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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 17482-1998
Drop-forged rivetless chains for conveyors
GB/T 43815-2024
Uniform polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) insulated electrical conduits and accessories for construction
GB/T 29795-2013
激光修复技术 术语和定义(中英文版)
Laser repairing technology - Terms and definitions
GB/T 3676-2008
Maleic anhydride for industrial use
GB/T 36600.9-2018
全国主要产品分类 产品类别核心元数据 第9部分:车载导航终端(中英文版)
National central product classification—Product category core metadata—Part 9:Vehicle navigation terminal
GB/T 8291-2023
胶乳 凝块含量(筛余物)的测定(中英文版)
Latex - Determination of clot content (sieve residue)
GB/T 25020.3-2010
电气化铁路接触网钢支柱 第3部分:环形钢管支柱(中英文版)
Steel pole for overhead contact system of electrified railway - Part 3:Steel tube pole
GB 10355-2006
食品添加剂 乳化香精(中英文版)
Food additive - Emulsion flavoring
GB/T 18762-2017
Specification for filler brazing materials made of precious metal and their alloy
GB/T 18916.3-2022
取水定额 第3部分:石油炼制(中英文版)
Quotas for water withdrawals Part 3: Petroleum refining
GB/T 28553-2012
汽轮机 蒸汽纯度(中英文版)
Steam turbines - Steam purity
GB/T 1408.2-2016
绝缘材料 电气强度试验方法 第2部分:对应用直流电压试验的附加要求(中英文版)
Insulating materials—Test methods for electric strength—Part 2: Additional requirements for tests using direct voltage
GB/T 8563.3-2021
奖励、纪律处分信息分类与代码? 第3部分:纪律处分和组织处理代码(中英文版)
Classification and codes for information of reward and disciplinary action -- Part 3: Codes of disciplinary action and organizational punishment
GB/T 18332.1-2009
Lead-acid batteries used for electric road vehicles
GB/Z 17625.5-2000
电磁兼容 限值 中、高压电力系统中波动负荷发射限值的评估(中英文版)
Electromagnetic compatibility--Limits--Assessment of emission limits for fluctuating loads in MV and HV power systems
GB/T 31242-2014
Specifications for single-mode optical for equipment intraconnection
GB/T 9249-2008
Self-balance recorders and indicators for use in industrial-process measurement and conrol systems
GB/T 9445-2015
无损检测 人员资格鉴定与认证(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing—Qualification and certification of NDT personnel
GB/T 38573-2020
Pregelatinized starch
GB/T 26490-2011
Methods for measuring super hydrophobicity of nanomaterials
GB/T 14985-2007
General rules of dimensions, shape, surface, quality, testing method and inspection for expansion alloys
GB 15744-2019
The limits and measurement methods of fuel consumption for motorcycles and mopeds
GB/T 5009.220-2008
Determination of the residues of anilazine in cereals
GB/T 44052-2024
Hydraulic transmission-Filters-Identification of performance characteristics
GB/T 11090-2013
copper and copper alloy strips for detonator
GB/T 24593-2018
Welded austenitic stainless steel tubes for boiler and heat exchanger
GB/T 42997-2023
Labeling of volatile organic compound releases in furniture
GB/T 25152-2010
Specification for liquid-liquid hydrocyclone separators
GB/T 9757-2001
Solvent-thinned coatings for exterior wall
GB/T 34578-2017
Technical requirements for operation,maintenance and test of instrumentation and actuating equipment in thermal power plant
GB/T 16507.4-2022
水管锅炉? 第4部分:受压元件强度计算(中英文版)
Water-tube boilers—Part 4: Strength calculation of pressure parts
GB/T 28923.5-2012
自然灾害遥感专题图产品制作要求 第5部分:救助与恢复重建评估专题图产品(中英文版)
Mapping requirements for the natural disaster remote sensing thematic maps - Part 5: Relief and recovery assessment thematic maps
GB 21523-2008
Effuent standards of pollutants for pesticides industry heterocyclic pesticides
GB/T 22383-2017
额定电压72.5 kV 及以上刚性气体绝缘输电线路(中英文版)
Rigid gas-insulated transmission lines for rated voltage of 72.5kV and above
GB/T 12265-2021
机械安全 防止人体部位挤压的最小间距(中英文版)
Safety of machinery—Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body
GB/T 23957-2009
Light calcium carbonate for tooth-paste industry
GB 12942-2006
涂装作业安全规程 有限空间作业安全技术要求(中英文版)
Safety code for painting - Technical requirements of safety for working in confined spaces
GB/T 14856-1993
Interference calculation methods of coast radiotelephone station operating in high frequency bands
GB/T 30638-2014
Jelly cup filling and sealing machine
GB/T 32471-2016
塑料 用于聚氨酯生产的甲苯二异氰酸酯异构比的测定(中英文版)
Plastics—Determination of the isomer ratio in toluene diisocyanates for use in the production of polyurethanes
GB/T 38873-2020
General specifications of sorting robots
GB/T 1346-2011
Test methods for water requirement of normal consistency, setting time and soundness of the portland cement
GB 14470.2-2002
兵器工业水污染物排放标准 火工药剂(中英文版)
Discharge standard for water pollutants from ordnance industry--Initiating explosive material and relative composition
GB/T 38276-2019
润滑系统 术语和图形符号(中英文版)
Lubrication system—Terminology and graphical symbols
GB/T 17117-2008
GB/T 30075-2013
Rare earth activated nitride red phosphors for LEDs
GB/T 14598.300-2008
General specification for microcomputer-based transformer protection equipment
GB 51291-2018
Co-fired ceramic hybrid circuit substrate factory design standard
GB/T 43253.1-2023
道路车辆 功能安全审核及评估方法 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Road vehicles - Functional safety audit and assessment methods - Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 25361.2-2010
内燃机 活塞销 第2部分:检验规则(中英文版)
Internal combustion engines - Piston pins - Part 2: Inspection measuring principles

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