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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 36556-2018
Technical requirements for anti-counterfeiting of cascaded image element scanning
GB/T 26949.21-2023
工业车辆 稳定性验证 第21部分:操作者位置起升高度大于1 200 mm的拣选车(中英文版)
Industrial vehicle stability verification Part 21: Picking vehicles with operator position lifting height greater than 1 200 mm
GB 4789.39-2013
食品安全国家标准 食品微生物学检验 粪大肠菌群计数(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food microbiology examination fecal coliform count
GB/T 6730.63-2006
铁矿石 铝、钙、镁、锰、磷、硅和钛含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(中英文版)
Iron ores―Determination of aluminum,calcium,magnesium,manganese,phosphorus,silicon and titanium content―Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method
GB/T 14793-1993
Assembling technical specifications for gas turbine
GB/T 34455-2017
纸、纸板和纸浆 2,2-二(4-羟基苯基)丙烷(双酚A)的测定 液相色谱法(中英文版)
Paper,board and pulps—Determination of 2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) propane (bisphenol A )—Liquid chromatography
GB 25468-2010
Emission Standard of Pollutants from Mg、Ti Industry
GB/T 41251-2022
生产过程质量控制 生产装备全生命周期管理(中英文版)
Production process quality control Production equipment life cycle management
GB/T 18329.1-2001
滑动轴承 多层金属滑动轴承结合强度的超声波无损检验(中英文版)
Plain bearings--Non-destructive ultrasonic testing of hond for metallic multilayer plain bearings
GB/Z 35474-2017
天然气 通过组成计算物性参数的技术说明(中英文版)
Natural gas—Technical explanation for calculation of physical properties from composition
GB/T 22752-2021
康复辅助器具 抓握杆(中英文版)
Assistive product for person with disability - Grab bar
GB/T 28858-2012
Encapsulating material of phenolic for electronic components
GB/T 16674.2-2016
六角法兰面螺栓 细牙 小系列(中英文版)
Hexagon bolts with flange—Fine pitch thread—Small series
GB/T 2912.2-2009
纺织品 甲醛的测定 第2部分:释放的甲醛(蒸汽吸收法)(中英文版)
Textiles - Determination of formaldehyde - Part 2: Released formaldehyde (vapour absorption method)
GB/T 18283-2008
商品条码 店内条码(中英文版)
Bar code for commodity - Bar code in-store
GB/T 38947-2020
Magnetic flux density test method for magnetic separators
GB/T 51087-2015
Design code for renovation and strengthening of existing shipyard marine structure
GB/T 14041.2-2007
液压滤芯 材料与液体相容性检验方法(中英文版)
Hydraulic fluid power - Filter elements - Verification of material compatibility with fluids
GB/T 15555.9-1995
固体废物 镍的测定 直接吸入火焰原子吸收分光光度法(中英文版)
Solid waste--Determination of nickel--Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 12511-1990
纤维光学开关 第一部分:总规范(可供认证用)(中英文版)
Fibre optic switches--Part 1:Generic specification
GB 4785-2019
Prescription for installation of the external lighting and light-signalling devices for motor vehicles and their trailers
GB/T 26804.6-2011
工业控制计算机系统 功能模块模板 第6部分:数字量输入输出通道模板性能评定方法(中英文版)
Industrial control computer system - Function module - Part 6: Methods of evaluating the performance for digital input/output channel modules
GB/T 18744-2002
土工合成材料 塑料三维土工网垫(中英文版)
Geosynthetics--Plastic three dimensional erosion control mat
GB/T 22887-2008
皮革 山羊蓝湿革 规范(中英文版)
Leather - Wet blue goat skins - Specification
GB/T 36155-2018
External public information marking of civil aircraft
GB/T 43316.5-2023
塑料 耐环境应力开裂(ESC)的测定 第5部分:恒定拉伸变形法(中英文版)
Plastics - Determination of environmental stress cracking (ESC) resistance - Part 5: Constant tensile deformation method
GB/T 13467-2013
Measurement and calculation methods of electric energy balance for fan system
GB/T 34697-2017
Treatment and disposal method for spent fluoric etchant
GB/T 25316-2010
Static shore power supply (SPS) system
GB/T 32250.3-2022
农林机械 在用喷雾机的检测 第3部分:灌木与乔木作物用喷雾机(中英文版)
Agricultural and forestry machinery - Testing of in-use sprayers - Part 3: Sprayers for shrub and tree crops
GB/T 21544-2008
The charger for lithium-ion batteries of cellular phones
GB/T 16081-1995
Workplace air--Determination of trichloromethane--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 9851.9-2017
印刷技术术语 第9部分:书刊印刷术语(中英文版)
Terminology of graphic technology—Part 9: Terms for book and periodical printing
GB/T 28907-2021
Sulfuric acid dew-point corrosion resistance steel plate and strip
GB 50854-2013
Standard method of measurement for building construction and fitting-out works
GB/T 6973-2005
Testing methods of single seed drills(precision drills)
GB/T 2516-2003
普通螺纹 极限偏差(中英文版)
General purpose metric screw threads--Limit deviations
GB 50169-2016
Code for construction and acceptance of grounding connection electric equipment installation engineering
GB 50527-2009
Code for design of energy conservation of flat glass plant
GB/T 40650-2021
信息安全技术 可信计算规范 可信平台控制模块(中英文版)
Information security technology—Trusted computing specification—Trusted platform control module
GB/T 31744-2015
Test on the elementary properties of bamboo charcoal for water-purification
GB/T 3780.28-2020
炭黑 第28部分:多环芳烃含量的测定(中英文版)
Carbon black—Part 28: Determination the content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
GB/T 28042-2011
基于电子商务活动的交易主体 个人信用档案规范(中英文版)
Transaction subject based upon electronic commerce activities - The specification for personal credit archive
GB 4706.63-2008
家用和类似用途电器的安全 商用电漂洗槽的特殊要求(中英文版)
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Particular requirements for commercial electric rinsing sinks
GB/T 5055-2008
青鱼、草鱼、鲢、鳙 亲鱼(中英文版)
Black carp, grass carp, silver carp and bighead carp - Parents
GB 4544-1996
Beer bottles
GB/T 2423.56-2018
Environmental testing—Part 2:Test methods—Test Fh:Vibration, broadband random and guidance
GB 50163-1992
Code for design of halon 1301 fire extinguishing systems
GB/T 27917.1-2023
快递服务 第1部分:基本术语(中英文版)
Courier Services Part 1: Basic Terminology
GB/T 10541-2013
Rubber hose, oil suction and discharge,offshore mooring

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