“Specification for ac ” 中國GB標準檢索結果 |
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GB/T 43931-2024 宇航用微波集成电路芯片通用规范(中英文版) General specifications for microwave integrated circuit chips for aerospace use |
GB/T 44025-2024 再制造-等离子喷涂技术规范(中英文版) Remanufacturing-technical specifications for plasma spraying |
GB/T 12668.7202-2024 调速电气传动系统-第7-202部分:电气传动系统的通用接口和使用规范-2型规范说明(中英文版) Speed-controlled electric drive systems - Part 7-202: General interface and use specifications for electric drive systems - Type 2 specification description |
GB/T 43995-2024 数字航天摄影测量-空中三角测量规范(中英文版) Digital aerospace photogrammetry - Specifications for aerial triangulation |
GB/T 43926-2024 油气输送管道事故后状态评估技术规范(中英文版) Technical specifications for post-accident status assessment of oil and gas pipelines |
GB/T 43930-2024 宇航用电磁继电器通用规范(中英文版) General specifications for electromagnetic relays for aerospace |
GB/T 19665-2024 红外成像人体表面测温筛查仪通用规范(中英文版) General specifications for infrared imaging human surface temperature screening devices |
GB/T 43699-2024 接入网技术要求-10Gbit/s对称无源光网络(XGS-PON)(中英文版) Operation and maintenance service specifications for urban light environment landscape lighting facilities |
GB/T 6346.1-2024 电子设备用固定电容器-第1部分:总规范(中英文版) Fixed capacitors for electronic equipment - Part 1: General specification |
GB/T 43825-2024 犬狂犬病疫苗接种技术规范(中英文版) Technical specifications for dog rabies vaccination |
GB/T 43578-2023 信息安全技术 通用密码服务接口规范(中英文版) Information security technology general cryptographic service interface specification |
GB/T 43513.1-2023 空间辐射生物学实验技术规范 第1部分:总则(中英文版) Technical specifications for space radiation biology experiments Part 1: General principles |
GB/T 24834-2023 1000kV交流架空输电线路金具技术规范(中英文版) Technical Specifications for Fittings of 1000kV AC Overhead Transmission Lines |
GB 14866-2023 眼面防护具通用技术规范(中英文版) General Technical Specifications for Eye and Face Protective Equipment |
GB/T 43379-2023 空间数据与信息传输系统 基于XML的遥测遥控信息交换规范(中英文版) Space data and information transmission system XML-based telemetry and remote control information exchange specification |
GB/T 43368-2023 宇航用分离脱落连接器通用规范(中英文版) General specification for breakaway connectors for aerospace applications |
GB/T 43366-2023 宇航用半导体分立器件通用规范(中英文版) General specification for semiconductor discrete devices for aerospace applications |
GB/T 27866-2023 钢制管道和设备防止焊缝硫化物应力开裂的硬度控制技术规范(中英文版) Technical specification for hardness control of steel pipes and equipment to prevent sulfide stress cracking of welds |
GB/T 30000.31-2023 化学品分类和标签规范 第31部分:化学品作业场所警示性标志(中英文版) Specifications for Classification and Labeling of Chemicals Part 31: Warning signs for chemical workplaces |
GB/T 30163-2023 高炉用高风温顶燃式热风炉节能技术规范(中英文版) Technical Specifications for Energy Saving of High Air Temperature Top-Fired Hot Air Stoves for Blast Furnaces |
GB/T 8586-2023 探鱼仪工作频率分配及其防止声波干扰技术规范(中英文版) Operating frequency allocation of fish finders and technical specifications for preventing acoustic interference |
GB/T 5008.3-2023 起动用铅酸蓄电池 第3部分:重载车辆产品品种规格和端子尺寸(中英文版) Lead-acid batteries for starters Part 3: Product varieties, specifications and terminal dimensions for heavy-duty vehicles |
GB/T 5008.2-2023 起动用铅酸蓄电池 第2部分:产品品种规格和端子尺寸、标记(中英文版) Lead-acid batteries for starting use Part 2: Product variety specifications and terminal dimensions and markings |
GB/T 43242-2023 机关事务云接入管理规范(中英文版) Cloud access management specifications for agency affairs |
GB/T 43190-2023 生态设计产品评价技术规范 电器附件(中英文版) Technical specifications for evaluation of eco-design products Electrical accessories |
GB/T 43128-2023 航空航天热塑性聚氨酯弹性体中间膜通用技术规范(中英文版) General technical specifications for aerospace thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer interlayer films |
GB/T 43070-2023 纸箱(盒)成型充填插合封口包装机通用技术规范(中英文版) General technical specifications for carton (box) forming, filling, inserting and sealing packaging machines |
GB/T 43052-2023 电力市场交易运营系统与售电技术支持系统信息交换规范(中英文版) Specification for information exchange between electricity market transaction operation system and electricity sales technical support system |
GB/T 28059.3-2023 公路网图像信息管理系统 平台互联技术规范 第3部分:接口与通信控制协议(中英文版) Highway Network Image Information Management System Platform Interconnection Technical Specifications Part 3: Interface and Communication Control Protocol |
GB/T 42888-2023 信息安全技术 机器学习算法安全评估规范(中英文版) Information Security Technology Machine Learning Algorithm Security Assessment Specification |
GB/T 24716-2023 公路沿线设施太阳能供电系统通用技术规范(中英文版) General technical specifications for solar power supply systems for facilities along highways |
GB/T 42431-2023 飞机交流感应电动机驱动的变量液压泵通用规范(中英文版) General specification for variable displacement hydraulic pumps driven by AC induction motors for aircraft |
GB/T 42604-2023 真空技术 真空计 热阴极电离真空计规范(中英文版) Vacuum technology - Vacuum gauges - Specification for hot cathode ionization vacuum gauges |
GB/T 42438-2023 珠宝玉石追溯体系服务规范(中英文版) Service Specifications for Traceability System of Jewelry and Jade |
GB/T 42643-2023 海底沉积物声学特性原位调查规范(中英文版) Specification for in situ investigation of acoustic properties of seabed sediments |
GB/T 18169-2023 碰碰车类游乐设施通用技术条件(中英文版) General Technical Specifications for Bumper Car Amusement Facilities |
GB/T 42633-2023 空间用太阳电池通用规范(中英文版) General specification for space solar cells |
GB/T 42635-2023 空间用锂离子蓄电池通用规范(中英文版) General specification for lithium-ion batteries for space use |
GB/T 42420-2023 智慧城市基础设施 突发公共卫生事件居住社区基础设施数据获取和报送规范(中英文版) Smart city infrastructure - Specifications for data acquisition and submission of residential community infrastructure for public health emergencies |
GB/T 42482-2023 生鲜银耳包装、贮存与冷链运输技术规范(中英文版) Technical specifications for packaging, storage and cold chain transportation of fresh white fungus |
GB/T 42325-2023 切相调光照明系统中切相调光器的电气接口规范(中英文版) Electrical interface specification for phase-cut dimmers in phase-cut dimming lighting systems |
GB/T 20042.2-2023 质子交换膜燃料电池 第2部分:电池堆通用技术条件(中英文版) Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Part 2: General Specifications for Cell Stacks |
GB/T 6346.14-2023 电子设备用固定电容器 第14部分:分规范 抑制电源电磁干扰用固定电容器(中英文版) Fixed capacitors for electronic equipment - Part 14: Sectional specification Fixed capacitors for suppressing electromagnetic interference in power supplies |
GB/T 42308-2023 电子设备用电位器 第6-1部分:空白详细规范 表面安装预调电位器 评定水平EZ(中英文版) Potentiometers for electronic equipment - Part 6-1: Blank detail specification - Surface mount preset potentiometers - Assessment level EZ |
GB/T 41509-2022 绿色制造 干式切削工艺性能评价规范(中英文版) Green manufacturing - Dry cutting process performance evaluation specification |
GB/T 41539-2022 卫星遥感影像地表温度产品规范(中英文版) Product specifications for satellite remote sensing images of land surface temperature |
GB/T 41510-2022 起重机械安全评估规范 通用要求(中英文版) General requirements for safety assessment specification for hoisting machinery |
GB/T 41542-2022 地球卫星轨道空间环境探测要素通用规范(中英文版) General Specifications for Earth Satellite Orbit Space Environment Exploration Elements |
GB/T 41585-2022 压水堆核电厂调试大纲编写规范(中英文版) Specifications for writing commissioning program of pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant |
GB/T 41543-2022 空间环境 航天材料空间环境效应模拟试验通用规范(中英文版) Space environment General specification for space environment effect simulation test of aerospace materials |
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