“Specification for ac ” 中國GB標準檢索結果 |
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GB/T 35122-2017 制造过程物联的数字化模型信息表达规范(中英文版) Information expression specification for digital model of internet of things in manufacturing processes |
GB/T 17850.4-2017 涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 喷射清理用非金属磨料的技术要求 第4部分:煤炉渣(中英文版) Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products—Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives—Part 4:Coal furnace slag |
GB/T 35226-2017 地面气象观测规范 空气温度和湿度(中英文版) Specifications for surface meteorological observation—Air temperature and humidity |
GB/T 35230-2017 地面气象观测规范 蒸发(中英文版) Specifications for surface meteorological observation—Evaporation |
GB/T 35224-2017 地面气象观测规范 天气现象(中英文版) Specifications for surface meteorological observation—Weather phenomena |
GB/T 35438-2017 空间站科学实验柜气液快换接头规范(中英文版) Specification for quick disconnect gas or liquid couplings of science experiment rack in space station |
GB/T 35231-2017 地面气象观测规范 辐射(中英文版) Specifications for surface meteorological observation—Radiation |
GB/T 35227-2017 地面气象观测规范 风向和风速(中英文版) Specifications for surface meteorological observation—Wind direction and wind speed |
GB/T 35286-2017 信息安全技术 低速无线个域网空口安全测试规范(中英文版) Information security technology—Air-interface security test specification for low-rate wireless personal area networks |
GB/T 35223-2017 地面气象观测规范 气象能见度(中英文版) Specifications for surface meteorological observation—Meteorological visibility |
GB/T 35291-2017 信息安全技术 智能密码钥匙应用接口规范(中英文版) Information security technology—Cryptography token application interface specification |
GB/T 35234-2017 地面气象观测规范 冻土(中英文版) Specifications for surface meteorological observation—Frozen soil |
GB/T 35228-2017 地面气象观测规范 降水量(中英文版) Specifications for surface meteorological observation—Precipitation |
GB/T 35644-2017 地下管线数据获取规程(中英文版) Specification for data acquisition of underground pipeline |
GB/T 35236-2017 地面气象观测规范 地面状态(中英文版) Specifications for surface meteorological observation—Ground state |
GB/T 35225-2017 地面气象观测规范 气压(中英文版) Specifications for surface meteorological observation—Atmospheric pressure |
GB/T 35221-2017 地面气象观测规范 总则(中英文版) Specifications for surface meteorological observation—General |
GB/T 35233-2017 地面气象观测规范 地温(中英文版) Specifications for surface meteorological observation—Soil temperature |
GB/T 35222-2017 地面气象观测规范 云(中英文版) Specifications for surface meteorological observation—Cloud |
GB/T 35237-2017 地面气象观测规范 自动观测(中英文版) Specifications for surface meteorological observation—Automatic observation |
GB/T 33479-2016 党政机关电子公文交换接口规范(中英文版) Exchange interface specification for electronic official document of Party and government organs |
GB/T 33478-2016 党政机关电子公文应用接口规范(中英文版) Application programming interface specification for electronic official document of Party and government organs |
GB/T 33472-2016 含气饮料灌装封盖机通用技术要求(中英文版) General specification for carbonated beverages filling-capping machine |
GB/T 33416-2016 针灸技术操作规范 编写通则(中英文版) Specification of manipulations of acupuncture and moxibustion—General rules for the drafting |
GB/T 33290.14-2016 文物出境审核规范 第14部分:漆器(中英文版) Specification for inspecting exit cultural relics—Part 14: Lacquerware |
GB/T 33221-2016 再制造 企业技术规范(中英文版) Remanufacturing—Technological specifications for enterprise |
GB/T 33018.3-2016 炭素企业节能技术规范 第3部分:机械加工(中英文版) Energy-saving technical specification for carbon enterprise—Part 3: Machining |
GB/T 33018.2-2016 炭素企业节能技术规范 第2部分:焙烧窑炉(中英文版) Energy-saving technical specification for carbon enterprise—Part 2: Baking furnace |
GB/T 4751-2016 户用沼气池质量检查验收规范(中英文版) Specification for check and acceptance of the quality for household anaerobic digesters |
GB/T 30924.1-2016 塑料 乙烯-乙酸乙烯酯(EVAC)模塑和挤出材料 第1部分:命名系统和分类基础(中英文版) Plastics—Ethylene-vinyl acetate(EVAC) moulding and extrusion materials—Part 1: Designation system and basis for specification |
GB/T 18789.2-2016 信息技术 自动柜员机通用规范 第2部分:安全(中英文版) Information technology—General specification for automated teller machine—Part 2:Security |
GB/T 33137-2016 基于传感器的产品监测软件集成接口规范(中英文版) Interface specification for sensor-based product monitoring software integration |
GB/T 32419.4-2016 信息技术 SOA技术实现规范 第4部分:基于发布/订阅的数据服务接口(中英文版) Information technology—SOA technical implementation specification—Part 4: Publish/subscribe based data services interface |
GB/T 33152-2016 影像材料 湿法加工银胶型黑白照相反射胶片 暗室储存规范(中英文版) Imaging materials—Wet-processed silver-gelatin type black-and-white photographic reflection prints—Specifications for dark storage |
GB/T 33200-2016 社会治安综合治理 综治中心建设与管理规范(中英文版) Specification of constraction and management for comprehensive management of public security center |
GB/T 32835-2016 建筑采暖用钢制散热器配件通用技术条件(中英文版) General technical specification for steel heating radiator accessories |
GB/T 32973-2016 半封闭矿热炉炉料热装热送技术规范(中英文版) Technical specification for hot charging and hot delivery of semi-closed arc furnace |
GB/T 32972-2016 钢铁企业轧钢加热炉节能设计技术规范(中英文版) Technical specification energy saving design for reheating furnace of steel rolling in iron and steel works |
GB/T 32937-2016 爆炸和火灾危险场所防雷装置检测技术规范(中英文版) Technical specifications for inspection of lightning protection system in explosive and fire hazardous place |
GB/T 32811-2016 机械产品再制造性评价技术规范(中英文版) Assessment technical specifications of remanufacturability for mechanical products |
GB/T 32810-2016 再制造 机械产品拆解技术规范(中英文版) Remanufacturing—Technological specifications of disassembly for mechanical products |
GB/T 32809-2016 再制造 机械产品清洗技术规范(中英文版) Remanufacturing—Technological specifications of cleaning for mechanical products |
GB/T 18789.3-2016 信息技术 自动柜员机通用规范 第3部分:服务(中英文版) Information technology—General specification for automated teller machine—Part 3: Service |
GB/T 32830.2-2016 装备制造业 制造过程射频识别 第2部分:读写器技术要求及应用规范(中英文版) Equipment manufacturing industry—Radio frequency identification for manufacturing process—Part 2 : Technical requirement and application specifications for RFID reader |
GB/T 32830.3-2016 装备制造业 制造过程射频识别 第3部分:系统应用接口规范(中英文版) Equipment manufacturing industry—Radio frequency identification for manufacturing process—Part 3 : System application interface specification |
GB/T 32830.1-2016 装备制造业 制造过程射频识别 第1部分:电子标签技术要求及应用规范(中英文版) Equipment manufacturing industry—Radio frequency identification for manufacturing process—Part 1 : Technical requirement and application specifications for RFID tag |
GB/T 32872-2016 空间科学照明用LED筛选规范(中英文版) Screening specifications for illumination LEDs in space sciences |
GB/T 32746-2016 岩土工程仪器信号与接口(中英文版) General specification of signals and interfaces for geotechnical engineering instruments |
GB/T 32742-2016 眉茶生产加工技术规范(中英文版) Technical specification for Mee tea producing and manufacturing |
GB/T 32700-2016 空间生物学实验装置通用设计规范(中英文版) General design specification for biological experiment facility in space |
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