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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 31270.20-2014
化学农药环境安全评价试验准则 第20部分:家畜短期饲喂毒性试验(中英文版)
Test guidelines on environmental safety assessment for chemical pesticides—Part 20: Livestock short-term dietary toxicity test
GB 21976.1-2008
建筑火灾逃生避难器材 第1部分:配备指南(中英文版)
Escape apparatus for building fire - Part 1: Equipping guide
GB 11512-1989
Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of occupational trinitrotoluene cataract
GB/T 33187.1-2016
地理信息 简单要素访问 第1部分:通用架构(中英文版)
Geographic information—Simple feature access—Part 1:Common architecture
GB/T 26462-2011
Germinating test paper
GB 5696-2006
Prestressed concrete pipe
GB/T 40957-2021
Evaluation specifications of enterprise competitiveness
GB/T 22519-2008
Imaging level meter
GB 1886.125-2015
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 肉桂醇(中英文版)
National food safety standard — Food additive — Cinnamic alcohol
GB/T 39703-2020
Guideline for the testing of corrugated DeNOx catalysts
GB/T 14926.29-2001
实验动物 多瘤病毒检测方法(中英文版)
Laboratory animal--Method for examination of polyoma virus(POLY)
GB/T 29873-2013
Protocol for data communication of energy metrology data public platform
GB/T 15224.3-2010
煤炭质量分级 第3部分:发热量(中英文版)
Classification for quality of coal - Part 3: Calorific value
GB/T 37450-2019
Structural requirements for offshore cranes
GB/T 43839-2024
Safety technical requirements for companion animal (pet) products
GB/T 11259-2008
无损检测 超声检测用钢参考试块的制作与检验方法(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing - Practice for fabrication and control of steel reference blocks used in ultrasonic testing
GB/T 36762-2018
Regulations of management for common corridor in chemical industry park
GB/T 28673-2012
汽车零部件再制造产品技术规范 起动机(中英文版)
The technical specifications for remanufacturing of automotive components - Starter
GB/T 20258.4-2007
基础地理信息要素数据字典 第4部分:1:250 000 1:500 000 1:1 000 000基础地理信息要素数据字典(中英文版)
Data dictionary for fundamental geographic information features - Part 4:data dictionary for fundamental geographic information features of 1:250 000 1:500 000 1:1 000 000 scale
GB/T 27700.1-2023
有质量评定的声表面波滤波器 第1部分 :总规范(中英文版)
Qualified surface acoustic wave filters Part 1: General specifications
GB/T 15664-2009
水果、蔬菜及其制品 甲酸含量的测定 重量法(中英文版)
Fruit and vegetable products - Determination of formic acid content - Gravimetric method
GB/T 34055-2017
Production specifications of lunar digital elevation model
GB/T 3459-2022
Tungsten bar
GB/Z 18859-2002
Enclosed low-voltage switchgaer and controlgaer Assemblies--Guide for testing under conditions of arcing due to internal fault
GB/T 31062-2014
Polymeric polyols
GB/T 34000-2016
China shipbuilding quality standard
GB/T 26550-2011
Testing and appraising of similitude thermal efficiency for grain dreyer
GB/T 32694-2021
插电式混合动力电动乘用车 技术条件(中英文版)
Plug-in hybrid electric passenger cars—Specifications
GB/T 12338-1990
Methods of measurement for monochromeuniversal CCTV camera
GB/T 22596-2008
水处理剂 铁含量测定方法通则(中英文版)
Water treatment chemicals - General method for determination of iron content
GB/T 12357.1-2015
通信用多模光纤 第1部分:A1类多模光纤特性(中英文版)
Multimode optical fibres for telecommunication—Part 1: Sectional specification for category A1 multimode fibres
GB 9706.1-2020
医用电气设备 第1部分:基本安全和基本性能的通用要求(中英文版)
Medical electrical equipment—Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance
GB/T 30095-2013
Networked manufacturing environment - Business interoperability protocol and model
GB/Z 21702-2008
Code on quality and safety control of fishery products for export
GB/T 14506.19-2010
硅酸盐岩石化学分析方法 第19部分:铅量测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of silicate rocks - Part 19: Determination of lead content
GB/T 20089-2006
土壤耕作机械 铧式犁工作部件 词汇(中英文版)
Machinery and equipment for working the soil - Mouldboard plough working elements - Vocabulary
GB/T 21242-2019
烟花爆竹 禁限用物质定性检测方法(中英文版)
Fireworks—Test methods of qualitative determination of prohibitive and limitative substances
GB/T 43931-2024
General specifications for microwave integrated circuit chips for aerospace use
GB/T 2261.3-2003
个人基本信息分类与代码 第3部分: 健康状况代码(中英文版)
Classification and codesof basic personal information--Part 3: Codes for state of health
GB/T 36461-2018
物联网标识体系 OID应用指南(中英文版)
Internet of things identification system—Guideline for OID application
GB/T 28799.3-2012
冷热水用耐热聚乙烯(PE-RT)管道系统 第3部分:管件(中英文版)
Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations - Polyethylene of raised temperature resistance (PE-RT) - Part 3: Fittings
GB/T 43130.1-2023
液化天然气装置和设备 浮式液化天然气装置的设计 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Liquefied natural gas plants and equipment - Design of floating liquefied natural gas plants - Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 4958.9-1988
地面无线电接力系统所用设备的测量方法 第二部分:分系统的测量 第九节 备用通道倒换设备(中英文版)
Methods of measurement for equipment used in terrestrial radio-relay systems--Part 2:Mesurements for sub-systems--Section nine--Stand-by channel switching equipment
GB/T 24134-2009
橡胶和塑料软管 静态条件下耐臭氧性能的评价(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses - Assessment of ozone resistance under static conditions
GB/T 3630-2017
Niobium sheet ,strip and foil
GB/T 22639-2022
Test method of exfoliation corrosion for aluminium alloy products
GB/T 51100-2015
Assessment standard for green store building
GB/T 9089.4-2008
户外严酷条件下的电气设施 第4部分:装置要求(中英文版)
Electrical installations for outdoor sites under heavy conditions - Part 4: Requirements for the installation
GB/T 13955-2017
Installation and operation of residual current operated protective devices
GB 26860-2011
电力安全工作规程 发电厂和变电站电气部分(中英文版)
Safety code of electric power industry - Electric part of power plants and transformer substations

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