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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 13611-2006
Classification and essential property of city gas
GB/T 30432-2013
Liquid-medium piston pressure gauge
GB/T 6730.47-2017
铁矿石 铌含量的测定 氯代磺酚S分光光度法(中英文版)
Iron ores—Determination of niobium content—Sulfochlorophenol S spectrophotometric method
GB/T 42169-2022
绿色产品评价 家用燃气用具(中英文版)
Green Product Evaluation Household Gas Appliances
GB 8820-2010
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 葡萄糖酸锌(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Zinc gluconate
GB/T 35160.3-2017
合成石材试验方法 第3部分:压缩强度的测定(中英文版)
Test methods for agglomerated stone—Part 3:Determination of compressive strength
GB/T 39755.2-2021
电子文件管理能力体系 第2部分:评估规范(中英文版)
Electronic records management capability system—Part 2: Assessment criterion
GB/T 29392-2012
Beef cuts grading for high rib、ribeye、striploin、tenderloin of normal beef
GB/T 5009.156-2003
General principle for the determination of migration of packaging materials and their products
GB/T 7704-2008
无损检测 X射线应力测定方法(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing - Practice for residual stress measurement by X-Ray
GB 23200.37-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品中烯啶虫胺、呋虫胺等20种农药残留量的测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法(中英文版)
National food safety standards—Determination of residue of 20 pesticides including nitenpyram, dinotefuran etc in foods Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
GB/T 38889-2020
天线及接收系统的无线电干扰 天线测量 车载天线及系统(中英文版)
Antennas and reception systems for radio interference—Antenna measurement—Vehicle antennas and system
GB 24350-2009
Selective circuit breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installation
GB/T 21097.1-2007
General requirements on fixed number of years of safety use and recycling for household and similar electrical appliances
GB/T 38021-2019
指针式石英钟 走时精度(中英文版)
Analogue quartz clocks—Timing accuracy
GB/T 27638-2011
Code of practice for live fish transportation
GB/T 35083.2-2018
滑动轴承 轴承材料摩擦学特性试验 第2部分: 聚合物轴承材料试验(中英文版)
Plain bearings—Testing of the tribological behaviour of bearing materials—Part 2: Testing of polymer-based bearing materials
GB 4706.30-2008
家用和类似用途电器的安全 厨房机械的特殊要求(中英文版)
Household and similar electrical appliances-safety - Particular requirements for kitchen machines
GB 1886.368-2023
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 (2S,5R)-N-[4-(2-氨基-2-氧代乙基)苯基]-5-甲基-2-(丙基-2-)环己烷甲酰胺(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard Food Additive (2S,5R)-N-[4-(2-Amino-2-oxoethyl)phenyl]-5-methyl-2-(propyl-2-)cyclohexane formamide
GB/T 30487-2014
Marine life-saving indicating poster
GB/T 17980.128-2004
农药 田间药效试验准则(二) 第128部分:除草剂防治棉花田杂草(中英文版)
Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(Ⅱ)--Part 128:Herbicides against weeds in cotton
GB/T 34559-2017
Test method for compressive property of C/C composites
GB/T 39545.1-2022
闭式齿轮传动装置的零部件设计和选择 第1部分:通用零部件(中英文版)
Design and selection of components for enclosed gear drives - Part 1: Common components
GB/T 25794-2010
Reactive golden yellow KN-RNL(C.I. Reactive orange 107)and Reactive red M-RB(C.I. Reactive red 198)
GB/T 2861.4-2008
冲模导向装置 第4部分:滚动导向导套(中英文版)
Guide unit for stamping dies - Part 4: Guide bushes for ball-bearing
GB/T 34915-2017
Austenitic stainless steel plate,sheet and strip for nuclear power plants
GB/T 7731.1-2021
钨铁 钨含量的测定 辛可宁重量法和硝酸铵重量法(中英文版)
Ferrotungsten—Determination of tungsten content—Cinchonine gravimetric method and ammonium nitrate gravimetric method
GB/T 222-2006
Permissible tolerances for chemical composition of steel products
GB/T 29285-2012
纸浆 实验室湿解离 机械浆解离(中英文版)
Pulps - Laboratory wet disintegration - Disintegration of mechanical pulps
GB/T 8822.12-1988
中国林木种子区 云杉种子区(中英文版)
Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Picea asperata Mast.
GB/T 32703-2016
General principles for quality information release of prepackaged E-commerce transacting commodity
GB/T 40522-2021
Descriptions for geographical location data and association in mobile internet environment
GB/T 6620-2009
Test method for measuring warp on silicon slices by noncontact scanning
GB/T 22319.7-2015
石英晶体元件参数的测量 第7部分:石英晶体元件活性跳变的测量(中英文版)
Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters—Part 7: Measurement of activity dips of quartz crystal units
GB 51392-2019
Standard for construction and quality acceptance of light emitting diode manufacturing equipment installation engineering
GB/T 27989-2011
Fundamental technical requirements for small hydraulic generators
GB/T 2900.59-2008
电工术语 发电、输电及配电 变电站(中英文版)
Electrotechnical terminology - Generation,transmission and distribution of electricity - Substations
GB/T 5585.2-2018
Copper or aluminium and its alloy bus bars for electrical purposes—Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloy bus bars
GB/T 23341.2-2009
涡轮增压器 第2部分:试验方法(中英文版)
Turbochargers - Part 2: Test methods
GB/T 13629-2023
Applicable guidelines for programmable digital devices in nuclear power plant safety systems
GB/T 17855-1999
Calculation of load capacity of spline
GB/T 4169.19-2006
塑料注射模零件 第19部分:浇口套(中英文版)
Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 19: Sprue bush
GB/T 8358-2014
钢丝绳 实际破断拉力测定方法(中英文版)
Steel wire ropes―Determination of measured breaking force
GB/T 17737.112-2018
同轴通信电缆 第1-112部分:电气试验方法 回波损耗(阻抗一致性)试验(中英文版)
Coaxial communication cables—Part 1-112: Electrical test methods—Test for return loss (uniformity of impedance)
GB/T 5338.1-2023
系列1集装箱 技术要求和试验方法 第1部分:通用集装箱(中英文版)
Series 1 containers - Technical requirements and test methods - Part 1: General purpose containers
GB/T 26080-2010
Roll-forming rectangle steel tube for tower crane
GB/T 33679-2017
Technical safety requirements of rocket production for rainfall enhancement and hail suppression
GB/T 40887.2-2022
无障碍客车的轮椅车及乘坐者限位系统 第2部分: 前向式轮椅车乘坐者系统(中英文版)
Wheelchairs and occupant restraint systems for barrier-free passenger cars - Part 2: Forward-facing wheelchair occupant systems
GB/T 17398-2013
Code of dust and poison control for lead smelting
GB/T 6192-2008
Auricularia auricular

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