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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 42132.1-2022
信息技术 用于生物特征识别测试和报告的机读测试数据 第1部分:测试报告(中英文版)
Information technology - Machine readable test data for biometric testing and reporting - Part 1: Test reports
GB 6280-1986
25~1000 MHz陆地移动通信网的容量系列及频道配置(中英文版)
Capacity series and frequency channels arrangement in 25 to 1000 MHz land mobile telecommunication network
GB/T 18851.2-2008
无损检测 渗透检测 第2部分:渗透材料的检验(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 2: Testing of penetrant materials
GB/T 34903.2-2017
石油、石化与天然气工业 与油气开采相关介质接触的非金属材料 第2部分:弹性体(中英文版)
Petroleum,petrochemical and natural gas industries—Non-metallic materials in contact with media related to oil and gas production—Part 2:Elastomers
GB/T 11075-2013
Lithium carbonate
GB/T 39956.1-2021
气动 电-气压力控制阀 第1部分:商务文件中应包含的主要特性(中英文版)
Pneumatic fluid power—Electro-pneumatic pressure control valves—Part 1:Main characteristics to include in the supplier's literature
GB/T 11711-2002
Marine automatic radar plotting aids(ARPA)--Performance requirements,methods of testing and required test results
GB 16151.1-2008
农业机械运行安全技术条件 第1部分:拖拉机(中英文版)
Technical requirements of operating safety for agricultural machinery - Part 1: Tractor
GB 50601-2010
Code for construction and quality acceptance for lightning protection engineering of structures
GB/T 32439-2015
Cross helically wound steel wires reinforced-polyethylene composite pipelines for water supply
GB/T 38763-2020
永磁联轴器 通用技术规范(中英文版)
Permanent magnetic couplings—General technical specifications
GB/T 6978-2007
含脂毛洗净率试验方法 烘箱法(中英文版)
Test method for the determination of scoured yield of greasy wool - Drying oven method
GB/T 1394-1987
Gangway hanger
GB 50765-2012
Design code for carbon plant
GB/T 14006-1992
通信和电子设备用变压器和电感器外形尺寸 第一部分:采用 YEI-1铁心片的变压器和电感器(中英文版)
Outline dimensions of transformers and inductors for use in telecommunication and electronic equipment--Part 1:Transformers and inductors using YEI-1 laminations
GB/T 37864-2019
General requirements of quality and competence for biobank
GB/T 23595.5-2009
白光LED灯用稀土黄色荧光粉试验方法 第5部分:pH值的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of rare earth yellow phosphor for white LED lamps - Part 5: Determination of pH value
GB/T 36188-2018
Guide black fur sheep
GB/T 31110-2014
纸和纸板 Z向抗张强度的测定(中英文版)
Paper and board―Determination of z-directional tensile strength
GB/T 11416-2021
Daily Insulated Container "Modification Order No. 1"
GB 10464-2003
Sunflowerseed oil
GB/T 7381-2010
表面活性剂 在硬水中稳定性的测定方法(中英文版)
Surface active agents - Determination of stability in hard water
GB/T 21451.6-2017
石油和液体石油产品 储罐中液位和温度自动测量法 第6部分:带压罐(非冷冻)中的温度测量(中英文版)
Petroleum and liquid petroleum products—Measurement of level and temperature in storage tanks by automatic methods—Part 6: Measurement of temperature in pressurized storage tanks (non-refrigerated)
GB/T 20564.7-2022
汽车用高强度冷连轧钢板及钢带 第7部分:马氏体钢(中英文版)
High strength tandem cold rolled steel sheet and strip for automobile part 7: martensitic steel
GB/T 15076.15-2008
钽铌化学分析方法 氢量的测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of tantalum and niobium - Determination of hydrogen content
GB/T 22502-2008
Basic requirement for marketing fresh agricultural products in supermarket
GB/T 35172-2017
Determination of corrosion resistance of refractories for cement kilns to CMSW
GB/T 5170.18-2005
电工电子产品环境试验设备基本参数检定方法 温度/ 湿度组合循环试验设备(中英文版)
Inspection methods for basic parameters of Environmental testing equipments for electric and electronic products -- Composite temperature/humidity cyclic testing equipments
GB/T 29828-2013
信息安全技术 可信计算规范 可信连接架构(中英文版)
Information security technology - Trusted computing specification - Trusted connect architecture
GB/T 40139-2021
材料表面积的测量 高光谱成像三维面积测量法(中英文版)
Measuring method for surface areas of materials—Three dimensional area measurement base on hyperspectral imaging
GB/T 25123.1-2010
电力牵引 轨道机车车辆和公路车辆用旋转电机 第1部分:除电子变流器供电的交流电动机之外的电机(中英文版)
Electric traction - Rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles - Part 1: Machines other than electronic convertor-fed alternating current motors
GB/T 32651-2016
Test method for measuring trace elements in photovoltaic-grade silicon by high-mass resolution glow discharge mass spectrometry
GB/T 39150-2020
Recycled selenium material
GB/T 19393-2003
Rating of direct coupled photovoltaic(PV)--Pumping systems
GB/T 31507-2015
信息安全技术 智能卡通用安全检测指南(中英文版)
Information security technology—General testing guide for security of smart card
GB/T 28409-2012
个体防护装备 足部防护鞋(靴)的选择、使用和维护指南(中英文版)
Personal protective equipment - Guide for the selection, use and maintenance of footwear
GB/T 26216.1-2019
高压直流输电系统直流电流测量装置 第1部分:电子式直流电流测量装置(中英文版)
DC current measuring device for HVDC transmission system—Part 1:Electronic DC current measuring device
GB/T 2967-2008
Cast tungsten carbide powder
GB/T 23750-2009
植物性产品中草甘膦残留量的测定 气相色谱-质谱法(中英文版)
Determination of Glyphosate residues in plant products-GC-MS method
GB 36893-2018
Minimum allowable values of the energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for air cleaners
GB/T 20573-2006
Terms of bee product
GB/T 4372.5-2014
直接法氧化锌化学分析方法 第5部分:锰量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of zinc oxide produced by direct process―Part 5:Determination of manganese content―Flame atomic absorption spectrometry method
GB/T 43334-2023
Technical requirements for independent microgrid energy management systems
GB/T 26683-2011
General specification for digital terrestrial set-top box
GB/T 12665-2017
Requirements of damp-heat testing of electrical machine for service in general environmental condition
GB/T 31552-2023
铸造机械 分类与型号编制方法(中英文版)
Foundry machinery classification and model compilation method
GB 14232.1-2004
人体血液及血液成分袋式塑料容器 第1部分:传统型血袋(中英文版)
Plastics collapsible containers for human blood and blood components--Part1:Conventional containers
GB/T 15605-2008
Guide for pressure venting of dust explosions
GB/T 14431-1993
Protection ratios and minimum usable field strengths required in thd radio services
GB/T 33639-2017
CNC hydraulic punching and drilling composite machine for plates

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