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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 36770-2018
Detection and identification of Australian grapevine viroid
GB/T 23470.2-2009
感官分析 感官分析实验室人员一般导则 第2部分:评价小组组长的聘用和培训(中英文版)
Sensory analysis - General guidance for the staff of a sensory evaluation laboratory - Part 2: Recruitment and training of panel leaders
GB/Z 42963-2023
产业帮扶 竹产业项目运营管理指南(中英文版)
Industrial Assistance Bamboo Industry Project Operation and Management Guide
GB/T 4920-1985
硫酸浓缩尾气硫酸雾的测定 铬酸钡比色法(中英文版)
Determination of sulphuric acidmist in tail gas in sulphuric acid concentration process--Barium chromate colorimetric method
GB/T 7463-2008
表面活性剂 钙皂分散力的测定 酸量滴定法 (改进Schoenfeldt法)(中英文版)
Surface active agents - Determination of the power to dispersecalcium soap - Acidimetric .method (Modifled Schoenfeldt method)
GB/T 27309-2014
合格评定 能源管理体系认证机构要求(中英文版)
Conformity assessment—Requirements for bodies providing certification of energy management system
GB/T 34275-2017
压力管道规范 长输管道(中英文版)
Pressure piping code—Long-distance pipeline
GB/T 22933-2022
皮革和毛皮 化学试验 游离脂肪酸的测定(中英文版)
Leather and furs - Chemical tests - Determination of free fatty acids
GB/T 3781.6-2006
乙炔炭黑 第6部分 视比容的测定(中英文版)
Acetylene black―Part 6: Determination of apparent specific volume
GB/T 26188-2010
Bleached straw pulp
GB/T 13547-1992
Human dimensions in workspaces
GB/T 35435-2017
General design specification of science experiment rack in space station
GB 19303-2003
Hygienic practice of cooked meat and meat-products factory
GB/T 15675-2008
Continuously electrolytically zinc/zinc-nickel alloy coated steel sheet and strip
GB/T 2900.36-2021
电工术语 电力牵引(中英文版)
Electrotechnical terminology—Electric traction
GB/T 29723.4-2013
煤矿主要工序能耗等级和限值 第4部分:主提升带式输送系统(中英文版)
Grade and limit of major process energy consumption for coal mine - Part 4: Main elevating belt conveyor system
GB/T 32417-2015
信息技术 用于老年人和残疾人的办公设备可访问性指南(中英文版)
Information technology—Office equipment accessibility guidelines for elderly persons and persons with disabilities
GB/T 30269.809-2020
信息技术 传感器网络 第809部分:测试:基于IP的无线传感器网络网络层协议一致性测试(中英文版)
Information technology—Sensor networks—Part 809:Testing:Conformance testing for the network layer of wireless sensor networks based on IP protocol
GB/T 18593-2010
Anti-corrosive painting of fusion bonded epoxy coating powders
GB/T 12453-2008
信息技术 开放系统互连 运输服务定义(中英文版)
Information technology - Open system interconnection - Transport service definition
GB/T 37943-2019
Test methods for BDS timing terminal
GB 14443-2007
涂装作业安全规程 涂层烘干室安全技术规定(中英文版)
Safety code for painting - Safety rules for paint drying oven
GB/T 28434-2012
Technical requirements and measurement methods of digital terrestrial television broadcasting single frequency network adapter
GB/T 36181-2018
Xiaoshan chicken
GB/Z 16656.1001-2004
工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据表达与交换 第1001部分:应用模块:外观赋值(中英文版)
Industrial automation systems and integration--Product data representation and exchange--Part 1001:Application module:Appearance assignment
GB 7413-2009
Quarantine protocol for propagating tubers and seedlings of sweet potato in producing areas
GB 1886.343-2021
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 L-苏氨酸(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard Food Additive L-Threonine
GB/T 3795-2014
GB/T 34595-2017
汽车零部件再制造产品技术规范 水泵(中英文版)
The technical specifications for remanufacturing of automotive components—Water pump
GB/T 20808-2022
GB/T 26381-2011
Synthetic filament weaved gray fabrics
GB/T 35514-2017
化学品 线蚓繁殖试验(中英文版)
Chemicals—Enchytraeid reproduction test
GB 17510-2008
Photometric characteristics of light-signalling devices for motorcycles
GB/T 40491-2021
Guide for specialized farmers cooperatives development
GB/T 8182-2008
Tantalum and tantalum alloy seamless tubes
GB 3232-1982
Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of occupational chronic manganism
GB/T 11313.1-2013
射频连接器 第1部分:总规范 一般要求和试验方法(中英文版)
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 1: Generic specification - General requirements and measuring methods
GB/T 3780.22-2016
炭黑 第22部分:用工艺控制数据计算过程能力指数(中英文版)
Carbon black—Part 22: Calculation of process indexes from an analysis of process control data
GB 51427-2021
Technical standard for auto tracking and targeting jet suppression system
GB/T 4955-2005
金属覆盖层 覆盖层厚度测量 阳极溶解库仑法(中英文版)
Metallic coatings -- Measurement of coating thickness -- Coulometric method by anodic dissolution
GB 6566-2010
Limits of radionuclides in building materials
GB/T 31592-2015
消防安全工程 总则(中英文版)
Fire safety engineering—General principles
GB/T 38317.22-2019
智能电能表外形结构和安装尺寸 第22部分:结构B型(中英文版)
Space and fixing dimensions for smart electricity meter—Part 22:Structure of B-type
GB 50782-2012
Code for technological design of non-ferrous concentrator
GB/T 17179.2-2000
信息技术 提供无连接方式网络服务的协议 第2部分:由GB/T 15629(ISO/IEC 8802)子网提供低层服务(中英文版)
Information technology--Protocol for providing the connectionless-mode network service--Part 2:Provision of the underlying service by a GB/T 15629(ISO/IEC 8802) subnetwork
GB/T 51325-2018
Design standard for coal coking crude benzene processing engineering
GB/T 23835.8-2009
无水高氯酸锂 第8部分:钾和钠含量的测定(中英文版)
Lithium perchlorate anhydrous - Part 8: Determination of potassium and sodium content
GB/T 3836.22-2023
爆炸性环境 第22部分:光辐射设备和传输系统的保护措施(中英文版)
Explosive atmospheres Part 22: Protective measures for optical radiation equipment and transmission systems
GB/T 10511-2008
硝酸磷肥中总氮含量的测定 蒸馏后滴定法(中英文版)
Determination of total nitrogen content for nitrophosphate - Titrimetric method after distillation
GB/T 15254-2014
硫化橡胶 与金属粘接 180°剥离试验(中英文版)
Rubber,vulcanized―Determination of adhesion to metal―180°Peel test method

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