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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 24328.2-2020
卫生纸及其制品 第2部分: 厚度、层积厚度、表观层积紧度和松厚度的测定(中英文版)
Tissue paper and tissue products—Part 2: Determination of thickness, bulking thickness and apparent bulk density and bulk
GB/T 24630.2-2009
产品几何技术规范(GPS) 平面度 第2部分:规范操作集(中英文版)
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Flatness - Part 2: Specification operators
GB/T 38318-2019
Cyber security assessment guide for electric power system supervision and control
GB/T 3047.3-2003
Series of basic dimensions of subracks and plug-in units for vertical increment of 20mm
GB 21657-2008
Code of dust control in the compounding workshop of the rubber manufacture
GB/T 17065-1997
Workplace air--Determination ofl,l-dimethylhydrazine--Gas chromatographic method
GB 16670-2006
Cabinet gas fire extinguishing equipment
GB/T 7023-2011
Standard test method for leachability of low and intermediate level solidified radioactive waste forms
GB 1903.31-2018
National Food Safety Standard - Food Nutrition Enhancer - Retinyl Acetate (Vitamin A)
GB/T 43278-2023
医学实验室 风险管理在医学实验室的应用(中英文版)
Medical Laboratory Risk Management Application in Medical Laboratory
GB/T 23322-2009
纺织品 表面活性剂的测定 烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚(中英文版)
Textiles - Determination of surfactant - Alkylphenol ethoxylates
GB/T 34922-2017
ebXML based road consignment note messages
GB/T 4131-2014
Nomenclature and terminology of cement
GB 7300.1002-2022
饲料添加剂 第10部分:调味和诱食物质 大蒜素(中英文版)
Feed additives - Part 10: Flavoring and attractant substances - Allicin
GB 25902.3-2010
信息技术 通用多八位编码字符集 西双版纳新傣文32点阵字型 第3部分:温暖菲白体(中英文版)
Information technology - Universal multiple-octet coded character set - New Xishuang Banna Dai 32 dot matrix font - Part 3: Wennuanfei Bai Ti
GB/T 35447-2017
General technical criterion for garment customization
GB/T 40434-2021
Rectification equipment for charging industrial batteries
GB/T 4296-2004
Inspection method for microstructure of wrought magnesium alloy
GB/T 11847-2008
二氧化铀粉末比表面积测定 BET容量法(中英文版)
Determination of specific surface area of uranium dioxide powder by BET capacity method
GB/T 32896-2016
Communication protocols for power cabin of electric vehicle
GB/T 20805-2006
Determination of acid detergent lignin in feedstuffs
GB/T 13914-2013
Tolerance of dimensions for stamping parts
GB/T 12678-2021
Reliability running test method for motor vehicles
GB/T 24782-2009
Decision method of persistent,bioaccumulative and toxic substances,and very persistent and very bioaccumulative substances
GB/T 31861-2015
工业窑炉用清洁燃料 型煤(中英文版)
Clean fuel for industrial furnace—Briquette
GB/T 39421-2020
Methods for determining the static gel strength of cement formulations
GB 27742-2011
Activity concentration for material not requiring radiological regulation
GB/T 2673.1-2018
Hexalobular socket countersunk flat head screws
GB/T 43550.2-2023
一般用途活动铅笔和铅芯 分类、尺寸、质量和试验方法 第2部分:黑铅芯(中英文版)
Mechanical pencils and lead for general use - Classification, dimensions, quality and test methods - Part 2: Black lead
GB/T 9091-2008
Inductive voltage dividers
GB/T 23566.2-2009
冲模滑动导向钢板上模座 第2部分:对角导柱上模座(中英文版)
Sliding guide steel-plate punch holders of stamping dies - Part 2: Diagonal-pillar punch holders
GB/T 20935.1-2018
金属材料 电磁超声检测方法 第1部分:电磁超声换能器指南(中英文版)
Metal materials—Method of electromagnetic acoustic inspection—Part 1: Standard guide for electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs)
GB/T 15022.2-2007
电气绝缘用树脂基活性复合物 第2部分: 试验方法(中英文版)
Resin besed reactive compounds used for electrical insulation - Part 2: Methods of test
GB 18173.2-2014
高分子防水材料 第2部分:止水带(中英文版)
Polymer water-proof materials―Part 2: waterstop
GB/T 42433-2023
珠宝玉石鉴定 红外光谱法(中英文版)
Jewelry jade identification infrared spectroscopy
GB/T 17920-1999
土方机械 提升臂支承装置(中英文版)
Earth-moving machinery--Lift-arm support devices
GB/T 1448-2005
Fiber-reinforced plastics composites-Determination of compressive properties
GB/T 26375-2010
Rules on management of donation
GB/T 33815-2017
Technical specification for wastewater treatment of iron ore mining and mineral processing enterprises
GB/T 28905-2022
Low Yield Strength Steel Plates for Construction
GB/T 16712-2008
Characteristics of synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) equipment functional blocks
GB/T 33015-2016
General rules for bonding sheet for multilayer printed boards
GB 50922-2013
Code for technical antenna engineering
GB/T 38490-2021
微生物高通量适应性进化测定 微流控芯片法(中英文版)
Determination of high-throughput adaptive evolution for microorganisms—Microfluidic chip method
GB/T 24958.1-2010
冷冻轻烃流体 船上球形储罐的校准 第1部分:立体照相测量法(中英文版)
Refrigerated light hydrocarbon fluids - Calibration of spherical tanks in ships - Part 1: Stereo photogrammetry
GB/T 32101-2015
Maltitol and maltitol solution for industry
GB/T 9758.6-1988
色漆和清漆 “可溶性”金属含量的测定 第六部分:色漆的液体部分中铬总含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes--Determination of “soluble” metal content--Part 6:Determination of total chromium content of the liquid portion of the paint--Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 39680-2020
信息安全技术 服务器安全技术要求和测评准则(中英文版)
Information security technology—Technique requirements and evaluation criteria for server security
GB/T 12604.5-2008
无损检测 术语 磁粉检测(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing - Terminology - Terms used in magnetic particle testing
GB/T 8415-2001
Method for assessing the quality of daylight simulators

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