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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 7948-1987
Test method for PV limit of plastics bearings
GB/T 4661-2015
滚动轴承 圆柱滚子(中英文版)
Rolling bearings—Cylindrical rollers
GB 2099.4-2008
家用和类似用途插头插座 第2部分:固定式无联锁带开关插座的特殊要求(中英文版)
Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 2: Particular requirements for switched socket-outlets without interlock for fixed installations
GB/T 21958-2008
轮式拖拉机 前驱动桥(中英文版)
Front drive axle for wheeled tractor
GB 18613-2020
Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and values of efficiency grades for motors
GB/T 16494-2013
化学试剂 二甲苯(中英文版)
Chemical reagent—Xylene
GB 20699-2006
Mancozeb technical
GB/T 5009.172-2003
Determination of trifluralin residues in soybean,peanut,soybean oil,peanut oil
GB/T 37886-2019
Technical requirements for RFID read-write equipment of gas cylinder
GB 25490-2010
木工机床安全 带移动工作台单头开榫机(中英文版)
Safety of woodworking machines - Single end tenoning machines with sliding table
GB/T 3414-1994
Hot-rolled profiled steels for coal mechanism
GB/T 35021-2018
增材制造 工艺分类及原材料(中英文版)
Additive manufacturing—Process categories and feedstock
GB 43069-2023
Safety technical requirements for mining cables
GB/T 29312-2012
Low-voltage reactive power compensation switchgear component
GB/T 34525-2017
Safety rules for handling, loading and unloading, storing and using of cylinder
GB 24408-2009
Limit of harmful substances of exterior wall coatings
GB/T 15718-2008
Foam-in-place packaging materials
GB/T 29829-2022
信息安全技术 可信计算密码支撑平台功能与接口规范(中英文版)
Information security technology trusted computing cryptographic support platform function and interface specification
GB/T 968-2007
Manufacturing tolerances on the threaded of portion taps
GB/T 16895.20-2017
低压电气装置第 5-55 部分:电气设备的选择和安装 其他设备(中英文版)
Low-voltage electrical installations—Part 5-55:Selection and erection of electrical equipment—Other equipment
GB/T 17980.54-2004
农药 田间药效试验准则(二) 第54部分:杀虫剂防治仓储害虫(中英文版)
Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(Ⅱ)--Part 54:Insecticides against storage pest
GB/T 27926.8-2021
金融服务 金融业通用报文方案 第8部分:ASN.1生成(中英文版)
Financial services—Universal financial industry message scheme—Part 8:ASN.1 generation
GB/T 28221.5-2011
灾后过渡性安置区基本公共服务 第5部分:文化体育(中英文版)
Basic public services for post-disaster transitional resettlement area - Part 5: Culture and sports
GB/T 15694.1-1995
识别卡 发卡者标识 第1部分:编号体系(中英文版)
Identification cards--Identification of issuers--Part 1:Numbering system
GB/T 5273-2016
Dimensional standardisation of terminals for high-voltage apparatus
GB/T 2952.2-2008
电缆外护层 第2部分:金属套电缆外护层(中英文版)
Protective coverings for electric cables - Part 2: Protective coverings for cables with metallic sheath
GB/T 39551.7-2020
专利导航指南 第7部分:服务要求(中英文版)
Patent navigation guide—Part 7:Service requirement
GB 50967-2014
Code for installation of coking and chemical mechanical equipment
GB/T 31569-2015
六轴联动数控螺旋锥齿轮铣齿机 精度检验(中英文版)
6-axis simultaneous CNC spiral bevel gear milling machines—Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 38256-2019
Test method for optical axis parallelism of multiple optical paths
GB/T 25755-2010
真空技术 溅射离子泵 性能参数的测量(中英文版)
Vacuum technology - Sputter-ion pumps - Measurement of performance characteristics
GB/T 21605-2008
Test method of acute inhalation toxicity for chemicals
GB 51321-2018
Electronic industrial plant integrated automation engineering technical standards
GB/Z 43444.1-2023
智能设备管理 第1部分:概念和定义(中英文版)
Smart Device Management Part 1: Concepts and Definitions
GB/T 29041-2012
Road wear testing methods for motor vehicle tyres
GB/T 2471-1995
Preferred number series for resistors and capacitors
GB 16487.6-2005
进口可用作原料的固体废物环境保护控制标准 废钢铁(中英文版)
Environmental protection control standard for imported solid wastes as raw materials -- Waste and scrap of iron and steel
GB/T 34690.8-2017
印刷技术 胶印数字化过程控制 第8部分:胶印设备(中英文版)
Graphic technology—Digitalized process control for offset printing—Part 8: Offset press
GB/T 24487-2009
GB/T 42319-2023
船舶和海上技术 航行数据记录仪(VDR)操作和安装指南(中英文版)
Ships and offshore technology - Guidelines for the operation and installation of voyage data recorders (VDR)
GB/T 17860.1-1999
电测量仪器 X-t记录仪 第1部分:定义和要求(中英文版)
Electrical measuring instruments--X-t recorders--Part 1:Definitions and requirements
GB/T 33642-2017
农林拖拉机轮胎 快速耐磨试验方法(中英文版)
Tractor tires for agriculture and forestry—Test procedures of quick abrasion resistance
GB/T 17489-2022
液压传动 颗粒污染分析 从工作系统管路中提取液样(中英文版)
Hydraulic transmission Particulate contamination analysis Liquid sampling from working system piping
GB/T 27894.1-2011
天然气 在一定不确定度下用气相色谱法测定组成 第1部分:分析导则(中英文版)
Natural gas - Determination of composition with defined uncertainty by gas chromatogramphy - Part 1:Guidelines for tailored analysis
GB 1886.191-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 柠檬醛(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - citral
GB/T 786.1-2009
流体传动系统及元件图形符号和回路图 第1部分:用于常规用途和数据处理的图形符号(中英文版)
Fluid power systems and components - Graphic symbols and circuit diagrams - Part 1: Graphic symbols for conventional use and data-processing applications
GB/T 9659-2008
Citrus budling
GB/T 40752-2021
Sepecifications for operation management of orah poverty alleviation project
GB/T 2818-2014
Submersible motor for deep well
GB/T 2461-1996
硫铁矿和硫精矿水分的测定 重量法(中英文版)
Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of moisture--Gravimetric method

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