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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 16284.4-1996
信息技术 文本通信 面向信报的文本交换系统 第4部分:抽象服务定义和规程(中英文版)
Information technology--Text communication--Message-oriented text interchange system (MOTIS)--Part 4:Abstract service definition and procedures
GB/T 29910.1-2013
工业通信网络 现场总线规范 类型20:HART规范 第1部分:HART有线网络物理层服务定义和协议规范(中英文版)
Industrial communication networks―Fieldbus specifications―Type 20 HART specification―Part 1: HART wired network physical layer service definition and protocol specification
GB/T 3903.14-2005
Footwear-Test methods for outsoles-Needle tear strength
GB/T 33209-2016
Welding procedure qualification for welded gas cylinders
GB/T 14353.10-2010
铜矿石、铅矿石和锌矿石化学分析方法 第10部分:钨量测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of copper ores, lead ores and zinc ores - Part 10: Determination of tungsten content
GB/T 41205.3-2021
应急物资编码与属性描述 第3部分:搜救设备(中英文版)
Code and attribute description of emergency supplies -- Part 3: Search and rescue equipment
GB/T 8129-2015
工业自动化系统 机床数值控制 词汇(中英文版)
Industrial automation systems—Numerical control of machines—Vocabulary
GB 19521.12-2004
Safety code for inspection ofhazardous properties for dangerous goods of organic peroxides
GB/T 38371.3-2020
数字内容对象存储、复用与交换规范 第3部分:对象一致性检查方法(中英文版)
Specification of digital content object storage, reuse and exchange—Part 3: Object conformance examination method
GB/T 28769-2012
脂肪酸甲酯中游离甘油含量的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Test method for determination of free glycerol content in Fatty Acid Methyl Esters(FAME) by gas chromatography
GB/T 6823-2008
Ballast tanks paint for ship
GB/T 14838-2009
橡胶与橡胶制品 试验方法标准精密度的确定(中英文版)
Rubber and rubber products - Determination of precision for test method standards
GB 19153-2019
Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for displacement air compressors
GB/T 41780.2-2024
Internet of Things-Edge computing-Part 2: Data management requirements
GB/T 16760-1997
Preparation of standard methods of measuring performance (SMMP) of consumer goods
GB 9744-2015
Truck tyres
GB/T 3277-1991
Corrugated steel plates with lath and lentilform
GB/T 6912.1-2006
锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法 硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的测定 第1部分:硝酸盐紫外光度法(中英文版)
Methods for analysis of water for boiler and for cooling determination of nitrates and nitrites - Part 1: Ultraviolet spectrophotometry for nitrates
GB/T 17373-1998
Sampling methods for chemical analysis of crudegold
GB/T 3367.1-2018
内燃机车词汇 第1部分:基本词汇(中英文版)
Glossary of terms for diesel locomotive—Part 1:General terms
GB/T 6159.2-2011
缩微摄影技术 词汇 第2部分: 影像的布局和记录方法(中英文版)
Micrographics - Vocabulary - Part 2: Image positions and methods of recording
GB/T 42994-2023
管理咨询服务指南 项目管理(中英文版)
Management Consulting Services Guide Project Management
GB/T 23112-2008
Ultraviolet metal halide lamp
GB/Z 30556.3-2017
电磁兼容 安装和减缓导则 高空核电磁脉冲(HEMP)的防护概念(中英文版)
Electromagnetic compatibility—Installation and mitigation guidelines-HEMP protection concepts
GB/T 16507.1-2022
水管锅炉? 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Water-tube boilers—Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 30341-2013
Specifications of vehicle drivers training site
GB/T 9248-2008
Methods of evaluating the performance of flowmeters for incompressible fluids
GB/T 18952-2017
橡胶配合剂 硫磺及试验方法(中英文版)
Rubber compounding ingredients—Sulfur and methods of test
GB 22380.3-2010
燃油加油站防爆安全技术 第3部分:剪切阀结构和性能的安全要求(中英文版)
Explosion protected safety technique of the petrol filling station - Part 3: Safety requirements for construction and performance of shear valves
GB/T 11344-2021
无损检测 超声测厚(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing—Ultrasonic thickness measurement
GB/T 17143.5-1997
信息技术 开放系统互连 系统管理 第5部分:事件报告管理功能(中英文版)
Informationtechnology--Open systems interconnection--Systems management--Part 5:Event report management function
GB/T 1222-2007
Spring steels
GB/T 17980.36-2000
农药 田间药效试验准则(一) 杀菌剂种子处理防治苗期病害(中英文版)
Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides seed treatment against seedling diseases
GB/T 5587-2016
Basic shapes,dimensions,symbols and notations of silver based electrical contacts
GB/T 38905-2020
Type designation for civil unmanned aircraft system
GB/T 11026.4-2012
电气绝缘材料 耐热性 第4部分:老化烘箱 单室烘箱(中英文版)
Elecrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 4: Ageing ovens - Single-chamber ovens
GB/T 18391.2-2009
信息技术 元数据注册系统(MDR) 第2部分:分类(中英文版)
Information technology - Metadata registries (MDR) - Part 2: Classification
GB/T 38273.1-2019
塑料 热塑性聚酯/酯和聚醚/酯模塑和挤塑弹性体 第1部分:命名系统和分类基础(中英文版)
Plastics—Thermoplastic polyester/ester and polyether/ester elastomers for moulding and extrusion—Part 1:Designation system and basis for specification
GB/T 50578-2018
Urban rail transit signal engineering construction quality acceptance criteria
GB/T 27534.6-2011
畜禽遗传资源调查技术规范 第6部分:马(驴)(中英文版)
Rules for animal genetic resource survey - Part 6: Horse(Donkey)
GB/T 43249-2023
Passive infrared detection system for automobiles
GB/T 13823.4-1992
振动与冲击传感器的校准方法 磁灵敏度测试(中英文版)
Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups--Testing of magnetic field sensitivity
GB 21522-2008
Emission standard of coalbed methane/coal mine gas(on trial)
GB/T 14926.15-2001
实验动物 肺炎链球菌检测方法(中英文版)
Laboratory animal--Method for examinationof Streptococcus pneumonia
GB/T 22919.2-2008
水产配合饲料 第2部分:军曹鱼配合饲料(中英文版)
Aquafeed - Part 2: Formula feed for cobia(Rachycentron canadum)
GB/T 34807-2017
General technical specifications for inspection and test of geotechnical engineering instruments & equipment
GB/T 41574-2022
信息技术 安全技术 公有云中个人信息保护实践指南(中英文版)
Information Technology Security Technology Practical Guidelines for Personal Information Protection in Public Clouds
GB/T 30200-2013
Test method for energy consumption of rubber and plastics injection moulding machines
GB 12367-2006
涂装作业安全规程 静电喷漆工艺安全(中英文版)
Safety code for painting - Safety for electrostatic spray painting process
GB/T 835-1988
Knurled screws

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