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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 28227.3-2011
文化服务质量管理体系实施指南 第3部分:室外博物馆(中英文版)
Guidelines for the implementation of the quality management system of cultural service - Part 3: Open air museum
GB/T 786.3-2021
流体传动系统及元件 图形符号和回路图 第3部分:回路图中的符号模块和连接符号(中英文版)
Fluid power systems and components—Graphical symbols and circuit diagrams—Part 3: Symbol modules and connected symbols in circuit diagrams
GB/T 19903.11-2008
工业自动化系统与集成 物理设备控制 计算机数值控制器用的数据模型 第11部分: 铣削用工艺数据(中英文版)
Industrial automation systems and integration - Physical device control - Data model for computerized numerical controllers - Part 11: process data for milling
GB/T 50280-1998
Standard for basic terminology of urban planning
GB/T 23299-2009
船舶与海上技术 静水压力释放器(中英文版)
Ships and marine technology - Hydrostatic release units
GB/T 17885-2016
Electromechanical contactors for household and similar purposes
GB/T 39010-2020
精油 表征(中英文版)
Essential oils—Characterization
GB/T 30573-2014
精密冲裁件 通用技术条件(中英文版)
Fine blanked parts―General technical requirements
GB/T 6104-2005
机动工业车辆 术语(中英文版)
Powered industrial trucks-Terminology
GB/T 11577-2010
Container securing fitting for ships
GB/T 25341.2-2019
铁路旅客运输服务质量 第2部分:服务过程(中英文版)
Quality of railway passenger transport service—Part 2:Service process
GB/T 6314-2018
Internal micrometer with three-point contact
GB/T 4324.18-2012
钨化学分析方法 第18部分:钾量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 18: Determination of potassium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 24403-2023
General rules for quality of canned tuna
GB/T 4934.2-2008
土工试验仪器 剪切仪 第2部分:现场十字板剪切仪(中英文版)
Instrument for soil test - Shear apparatus - Part 2:Field vane shear apparatus
GB/T 479-2000
Determination of plastometric indices of bituminous coal
GB/T 22766.7-2009
家用和类似用途电器售后服务 第7部分: 吸尘器的特殊要求(中英文版)
After-sales service for household and similar electrical appliances - Part7: Particular requirements for cleaner
GB/T 34523-2017
Estimating methods for the mass of remaining propellant of spacecraft
GB/T 26358-2022
Classification of tourist resorts
GB 20553-2006
Triangle sail mussel
GB 8173-1987
Control standards of pollutants in fly ash for agricultural use
GB/T 35463-2017
Test method for bulk density of wood-plastic composites and products
GB 27887-2011
Restraining devices for child occupants of power-driven vehicles
GB/T 40347-2021
植物保护机械 往复式容积泵和离心泵 试验方法(中英文版)
Crop protection equipment—Reciprocating positive displacement pumps and centrifugal pumps—Test method
GB/T 23452-2009
Natural sandstone for building slab
GB/T 32802-2016
土方机械 再制造零部件 出厂验收技术规范(中英文版)
Earth-moving machinery—Remanufactured components—Technical specifications of pre-delivery inspection
GB/T 40564-2021
Test method of epoxy molding compound for electronic packaging
GB/T 26237.10-2014
信息技术 生物特征识别数据交换格式 第10部分:手型轮廓数据(中英文版)
Information technology―Biometric data interchange formats―Part 10: Hand geometry silhouette data
GB/T 4476.4-2008
金属船体制图 第4部分:尺寸注法(中英文版)
Drawing for metal hull of ships - Part 4:Dimensioning
GB/T 18429-2001
Hermetic scroll refrigerant compressors
GB/T 31782-2015
Electronic commerce trusted trading requirements
GB/T 18268.26-2010
测量、控制和实验室用的电设备 电磁兼容性要求 第26部分:特殊要求 体外诊断(IVD)医疗设备(中英文版)
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 26: Particular requirements - In vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical equipment
GB/T 39297-2020
Ammonium dinitramide aqueous solution
GB/T 21127-2007
Technical specification of identification and evaluation for drought resistance in wheat
GB/T 37026-2018
Encoding rules and specifications of radio frequency identification(RFID) labels for clothing commodities
GB/T 9575-2013
橡胶和塑料软管 软管规格和最大最小内径及切割长度公差(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses - Hose sizes, minimum and maximum inside diameters, and tolerances on cut-to-length hoses
GB/T 43459-2023
Technical specifications for cell culture operations in clean rooms and controlled environments
GB 5413.25-2010
食品安全国家标准 婴幼儿食品和乳品中肌醇的测定(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Infant and young children - Determination of inositol in foods and dairy products
GB/T 7717.15-2018
工业用丙烯腈 第15部分:对羟基苯甲醚含量的测定(中英文版)
Acrylonitrile for industrial use—Part 15:Determination of concent of p-hydroxylanisole
GB/T 26237.5-2023
信息技术 生物特征识别数据交换格式 第5部分:人脸图像数据(中英文版)
Information technology - Biometric data exchange format - Part 5: Facial image data
GB/T 2883-2002
Rims series for earth-mover
GB/T 15909-2017
电子工业用气体 硅烷(中英文版)
Gas for electronic industry—Silane
GB 28322-2012
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 十四酸乙酯(肉豆蔻酸乙酯)(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additive - Tetradecanoic Acid Ethyl Ester (Myristic Acid Ethyl Ester)
GB/T 42020-2022
Specifications for measurement of laboratory power supply characteristics
GB/T 21712-2008
The standard for the restoration and control of ancient books
GB/T 6096-2009
Test method for personal fall protection systems
GB/T 1845.1-2016
塑料 聚乙烯(PE)模塑和挤出材料 第1部分:命名系统和分类基础(中英文版)
Plastics—Polyethylene(PE) moulding and extrusion materials—Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications
GB/T 40675.3-2021
数字器件和设备用噪声抑制片 第3部分:噪声抑制片的参数特性(中英文版)
Noise suppression sheet for digital devices and equipment—Part 3: Characterization of parameters of noise suppression sheet
GB/T 31180-2014
Methods for injury surveillance among children and adolescents
GB/T 20125-2006
低合金钢 多元素的测定 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(中英文版)
Low-alloy steel - Determination of multi-element contents - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method

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