27644-2011
Protocol of real-time PCR for detecting Gallid Hepers Virus 2
GB/T 21208-2007
低压开关设备和控制设备 固定式消防泵驱动器的控制器(中英文版)
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Controllers for drivers of stationary fire pumps
GB 17203-1998
食品添加剂 柠檬酸钙(中英文版)
Food additive--Calcium citrate
GB 7000.202-2008
灯具 第2-2部分:特殊要求 嵌入式灯具(中英文版)
Luminaires - Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Recessed luminaires
GB/T 37152-2018
Nanotechnology—Carbon nanotube materials—Sheet resistance
GB/T 43312-2023
Wire rope for medical equipment
GB/T 30493-2014
船舶和海上技术 海上试验计划、实施与报告的指南(中英文版)
Sea-going vessels and marine technology―Instructions for planning,carrying out and reporting sea trials
GB 19741-2005
The plastics laminated films and bags using for packaging of liquid food
GB/T 11366-1989
Basic terminology of planetary drives
GB/T 34674-2017
Technical guideline for methane preparation from coke oven gas
GB/T 25800-2010
Principle of nomenclature of textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries
GB/T 42448-2023
系统与软件工程 功能规模测量 FiSMA1.1方法(中英文版)
System and software engineering Functional scale measurement FiSMA1.1 method
GB/T 1095-2003
平键 键槽的剖面尺寸(中英文版)
Square and rectangular keyways
GB 51220-2017
Technical code for municipal solid waste sanitary landfill closure
GB/T 40513-2021
Contamination control requirements for spacecraft optics remote instrument
GB/T 29291-2012
钮扣通用技术要求和检测方法 锌合金类(中英文版)
Button general technical requirements and testing methods - Zinc alloy buttons
GB/T 21858-2008
化学品 生物富集 半静态式鱼类试验(中英文版)
Testing of chemicals - Bioconcentration - Semi-static fish test
GB/T 9813.1-2016
计算机通用规范 第1部分:台式微型计算机(中英文版)
General specification for computer—Part 1: Desktop microcomputer
GB/T 24546-2009
Motorcycles - Measurement method for location of centre of gravity
GB/T 24945-2021
三轮汽车 通用技术条件(中英文版)
Tri-wheel vehicles—General specifications
GB/T 20245.1-2006
电化学分析器性能表示 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Expression of performance of electrochemical analyzers Part1: General
GB/T 20169-2015
Mixed rare earth oxide of ion-absorpted type rare earth ore
GB/T 17888.2-2020
机械安全 接近机械的固定设施 第2部分:工作平台与通道(中英文版)
Safety of machinery—Permanent means of access to machinery—Part 2: Working platforms and walkways
GB/T 28058-2011
Technical directives for marine ecological capital assessment
GB/T 4331-2003
Test methods for agricultural trailer
GB/T 8190.11-2009
往复式内燃机 排放测量 第11部分:非道路移动机械用发动机瞬态工况下气体和颗粒排放物的试验台测量(中英文版)
Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Exhaust emission measurement - Part 11: Test-bet measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions from engines used in nonroad mobile machinery under transient test conditions

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