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“Power capacitors - L ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文畾鎷有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文畾,可以直接在網站上購買,在收橀您﹦款後,會在1銆3天內發您郵箱粯
2. 其他未翻譯的GB標準英文畾,在接橀您翻譯訂單後,才進行翻譯,時間一般需要多3銆5天粯
帿 帿 帿 帿
GB/T 6346.14-2023
顢子设旂用固定顢容器 第14部分:分㈤范 抑制顢源顢磁干扰用固定顢容器鎷中英文畾)
Fixed capacitors for electronic equipment - Part 14: Sectional specification Fixed capacitors for suppressing electromagnetic interference in power supplies
GB/T 19749.2-2022
耦合顢容器及顢容分压器 第2部分:接于线与地之濠用于顢力线路载波鎷PLC)的直流或交流单相耦合顢容器鎷中英文畾)
Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividers—Part 2: DC or AC single-phase coupling capacitor connected between line and ground for power line carrier-frequency (PLC) application
GB/T 17702-2021
Capacitors for power electronics
GB/T 11024.4-2019
标称顢压1 000 V以上交流顢力系统用并联顢容器 第4部分:内部熔丝鎷中英文畾)
Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1 000 V—Part 4:Internal fuses
GB/T 11024.3-2019
标称顢压1 000 V以上交流顢力系统用并联顢容器 第3部分:并联顢容器和并联顢容器组的保护鎷中英文畾)
Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1 000 V—Part 3:Protection of shunt capacitors and shunt capacitor banks
GB/T 11024.2-2019
标称顢压1 000 V以上交流顢力系统用并联顢容器 第2部分:老閵试验鎷中英文畾)
Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1 000 V - Part 2: Ageing testing
GB/T 11024.1-2019
标称顢压1 000 V以上交流顢力系统用并联顢容器 第1部分:总则鎷中英文畾)
Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1 000 V—Part 1:General
GB/T 25121.3-2018
Railway applications—Rolling stock equipment—Capacitors for power electronics—Part 3:Electric double-layer capacitors
GB/T 25121.2-2018
Railway applications—Rolling stock equipment—Capacitors for power electronics—Part 2: Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte
GB/T 25121.1-2018
Railway applications—Rolling stock equipment—Capacitors for power electronics—Part 1: Paper/plastic film capacitors
GB/T 12747.2-2017
标称顢压1 000 V及以下交流顢力系统用自愈式并联顢容器 第2部分:老閵试验偟自愈性试验和破坏试验鎷中英文畾)
Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1000 V—Part 2: Ageing test, self-healing test and destruction test
GB/T 12747.1-2017
标称顢压1 000 V及以下交流顢力系统用自愈式并联顢容器 第1部分:总则 性能偟试验和定鍨 安全要求 安装和运行导则鎷中英文畾)
Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1000 V—Part 1: General—Performance,testing and rating—Safety requirements—Guide for installation and operation
GB/T 6115.4-2014
顢力系统用串联顢容器 第4部分:愰闸管控制的串联顢容器鎷中英文畾)
Series capacitors for power systems―Part 4:Thyristor-controlled series capacitors
GB/T 17702-2013
Capacitors for power electronics
GB/T 25121-2010
轨道交通 机车车辆设旂 顢力顢子顢容器鎷中英文畾)
Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Capacitors for power electronics
GB/T 11024.1-2010
标称顢压1000V以上交流顢力系统用并联顢容器 第1部分:总则鎷中英文畾)
Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1000 V - Part 1: General
GB/T 22582-2008
顢力顢容器 低压功率因数补偿装置鎷中英文畾)
Power capacitors - Low-voltage power factor correction banks
GB/T 15166.4-2008
高压交流熔断器 第4部分:并联顢容器外保护用熔断器鎷中英文畾)
High-voltage fuse - Part 4: Fuses for external protection of shunt power capacitors
GB/T 6115.1-2008
顢力系统用串联顢容器 第1部分:总则鎷中英文畾)
Series capacitors for power systems - Part 1: General
GB/T 3984.2-2004
感应加热装置用顢力顢容器 第2部分:老閵试验偟破坏试验和内部熔丝隔离要求鎷中英文畾)
Power capacitors for induction heating installations--Part 2:Ageing test,destruction test and requirements for disconnecting internal fuses
GB/T 3984.1-2004
感应加热装置用顢力顢容器 第1部分:总则鎷中英文畾)
Power capacitors for inductionheating installations--Part 1:General
GB/T 12747.2-2004
标称顢压1 kV及以下交流顢力系统用自愈式并联顢容器 第2部分:老閵试验偟自愈性试验和破坏试验鎷中英文畾)
Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing type for having a rated voltage up to and including 1000V--Part 2:Ageing test,self-healing test and destruction test
GB/T 12747.1-2004
标称顢压1 kV及以下交流顢力系统用自愈式并联顢容器 第1部分:总则----性能偟试验和定鍨----安全要求----安装和运行导则鎷中英文畾)
Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated valtage up to and including 1000V--Part 1:General--Performance,testing and rating--Safety requirements--Guide for installation and operation
GB/T 6115.3-2002
顢力系统用串联顢容器 第3部分:内部熔丝鎷中英文畾)
Series capacitors for power systems--Part 3:Internal fuse
GB/Z 11024.3-2001
标称顢压1 kV以上交流顢力系统用并联顢容器 第3部分:并联顢容器和并联顢容器组的保护鎷中英文畾)
Shunt capacitors for a.c.power systems having a rated voltage above 1kV--Part 3:Protection of shunt capacitors and shunt capacitor banks
GB/T 11024.4-2001
标称顢压1 kV以上交流顢力系统用并联顢容器 第4部分:内部熔丝鎷中英文畾)
Shunt capacitors for a.c.power systems having rated voltage above 1kV--Part 4:Internal fuses
GB/T 11024.2-2001
标称顢压1 kV以上交流顢力系统用并联顢容器 第2部分:耐久性试验鎷中英文畾)
Shunt capacitors for a.c.power systems having a rated voltage above 1kV--Part 2:Endurance testing
GB/T 17886.2-1999
标称顢压1 kV及以下交流顢力系统用非自愈式并联顢容器 第2部分:老閵试验和破坏试验鎷中英文畾)
Shunt power capacitors of the non-self-healing type for having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV--Part 2:Ageing test and destruction test
GB/T 17886.1-1999
标称顢压1 kV及以下交流顢力系统用非自愈式并联顢容器 第1部分:总则----性能偟试验和定鍨----安全要求----安装和运行导则鎷中英文畾)
Shunt power capacitors of the non-self-healing type for having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV--Part 1:General--Performance,testing and rating--Safety requirements--Guide for installation and operation
GB/T 2900.16-1996
顢瀹术语 顢力顢容器鎷中英文畾)
Electrotechnical terminology--Power capacitors

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