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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 41353-2022
再制造 机械产品寿命周期费用分析导则(中英文版)
Remanufacturing Guide for Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Mechanical Products
GB/T 16656.28-2010
工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据表达与交换 第28部分:实现方法:EXPRESS模式和数据的XML表达(使用XML模式)(中英文版)
Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 28:Implementation methods:XML representations of EXPRESS schemas and data,using XML schemas
GB/Z 35483-2017
风力发电机组 发电量可利用率(中英文版)
Wind turbines—Production-based availability
GB/T 7306.2-2000
55°密封管螺纹 第2部分:圆锥内螺纹与圆锥外螺纹(中英文版)
Pipe threads with 55 degree thread angle where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads--Part 2:Taper internal and external threads
GB/T 4798.2-2021
环境条件分类 环境参数组分类及其严酷程度分级 第2部分:运输和装卸(中英文版)
Classification of environmental conditions—Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities—Part 2:Transportation and handling
GB 50767-2013
Standard for design of energy consumption index in propellant and explosive engineering
GB/T 19436.4-2016
机械电气安全 电敏保护设备 第4部分:使用视觉保护装置(VBPD)设备的特殊要求(中英文版)
Electrical safety of machinery—Electro-sensitive protective equipment—Part 4: Particular requirements for equipment using vision based protective devices (VBPD)
GB/T 38968-2020
Guidelines for circular economy practical technologies in copper smelting industry
GB/T 24880-2010
Mongolia horse
GB/T 21644-2008
General Description of Networks Distance Learning
GB/T 38144.1-2019
眼面部防护 应急喷淋和洗眼设备 第1部分:技术要求(中英文版)
Eye and face protection—Emergency shower and eyewash equipment—Part 1: Technical requirements
GB/T 14976-2012
Seamless stainless steel pipes for fluid transport
GB/T 20064.2-2006
往复式内燃机 手柄起动装置 第2部分:脱开角试验方法(中英文版)
Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Handle starting equipment - Part 2: Method of testing the angle of disengagement
GB/T 36221-2018
Thin extra light annular ball bearings primarily for aircraft generators and motor-generators
GB 8871-2001
Eenergy saver for AC contactors
GB/T 40853.2-2023
高频感性元件 电特性及其测量方法 第2部分:DC-DC变换器用电感器额定电流(中英文版)
High frequency inductive components Electrical characteristics and measurement methods Part 2: Rated current of inductors for DC-DC converters
GB/T 22852-2009
Knitted swimwear fabric
GB/Z 5169.33-2014
电工电子产品着火危险试验 第33部分:着火危险评定导则 起燃性 总则(中英文版)
Fire hazard testing for electric and electronic products—Part 33: Guidance for assessing the fire hazard—Ignitability—General guidance
GB/T 34742-2017
Specifications for timber and wood-based materials in windows, door leaves and door frames
GB/T 2423.54-2022
环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Xc:流体污染(中英文版)
Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Test Xc: Fluid contamination
GB/T 26307-2010
Silver target
GB/T 35649-2017
Specification for emergency response plotting symbols
GB 10730-2008
第一基准试剂 邻苯二甲酸氢钾(中英文版)
Primary chemical - Potassium hydrogen phthalate
GB/T 40360-2021
不含气饮料金属罐灌装封罐机 通用技术条件(中英文版)
Still beverage metal cans filling and sealing machine—General technical specifications
GB/T 22491-2008
Soybean oligosaccharide
GB/T 15107-2013
Athletic shoes
GB/T 20655-2006
防护服装 机械性能 抗刺穿性的测定(中英文版)
Protective clothing - Mechanical properties - Determination of the resistance to puncture
GB/T 32929-2016
电子商务交易产品信息描述 数码产品(中英文版)
Information description of product for electronic commerce transaction—Digital products
GB/T 22432-2021
集装箱运输电子数据交换 船舶挂靠信息报文(中英文版)
Container transportation electronic data interchange—Vessel call information message
GB/T 18929-2002
联合循环发电装置 验收试验(中英文版)
Acceptance tests for combined-cycle power plants
GB/Z 22553-2010
Guidance for the use of repeatability, reproducibility and trueness estimates in measurement uncertainty estimation
GB/T 31839-2015
电工电子设备机械结构 安全要求和试验(中英文版)
Mechanical structures for electrotechnical and electronic equipment—Safety requirements and tests
GB/T 39309-2020
橡胶软管和软管组合件 液压用钢丝或织物增强单一压力型 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies—Wire- or textile-reinforced single-pressure types for hydraulic applications—Specification
GB/T 13025.6-2012
制盐工业通用试验方法 钙和镁的测定(中英文版)
General test method in salt industry - Determination of calcium and magnesium
GBZ/T 300.128-2018
Determination of toxic substances in workplace air - Part 128: methacrylates
GB/T 8478-2008
Aluminium windows and doors
GB/T 43480-2023
无损检测 相控阵超声柱面成像导波检测(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing Phased array ultrasonic cylindrical imaging guided wave testing
GB/T 2820.2-2009
往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第2部分:发动机(中英文版)
Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets - Part 2: Engines
GB/T 31026-2014
Cleaning fluid for motor vehicle engine lubrication system
GB/Z 21233-2007
声学 应用社会调查和社会声学调查评价噪声烦恼度(中英文版)
Acoustics - Assessment of noise annoyance by means of social and socio-acoustics surveys
GB/T 36032-2018
压片冲模 冲杆与中模(中英文版)
Press tools for tablets—Punches and dies
GB/T 14235.5-1993
熔模铸造模料 表面硬度测定方法(中英文版)
Testing method for surface hardness of pattern materials in investment casting
GB/T 13674-2023
Specifications for fuel use in aviation-derived gas turbines
GB/T 5009.89-2003
Determination of niacin in foods
GB/T 12085.18-2011
光学和光学仪器 环境试验方法 第18部分:湿热、低内压综合试验(中英文版)
Optics and optical instruments - Environmental test methods - Part 18: Combined damp heat and low internal pressure
GB 50354-2005
Code for fire prevention installation and acceptance in construction of interior decoration engineering of buildings
GB/T 9813.4-2017
计算机通用规范 第4部分:工业应用微型计算机(中英文版)
General specification for computers—Part 4: Industrial application microcomputer
GB/T 41873-2022
塑料 聚醚醚酮(PEEK)树脂(中英文版)
Plastic Polyether ether ketone (PEEK) resin
GB/T 22564-2008
萤石 取样和制样(中英文版)
Fluorspar - Sampling and sample preparation
GB/T 5155-2013
Magnesium alloy extruded bars

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