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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 40337-2021
Gas tightness of equipment for gas welding and allied processes
GB 23864-2009
Firestop material
GB 16895.19-2002
建筑物电气装置 第7部分:特殊装置或场所的要求 第702节:游泳池和其他水池(中英文版)
Electrical installations of buildings--Part 7:Requirements for special installations or locations--Section 702:Swimming pools and other basins
GB 15193.16-2014
食品安全国家标准 毒物动力学试验(中英文版)
Food safety national standard poison dynamics test
GB/T 32645-2016
Specification for edge condition of flat panel display glass substrates
GB 146.2-2020
标准轨距铁路限界 第2部分:建筑限界(中英文版)
Gauge for standard gauge railways—Part 2: Structure gauge
GB/T 26760-2011
Jiang-flavour Chinese spirits
GB/T 9695.24-2008
肉与肉制品 胆固醇含量测定(中英文版)
Meat and meat products - Determination of cholesterol
GB/T 31501-2015
信息安全技术 鉴别与授权 授权应用程序判定接口规范(中英文版)
Information security technology—Authentication and authorization—Specification for authorization application programming decision interface
GB/T 23711.8-2019
塑料衬里压力容器试验方法 第8部分:耐高电阻试验(中英文版)
Test method for pressure vessels lined with plastics—Part 8:High-resistance testing
GB/T 22648-2008
Aluminium and aluminium alloys foil for soft tube
GB/T 13237-2013
Cold rolled quality carbon structural steel sheets and strips
GB/T 20014.24-2008
良好农业规范 第24部分:中华绒螯蟹围拦养殖控制点与符合性规范(中英文版)
Good agricultural practice - Part 24: Chinese mitten crab net enclosure culture control points and compliance criteria
GB/T 34247.2-2018
Determination of the unsaturation of isobutene-isoprene rubber—Part 2:1H-NMR method
GB/T 6131.3-1996
铣刀直柄 第3部分:2°斜削平直柄的型式和尺寸(中英文版)
Parallel shanks for milling cutters--Part 3:Dimen-sional characteristics of parallel shanks with 2°angular flats
GB/T 9081-2023
Motor vehicle fuel dispenser
GB/T 25334.2-2010
铁道机车车体技术条件 第2部分:电力机车车体(中英文版)
Technical specification for railway locomotive car body - Part 2:Electric locomotiver car body
GB 5084-2005
Standards for irrigation water quality
GB/T 8098-2003
液压传动 带补偿的流量控制阀 安装面(中英文版)
Hydraulic fluid power--Compensated flow control valves--Mounting surfaces
GB/T 34938-2017
General technical requirements for planar electromagnetic shielding materials
GB/T 16656.14-2023
工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据表达与交换 第14部分:描述方法:EXPRESS-X语言参考手册 (中英文版)
Industrial Automation System and Integration Product Data Representation and Exchange Part 14: Description Method: EXPRESS-X Language Reference Manual
GB/T 28906-2012
Hot rolled wire rod for cold heading
GB/T 33615-2017
服装 电磁屏蔽效能测试方法(中英文版)
Garments-Testing method of electromagnetic shielding effectiveness
GB/T 28900-2022
Test methods for steel for reinforced concrete
GB 14193-2009
Rules for filling of liquefied gas cylinders
GB/T 19129-2015
三轮汽车和低速货车 电喇叭 性能要求及试验方法(中英文版)
Tri-wheel vehicles and low-speed goods vehicles—Electric horn—Performance requirement and methods
GB/T 17626.4-2008
电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验(中英文版)
Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test
GB 1886.215-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 白油(又名液体石蜡)(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - white oil (also known as liquid paraffin)
GB/T 40725-2021
Test method of dipped cord and rubber adhesive peeling performance
GB/T 16928-1997
包装材料试验方法 透湿率(中英文版)
Test method for vapor transmission rate of packaging materials
GB/T 26963.1-2011
废旧轮胎常温机械法制取橡胶粉生产线 第1部分:通用技术条件(中英文版)
Crumb ambient-machine-oriented waste tyre recycling line - Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 20342-2006
农业拖拉机和机械 远程液压动力伺服和控制机构标志(中英文版)
Agricultural tractors and machinery - Coding of remote hydraulic power services and controls
GB 50344-2004
Techical standard for inspection of building structure
GB/T 31933-2015
Test method for the corrosion of steel bar embedded in concrete in chloride enviroment
GB/T 39329-2020
增材制造 测试方法 标准测试件精度检验(中英文版)
Additive manufacturing—Test methods—Precision inspection of standard test artifacts
GB/T 22665.1-2008
手持式电动工具手柄的振动测量方法 第1部分:电钻和冲击钻(中英文版)
Measurement of vibrations at the handle of hand-held electric tools - Part 1: Drills and impact drills
GB/T 30338.1-2013
证券期货业电子化信息披露规范体系 第1部分:基础框架(中英文版)
Specification system for electronic information disclosure of China securities and futures industry―Part 1: Framework
GB/T 37303.2-2019
船舶和海上技术 船舶操纵性 第2部分:回转和偏航纠正(中英文版)
Ships and marine technology—Manoeuvring of ships—Part 2:Turning and yaw checking
GB/T 23333-2024
Evaporative cooling fan
GB/T 25655-2010
信息技术 中文Linux桌面操作系统技术要求(中英文版)
Information technology - Technical requirement for Chinese Linux desktop operating system
GB/T 1592.3-2008
农业拖拉机后置动力输出轴1、2和3型 第3部分:动力输出轴尺寸和花键尺寸、动力输出轴位置(中英文版)
Agricultural tractors - Rear- mounted power take-off types 1,2 and 3 - Part 3: Main PTO dimensions and spline dimensions, location of PTO
GB/T 35965.1-2018
应急信息交互协议 第1部分:预警信息(中英文版)
Protocol for emergency information exchange—Part 1: Early warning message
GB 1352-2023
GB/T 17250-1998
声学 市区行驶条件下轿车噪声的测量(中英文版)
Acoustics--Measurement of noise emitted by passenger cars under conditions representative of urban driving
GB/T 28989-2012
Technical specification of production for lucky bamboo
GB/T 20992-2007
General requirements for thyristors for HVDC transmission
GB/T 2015-2005
White Portland Cement
GB/T 18866-2017
橡胶 酸消化溶解法(中英文版)
Rubber—Dissolution by acid digestion
GB 24541-2022
手部防护 机械危害防护手套(中英文版)
Hand Protection Mechanical Hazards Protective Gloves
GB/T 24322-2009
Bleached sulphate bamboo pulp

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