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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 18654.15-2008
养殖鱼类种质检验 第15部分:RAPD分析(中英文版)
Inspection of germplasm for cultured fishes - Part 15:RAPD Analysis
GB/T 30126-2013
纺织品 防蚊性能的检测和评价(中英文版)
Textiles―Testing and evaluation for anti-mosquitoes properties
GB/T 36219-2018
Evaluation method of energy consumption for shipbuilding enterprises
GB/T 15558.3-2023
燃气用埋地聚乙烯(PE)管道系统 第3部分:管件(中英文版)
Buried polyethylene (PE) piping systems for gas use Part 3: Pipe fittings
GB/T 20873-2007
PM-cores made of magnetic oxides and associated parts-dimensions
GB/T 25294-2010
General technical requirements for cabinets of synthesized control equipments in electrical power system
GB/T 34837-2017
计时仪器零部件分类、名称和编号 石英手表机心(中英文版)
Classification, terminology and numbering for parts and assemblies of the time measuring instruments—Quartz wrist watch movements
GB 16240-1996
Health standard for rare-earth dust in theair of workplace
GB/T 26052-2022
Carbide Tubular Welding Rod
GB/T 862.1-1987
Lock washers external teeth
GB 50195-2013
Design code for producer gas station
GB/T 12193-2017
Methods of measurement for receivers employing F3E or G3E emission used in the mobile services
GB/T 40298-2021
Technical specification for disposal and recycling of slag from hot dip galvanizing of steel
GB/T 8704.3-2009
钒铁 硫含量的测定 红外线吸收法及燃烧中和滴定法(中英文版)
Ferrovanadium - Determination of sulfur content - The infrared absorption method and the combustion-neutralization titration method
GB/T 14926.50-2001
实验动物 酶联免疫吸附试验(中英文版)
Laboratory animal--Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)
GB/T 9695.17-2008
肉与肉制品 葡萄糖酸-δ-内酯含量的测定(中英文版)
Meat and meat products - Determination of glucono-delta-lactone content
GB/T 50441-2016
Standard for calculation of energy consumption in petrochemical engineering design
GB/T 40743-2021
Quality grades of kiwifruit
GB/T 20014.20-2008
良好农业规范 第20部分:鳗鲡池塘养殖控制点与符合性规范(中英文版)
Good agricultural practice - Part 20: Eel pond culture control points and compliance criteria
GB/T 28016-2011
金合金首饰 金含量的测定 重量法(中英文版)
Gold alloy jewellery - Determination of gold - Gravimetric method
GB/T 31800-2015
Detection and identification of Plum pox virus
GB/T 25801-2020
C.I.分散橙30(分散橙S-4RL )(中英文版)
C.I. Disperse orange 30(Disperse orange S-4RL)
GB/T 16723-1996
信息技术 提供OSI无连接方式运输服务的协议(中英文版)
Information technology--Protocol for providing the OSI connectionless-mode transport service
GB 19821-2005
Discharge Standard of Pollutants for beer industry
GB 17498.5-2008
固定式健身器材 第5部分:曲柄踏板类训练器材 附加的特殊安全要求和试验方法(中英文版)
Stationary training equipment - Part 5: Pedal crank training equipment - Additional specific safety requirements and test methods
GB/T 11446.4-2013
Test method for resistivity of electronic grade water
GB/T 37176-2018
Alcohols/Ethers-based aromatics
GB/T 34120-2023
Technical requirements for energy storage converters in electrochemical energy storage systems
GB 14756-2010
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 维生素E(dl-α-醋酸生育酚)(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate)
GB/T 4661-2002
滚动轴承 圆柱滚子(中英文版)
Rolling bearings--Cylindrical rollers
GB/T 36039-2018
Regulatory standards for the safety of gas system in gas-fired power plant
GB/T 42754-2023
General rules for performance evaluation of dry chemical analyzers
GB/T 21741-2008
General specifications of security & protection system for residential area
GB/T 4207-2012
Method for the determination of the proof and the comparative tracking indices of solid insulating materials
GB/T 33796-2017
General requirement of thermoplastic starch
GB/T 32561.5-2022
红外光学硫系玻璃测试方法 第5部分:应力双折射(中英文版)
Infrared Optical Chalcogenide Glass Test Methods Part 5: Stress Birefringence
GB/T 17138-1997
土壤质量 铜、锌的测定 火焰原子吸收分光光度法(中英文版)
Soil quality--Determination of copper,zinc--Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry
GB/T 20338-2006
农业车辆 被牵引车辆的机械联接装置 挂接环尺寸(中英文版)
Agricultural vehicles - Mechanical connections on towed vehicles - Dimensions for hitch rings
GB/T 16148-2009
Specification for assessments of intakes and internal doses of radionuclides
GB/T 33073-2016
Technical specification for nickel scrap treatment and disposal
GB/T 22522-2021
Metric series wires for measuring screw threads
GB/T 1030-1988
Inner sphere washers
GB/T 27652-2011
Methods of pretreatment for chemical analysis of preservative-treated wood
GB/T 10813.3-2015
青瓷器 第3部分:纹片釉青瓷器(中英文版)
Celadon porcelain ware—Part 3: Celadon porcelain ware with craquele glaze
GB/T 755.2-2003
Methods for determininglosses and efficiency of rotating electrical machinery from tests(excluding machines for traction vehicles)
GB/T 35210.2-2020
页岩甲烷等温吸附测定方法 第2部分:重量法(中英文版)
Determination methods of methane isothermal adsorption of shale—Part 2: Gravimetric method
GB 7000.219-2008
灯具 第2-19部分:特殊要求 通风式灯具(中英文版)
Luminaires - Part 2-19: Particular requirements - Air-handling luminaires
GB/T 12994-2008
种子加工机械 术语(中英文版)
Seed processing machinery - Terminology
GB/T 30501-2014
Geological evaluating methods for tight sandstone gas
GB/T 9652.1-2019
Specification of hydraulic turbine governing systems

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