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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 10751-1989
Marine oval-shaped steel pipe flanges, weld-on
GB/T 21709.15-2009
针灸技术操作规范 第15部分:眼针(中英文版)
Standardized manipulations of acupuncture and moxibustion - Part 15: Eye acupuncture
GB/T 37863.1-2019
轨道交通 牵引电传动系统 第1部分:城轨车辆(中英文版)
Railway applications—Traction electric drive system—Part 1: Urban rail vehicles
GB 50173-2014
Code for construction and acceptance of 66KV and under overhead electric power transmission line
GB/T 7423.2-1987
半导体器件散热器 型材散热器(中英文版)
Heat sink of semiconductor devices--Heat sink,extruded shapes
GB/T 5286-2001
螺栓、螺钉和螺母用平垫圈 总方案(中英文版)
Plain washers for bolts,screws and nuts--General plan
GB/T 1033.1-2008
塑料 非泡沫塑料密度的测定 第1部分:浸渍法、液体比重瓶法和滴定法(中英文版)
Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method
GB/T 25959-2010
The power saving unit for lighting and technical requirements of application
GB/T 36185-2018
Xinjiang goat
GB/T 7190.3-2019
机械通风冷却塔 第3部分:闭式冷却塔《第1号修改单》(中英文版)
Mechanical draft cooling tower Part 3: Closed cooling tower "Modification No. 1"
GB/T 8321.8-2007
Guideline for safety application of pesticides (VIII)
GB/T 20659-2017
石油天然气工业 铝合金钻杆(中英文版)
Petroleum and natural gas industries—Aluminium alloy drill pipe
GB/T 23331-2012
能源管理体系 要求(中英文版)
Energy management systems - Requirements
GB/T 19769.4-2022
功能块 第4部分:一致性行规的规则(中英文版)
Function blocks - Part 4: Rules for consistent line rules
GB/T 24608-2009
Inspection rules for rolling bearings and commercial parts
GB/T 16601.3-2017
激光器和激光相关设备 激光损伤阈值测试方法 第3部分:激光功率(能量)承受能力确信(中英文版)
Lasers and laser-related equipment—Test methods for laser-induced damage threshold—Part 3: Assurance of laser power(energy)handling capabilities
GB/T 40121-2021
技术产品文件 产品残余应力符号表示法(中英文版)
Technical product documentation—Representation of product residual stress symbol
GB 16895.20-2003
建筑物电气装置 第5部分:电气设备的选择和安装 第55章:其他设备 第551节:低压发电设备(中英文版)
Electrical installations of buildings--Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment--Chapter 55: Other equipment--Section 551: Low-voltage generating sets
GB/T 32650-2016
Determining the content of trace elements in arenaceous quartz by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS)
GB/T 28176-2011
信息技术 通用多八位编码字符集 西双版纳新傣文 通用键盘字母数字区布局(中英文版)
Information technology - Universal multiple-octet coded character set - Universal keyboard layout of the alphanumeric zone for New Xishuang Banna Dai
GB/T 39151-2020
Nickel beryllium titanium alloy strip for high temperature elastic component
GB/T 13957-2008
Technical requirement for the fundamental series of three-phase large asynchronous motor
GB/T 12704.2-2009
纺织品 织物透湿性试验方法 第2部分:蒸发法(中英文版)
Textiles - Test method for water-vapour transmission of fabrics - Part 2: Water method
GB/T 31506-2015
信息安全技术 政府门户网站系统安全技术指南(中英文版)
Information security technology—Security technology guidelines for web portal system of government
GB/T 25341.2-2019
铁路旅客运输服务质量 第2部分:服务过程(中英文版)
Quality of railway passenger transport service—Part 2:Service process
GB/T 20127.13-2006
钢铁及合金 痕量元素的测定 第13部分:碘化物萃取-苯基荧光酮光度法测定锡含量(中英文版)
Steel and alloy - Determination of trace element contents Part 13: Determination of tin content by iodide extraction-phenylfluorone photometric method
GB/T 30811-2014
Glass fiber reinforced plastic chimney liners for coal-fired units
GB/T 12416.2-1990
玻璃颗粒在 121℃耐水性的试验方法和分级(中英文版)
Glass--Hydrolytic resistance ofglass grains at 121℃--Test method and classification
GB 25892.3-2010
信息技术 维吾尔文、哈萨克文、柯尔克孜文编码字符集 32点阵字型 第3部分:库非白体(中英文版)
Information technology - Uyghur, Kazak, Kirgiz coded character set - 32 Dot matrix font - Part 3: Kufi lean
GB 36889-2018
The norm of energy consumption per unit product of PET and PET fiber
GB/T 43365-2023
增材制造 金属铸件用砂型性能检测方法(中英文版)
Additive Manufacturing Sand Mold Performance Testing Method for Metal Castings
GB/T 8564-2003
Specification installation of hydraulic turbine generator units
GB/T 34864-2017
General specification for switched reluctance motor
GB/T 29549.1-2013
海上石油固定平台模块钻机 第1部分:设计(中英文版)
Specifications for offshore modular drilling rigs on fixed platforms - Part 1:Design
GB/T 4214.3-2023
家用和类似用途电器噪声测试方法 洗碗机的特殊要求(中英文版)
Test methods for noise from household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements for dishwashers
GB 10069.3-2008
旋转电机噪声测定方法及限值 第3部分: 噪声限值(中英文版)
Measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical machines and the noise limits - Part 3:Noise limits
GB/T 24769-2009
Acrylamide for industrial use
GB/T 3533.2-2017
标准化效益评价 第2部分:社会效益评价通则(中英文版)
Standardization benefit evaluation—Part 2: General principles of social benefit evaluation
GB/T 16622-2022
Press-fit solid tire specifications, dimensions and loads
GB/T 20736-2006
Fatigue test method for transmission precision roller chain
GB 1886.271-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 香茅油(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - citronella oil
GB 27791-2011
City gas pressure regulating installation
GB/T 38659.2-2021
电磁兼容 风险评估 第2部分:电子电气系统(中英文版)
Electromagnetic compatibility—Risk assessment—Part 2:Electronic and electrical systems
GB/T 12689.5-2004
锌及锌合金化学分析方法 铁量的测定 磺基水杨酸分光光度法和火焰原子吸收光谱法(中英文版)
The methods for chemical analysis of zinc and zinc alloys--The determination of iron content--The sultosalicylic acid spectrometric method and the flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 23563.1-2009
冲模滚动导向钢板模架 第1部分:后侧导柱模架(中英文版)
Ball-bearing guide steel-plate die sets of stamping dies - Part 1: Rear-pillar die sets
GB/T 31938-2015
Steel plate for coal slurry pipeline
GB/T 39335-2020
信息安全技术 个人信息安全影响评估指南(中英文版)
Information security technology—Guidance for personal information security impact assessment
GB/T 26930.7-2014
原铝生产用炭素材料 煤沥青 第7部分:软化点的测定(Mettler法)(中英文版)
Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium—Pitch for electrodes—Part 7:Determination of softening point(Mettler softening point method)
GB/T 5478-2008
塑料 滚动磨损试验方法(中英文版)
Plastics - Test method for wear by rolling
GB/T 26354-2010
Standard of setting-up and services of tourist information centre

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