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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 36487-2018
印刷机械 柔性版数字直接制版机(中英文版)
Printing machinery—Digital flexo direct plate setter
GB/T 1216-2004
External micrometer
GB 16557-2023
Marine life-saving equipment safety signs
GB/T 15825.3-2008
金属薄板成形性能与试验方法 第3部分:拉深与拉深载荷试验(中英文版)
Sheet metal formability and test methods - Part 3: Drawing and drawing load test
GB/T 24572.5-2013
火灾现场易燃液体残留物实验室提取方法 第5部分:吹扫捕集法(中英文版)
Standard practice for separation and concentration of ignitable liquid residues from fire debris samples―Part 5:Purge and trap concentration
GB/T 33883-2017
7XXX系铝合金应力腐蚀试验 沸腾氯化钠溶液法(中英文版)
Test methods for stress corrosion of 7XXX series aluminium alloys—Boiling sodium chloride solution method
GB 9706.290-2022
医用电气设备 第2-90部分:高流量呼吸治疗设备的基本安全和基本性能专用要求(中英文版)
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-90: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of high-flow respiratory therapy equipment
GB/T 18661-2008
Metal-halide lamps (ScI3-NaI series)
GB/T 14352.9-2010
钨矿石、钼矿石化学分析方法 第9部分:硫量测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten ores and molybdenum ores - Part 9:Determination of sulfur content
GB/T 33290.5-2016
文物出境审核规范 第5部分:仪仗(中英文版)
Specification for inspecting exit cultural relics—Part 5: Ceremonial article
GB/T 26465-2021
Safety rules for the construction and installation of firefighters lifts
GB/T 14334-2006
化学纤维 短纤维取样方法(中英文版)
Sampling method for man-made staple fibres
GB/T 28768-2012
车用汽油烃类组成和含氧化合物的测定 多维气相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of hydrocarbon types and oxygenates in automotive-motor gasoline by multidimensional gas chromatography method
GB/T 32208-2015
Chemical oxygen demand meters
GB 16366-1996
Radiological health protection standards for producing gas mantles
GB/T 38699-2020
Construction and management specification of village public service center
GB/T 14575-2009
纺织品 色牢度试验 综合色牢度(中英文版)
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Comprehensive colour fastness
GB 9743-2015
Passenger car tyres
GB/T 37623-2019
金属和合金的腐蚀 核反应堆用锆合金水溶液腐蚀试验(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys—Aqueous corrosion testing of zirconium alloys for use in nuclear power reactors
GB/T 10781.4-2024
Quality requirements for liquor - Part 4: Maotai-flavor liquor
GB/T 4511.2-1999
Coke--Determination of shatter strength
GB/T 7323-2008
Extreme pressure lithium lubricating grease
GB/T 2900.88-2011
电工术语 超声学(中英文版)
Electrotechnical terminology - Ultrasonics
GB/T 36509-2018
Requirements and testing methods of structure strength for paraglider
GB/T 34667-2023
General technical conditions for electric balancing vehicles
GB/T 5750.2-2006
生活饮用水标准检验方法 水样的采集和保存(中英文版)
Standard examination methods for drinking water - Collection and preservation of water samples
GB/T 23111-2008
Non-automatic weighing instrument
GB/T 30340-2013
Qualifications for vehicle drivers training organization
GB/T 34626.2-2017
金属及其他无机覆盖层 金属表面的清洗和准备 第2部分:有色金属及其合金(中英文版)
Metallic and other inorganic coatings—Cleaning and preparation of metal surfaces—Part 2: Non-ferrous metals and alloys
GB 16840.2-1997
电气火灾原因技术鉴定方法 第2部分:剩磁法(中英文版)
Technical determination methods for electrical fire cause--Part 2:Residual magnetic method
GB/T 41378-2022
塑料 液态食品包装用吹塑聚丙烯容器(中英文版)
Plastics Blow-molded polypropylene containers for liquid food packaging
GB 11721-1989
Health standard for ethylene oxide in the air of workplace
GB 22380.2-2010
燃油加油站防爆安全技术 第2部分:加油机用安全拉断阀结构和性能的安全要求(中英文版)
Explosion protected safety technique of the petrol filling station - Part 2: Safety requirements for construction and performance of safe breaks for use on dispensers
GB/T 35746-2017
船舶与海上技术 船桥布置及相关设备 要求和指南(中英文版)
Ships and marine technology—Ship’s bridge layout and associated equipment—Requirements and guidelines
GB/T 8897.2-2021
原电池 第2部分:外形尺寸和电性能(中英文版)
Primary batteries—Part 2: Physical and electrical specifications
GB 10408.1-2000
入侵探测器 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Detectors for intruder alarm systems--Part 1:Requirements for detectors--General
GB/T 8949-2008
Polyurethane dry-processing artificial leather
GB/T 11026.2-2012
电气绝缘材料 耐热性 第2部分:试验判断标准的选择(中英文版)
Electrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 2: Choice of test criteria
GB/T 10066.11-2016
电热装置的试验方法 第11部分:埋弧炉(中英文版)
Test method for electroheat installations—Part 11: Submerged-arc furnaces
GB/T 39043-2020
游乐设施风险评价 危险源(中英文版)
Risk assessment for amusement ride—Hazard
GB/T 21303-2007
Sepecification for water measuring of irrigation canal system
GB/T 18391.1-2009
信息技术 元数据注册系统(MDR) 第1部分:框架(中英文版)
Information technology - Metadata registries (MDR) - Part 1: Framework
GB/T 17693.10-2019
外语地名汉字译写导则 第10部分:日语(中英文版)
Transformation guidelines of geographical names from foreign languages into Chinese—Part 10: Japanese
GB/T 17191.1-1997
信息技术 具有1.5Mbit/s 数据传输率的数字存储媒体运动图像及其伴音的编码 第1部分:系统(中英文版)
Information technology--Coding of moving pictures and associatedaudio for digital storage media at up to about 1.5Mbit/s--Part 1:Systems
GB/T 4857.2-2005
包装 运输包装件基本试验 第2部分:温湿度调节处理(中英文版)
Packaging-Basic tests for transport packages-Part 2:Temperature and humidity conditioning
GB/T 27534.5-2011
畜禽遗传资源调查技术规范 第5部分:山羊(中英文版)
Rules for animal genetic resource survey - Part 5: Goat
GB/T 24521-2018
Method for the determination of specific resistance of carbon raw materials and coke
GB/T 25774.3-2023
焊接材料的检验 第3部分:T型接头角焊缝试样的制备及检验(中英文版)
Inspection of welding materials Part 3: Preparation and inspection of T-joint fillet weld specimens
GB/T 22919.1-2008
水产配合饲料 第1部分:斑节对虾配合饲料(中英文版)
Aquafeed - Part 1: Formula feed for giant tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon)
GB/T 18630-2002
Method for simple determination of organophosphorus and carbamate pesticide residues in vegetables (enzyme inhibition method)

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