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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 15901-1995
化学试剂 二水合氯化铜(氯化铜)(中英文版)
Chemical reagent--Copper(Ⅱ)chloride dihydrate
GB/T 36768-2018
Dipped polyamide canvas technical requirements and evaluation methods
GB/T 7463-2008
表面活性剂 钙皂分散力的测定 酸量滴定法 (改进Schoenfeldt法)(中英文版)
Surface active agents - Determination of the power to dispersecalcium soap - Acidimetric .method (Modifled Schoenfeldt method)
GB/T 42929-2023
Technical requirements for intelligent risk prevention and control in Internet finance
GB/T 13917.7-2009
农药登记用卫生杀虫剂室内药效试验及评价 第7部分:饵剂(中英文版)
Laboratory efficacy test methods and criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration - Part 7: Bait
GB/T 14552-2003
Method of gas chromatographic for determination of organophosphorus pesticides in water and soil
GB/T 30794-2014
热熔型氟树脂涂层(干膜)中聚偏二氟乙烯(PVDF)含量测定 熔融温度下降法(中英文版)
Determination of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) content of hot-melt fluorocarbon resin coatings (dry film)—Dropping of the melting temperature
GB/T 3781.6-2006
乙炔炭黑 第6部分 视比容的测定(中英文版)
Acetylene black―Part 6: Determination of apparent specific volume
GB/T 29618.42-2017
现场设备工具(FDT)接口规范 第42部分:对象模型行规集成 通用语言基础结构(中英文版)
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification—Part42:Object model integration profile—Common language infrastructure
GB/T 33523.72-2022
产品几何技术规范(GPS)表面结构 区域法 第72部分:XML文件格式x3p(中英文版)
Product Geometry Specification (GPS) Surface Structure Area Method Part 72: XML File Format x3p
GB/T 26232-2010
Technical specification of application server based on J2EE
GB/T 19701.2-2016
外科植入物 超高分子量聚乙烯 第2部分:模塑料(中英文版)
Implants for surgery—Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene—Part 2: Moulded forms
GB/T 28267.1-2021
钢丝绳芯输送带 第1部分:普通用途输送带的设计、尺寸和机械要求(中英文版)
Steel cord conveyor belts—Part 1:Design,dimensions and mechanical requirements for conveyor belts for general use
GB/T 29570-2013
Technical regulations for foliar nutrient diagnosis of rubber tree
GB/T 32318-2015
The criteria of bank branches service evaluation
GB 16230-1996
Health standard for isopropyl alcohol (IPA) in the air of workplace
GB 27949-2020
General requirements of disinfectant of medical instruments
GB/T 12453-2008
信息技术 开放系统互连 运输服务定义(中英文版)
Information technology - Open system interconnection - Transport service definition
GB 50270-2010
Code for construction and acceptance of conveyor equipment installation engineering
GB/T 7734-2004
Method for ultrasonic testing of clad steel plates
GB 14443-2007
涂装作业安全规程 涂层烘干室安全技术规定(中英文版)
Safety code for painting - Safety rules for paint drying oven
GB/T 20979-2019
信息安全技术 虹膜识别系统技术要求(中英文版)
Information security technology—Technical requirements for iris recognition system
GB/T 36548-2024
Test procedures for access to the power grid for electrochemical energy storage power stations
GB/T 28264-2012
起重机械 安全监控管理系统(中英文版)
Lifting appliances - Managing system of safety monitoring
GB/T 36464.3-2018
信息技术 智能语音交互系统 第3部分:智能客服(中英文版)
Information technology—Intelligent speech interaction system—Part 3: Intelligent customer service
GB/T 17461-1998
金属覆盖层 锡-铅合金电镀层(中英文版)
Metallic coatings--Electroplated coatingsof tin-lead alloys
GB/T 43126-2023
Technical specifications for shale oil geological sweet spot evaluation
GB/T 23546-2009
Milk wines
GB/T 30975-2014
信息技术 基于计算机的软件系统的性能测量与评级(中英文版)
Information technology―Measurement and rating of performance of computer-based software systems
GB/T 34421-2017
Specification for operation and service of coastal fishery inn
GB/T 16705-1996
Codes for environmental pollution categories
GB/T 22459.2-2022
耐火泥浆 第2部分:稠度试验方法(跳桌法)(中英文版)
Refractory mortars—Part 2:Determination of consistency using the reciprocating flow table method
GB/T 24218.14-2010
纺织品 非织造布试验方法 第14部分:包覆材料返湿量的测定(中英文版)
Textiles - Test methods for nonwovens - Part 14:Coverstock Wetback
GB/T 13681.2-2017
Hexagon weld nuts with flange
GB/T 8182-2008
Tantalum and tantalum alloy seamless tubes
GB/T 40103-2021
Technical requirement of connecting to power system for solar thermal power station
GB/T 19696-2008
地理标志产品 平阴玫瑰(中英文版)
Product of geographical indication - Pingyin rose
GB 21350-2013
The norm of energy consumption per unit products of copper and copper-alloy tube
GB/T 4955-2005
金属覆盖层 覆盖层厚度测量 阳极溶解库仑法(中英文版)
Metallic coatings -- Measurement of coating thickness -- Coulometric method by anodic dissolution
GB/T 6730.72-2016
铁矿石 砷、铬、镉、铅和汞含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)(中英文版)
Iron ores—Determination of arsenic, chromium, cadmium, lead and mercury content—Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry method (ICP-MS)
GB/T 229-2020
金属材料 夏比摆锤冲击试验方法(中英文版)
Metallic materials—Charpy pendulum impact test method
GB/T 17989-2000
控制图 通则和导引(中英文版)
Control chart--General guide and introduction
GB 50614-2010
Code for construction and acceptance of straddle monorail transit
GB/T 32852.4-2019
城市客运术语 第4部分:出租汽车(中英文版)
Urban passenger transportation terminology—Part 4: Taxi
GB/T 16529.2-1997
光纤光缆接头 第2部分:分规范 光纤光缆接头盒和集纤盘(中英文版)
Splices for optical fibres and cables--Part 2:Sectional specification--Splice organizers and closures for optical fibres and cables
GB/T 26155.2-2012
工业过程测量和控制系统用智能电动执行机构 第2部分:性能评定方法(中英文版)
Intelligent electrical actuators for industrial-process measurement and control systems - Part 2:Methods of evaluating the performance
GB/T 15264-1994/XG1-2018
Ambient air--Determination of lead--Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
GB/T 3653.3-1988
硼铁化学分析方法 高氯酸脱水重量法测定硅量(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of ferroboron--The perchloric acid dehydration-gravimetric method for the determination of silicon content
GB/T 10511-2008
硝酸磷肥中总氮含量的测定 蒸馏后滴定法(中英文版)
Determination of total nitrogen content for nitrophosphate - Titrimetric method after distillation
GB/T 19794-2023
农业灌溉设备 定量阀 技术要求和试验方法(中英文版)
Agricultural irrigation equipment, dosing valves, technical requirements and test methods

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