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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 19537-2004
蔬菜加工企业 HACCP体系审核指南(中英文版)
Guide for audition on HACCP system for vegetable processing
GB/T 36762-2018
Regulations of management for common corridor in chemical industry park
GB/T 27700.1-2023
有质量评定的声表面波滤波器 第1部分 :总规范(中英文版)
Qualified surface acoustic wave filters Part 1: General specifications
GB/T 25181-2010
Ready-mixed mortar
GB/T 34055-2017
Production specifications of lunar digital elevation model
GB/T 3459-2022
Tungsten bar
GB/T 17524-1998
Inspection regulation for micro-hydro generator equipments
GB/T 10185-2012
电子设备用固定电容器 第7部分:分规范 金属箔式聚苯乙烯膜介质直流固定电容器(中英文版)
Fixed capacitors for use in electric equipment - Part 7: Sectional specification Fixed polystyrene film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors
GB/T 21737-2008
Purchase information on goods and services intended for consumers
GB/T 34000-2016
China shipbuilding quality standard
GB/T 32694-2021
插电式混合动力电动乘用车 技术条件(中英文版)
Plug-in hybrid electric passenger cars—Specifications
GB/T 23933-2009
Mangnesium slag portland cement
GB/T 9288-2006
金合金首饰 金含量的测定 灰吹法(火试金法)(中英文版)
Gold jewellery alloys - Determination of gold - Cupellation method (fire assay)
GB/T 12963-2014
Electronic-grade polycrystalline silicon
GB/T 12357.1-2015
通信用多模光纤 第1部分:A1类多模光纤特性(中英文版)
Multimode optical fibres for telecommunication—Part 1: Sectional specification for category A1 multimode fibres
GB 9706.1-2020
医用电气设备 第1部分:基本安全和基本性能的通用要求(中英文版)
Medical electrical equipment—Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance
GB/T 26857.1-2011
信息技术 开放系统互连 测试方法和规范 (MTS) 测试和测试控制记法 第3版 第1部分:TTCN-3核心语言(中英文版)
Methods for testing and specification (MTS)- The testing and test control notation version 3 - Part1:TTCN-3 core language
GB/T 14082-1993
Generic specification of 9-track digital magnetic head for digital magnetic tape unit
GB/T 21242-2019
烟花爆竹 禁限用物质定性检测方法(中英文版)
Fireworks—Test methods of qualitative determination of prohibitive and limitative substances
GB/T 22809-2008
烟花爆竹 安全性能检测规程(中英文版)
Fireworks and firecracker - Rules of the inspection of safety performance
GB/T 43931-2024
General specifications for microwave integrated circuit chips for aerospace use
GB/T 18091-2000
Optical properties of glass curtain walls
GB/T 30103.2-2013
冷库热工性能试验方法 第2部分:风速检测(中英文版)
Methods of testing for thermal performance on cold store―Part 2: Air velocity testing
GB/T 18380.33-2008
电缆和光缆在火焰条件下的燃烧试验 第33部分:垂直安装的成束电线电缆火焰垂直蔓延试验 A类(中英文版)
Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 33:Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables - Category A
GB/T 36461-2018
物联网标识体系 OID应用指南(中英文版)
Internet of things identification system—Guideline for OID application
GB/T 43130.1-2023
液化天然气装置和设备 浮式液化天然气装置的设计 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Liquefied natural gas plants and equipment - Design of floating liquefied natural gas plants - Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 6809.8-2010
往复式内燃机 零部件和系统术语 第8部分:起动系统(中英文版)
Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Vocabulary of components and systems - Part 8: Starting systems
GB 3883.14-2007
手持式电动工具的安全 第二部分:链锯的专用要求(中英文版)
Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Part 2: Particular requirements for chain saws
GB/T 3630-2017
Niobium sheet ,strip and foil
GB/T 22639-2022
Test method of exfoliation corrosion for aluminium alloy products
GB 29216-2012
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 丙二醇(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additive - Propylene Glycol
GB/T 223.77-1994
钢铁及合金化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定钙量(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The flame atomic absorption spectrometric method for the determination of calcium content
GB/T 13955-2017
Installation and operation of residual current operated protective devices
GB/T 40107-2021
电子商务交易产品信息描述 办公类产品(中英文版)
Information description of product for electronic commerce transaction—Office product
GB/T 14981-2009
Dimension,shape,mass and tolerance for hot-rolled round wire rod
GB 18468-2001
Hygienic standard for p-dichlorobenzene inindoor air
GB/T 9139-2008
液压挖掘机 技术条件(中英文版)
Hydraulic excavators - Technical specifications
GB/T 1796.1-2016
轮胎气门嘴 第1部分:压紧式内胎气门嘴(中英文版)
Tyre valves—Part 1: Tube clamp-in valves
GB/T 5620-2020
道路车辆 汽车和挂车制动名词术语及其定义(中英文版)
Road vehicles—Vocabulary and difinition for braking of automotive vehicles and their trailers
GB/T 27501-2011
Preparation method of buffer solutions for the measurement of pH value
GB/T 5013.6-2008
额定电压450/750V及以下橡皮绝缘电缆 第6部分:电焊机电缆(中英文版)
Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750V - Part 6:Arc welding electrode cables
GB/T 38265.10-2019
软钎剂试验方法 第10部分:软钎剂润湿性能 铺展试验方法(中英文版)
Test methods for soft soldering fluxes—Part 10:Flux efficacy test—Solder spread method
GB/T 17620-2008
Live working - Rigid ladders of insulating material
GB/T 11134-1989
Hydrocarbon solvents--Determination of kauri-butanol value
GB/T 5140-2005
叉车 挂钩型货叉 术语(中英文版)
Fork lift-trucks-Hook-on type fork arms-Vocabulary
GB/T 30296-2013
氯碱工业用全氟离子交换膜 测试方法(中英文版)
Perfluorinated ion-exchange membrane for chlor-alkali industry—Test method
GB 15562.1-1995
环境保护图形标志 排放口(源)(中英文版)
Graphical signs for environmental protection--Discharge outlet(source)
GB/T 22736-2008/XG1-2018
Product of geographical indication - Jiugui Liquor
GB/T 27612.1-2023
农业灌溉设备 喷头 第1部分:术语和分类(中英文版)
Agricultural irrigation equipment Sprinkler heads Part 1: Terminology and classification
GB 25519-2010
矿用给料设备 安全要求(中英文版)
Feeders for mineral processing - Safety requirements

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