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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 11693-2022
Marine flange welding seat plate
GB 1103.2-2012
棉花 第2部分:皮辊加工细绒棉(中英文版)
Cotton - Part 2: Roller ginned upland cotton
GB 1886.78-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 番茄红素(合成)(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Lycopene
GB/T 12772-2008
Cast iron pipes、fittings and accessories with flexible joint sewerage for drainage
GB/T 40887.1-2021
无障碍客车的轮椅车及乘坐者限位系统 第1部分:后向式轮椅车乘坐者系统(中英文版)
Wheelchair containment and occupant retention systems for accessible transport vehicles designed for use by both sitting and standing passengers—Part 1:Systems for rearward-facing wheelchair seated passengers
GB/T 24199-2009
Refined pyridine - Determination of pyridine content - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 1241-2008
Marine forged steel male thread stop-check valves
GB 32034-2015
The norm of energy consumption per unit products of gold refining
GB/T 31419-2015
Test methods for hazardous substances in fire escape mask
GB/T 18402-2001
Pulps--Determination of drainability (drainge time method)
GB/T 39455-2020
国际贸易业务流程规范 货运代理(中英文版)
Specification for international trade business process—Forwarding
GB 16895.2-2005
建筑物电气装置 第4-42部分:安全防护-热效应保护(中英文版)
Electrical installations of buildings-Part 4-42:Protection for safety-Protection against Thermal effects
GB/Z 26958.1-2011
产品几何技术规范(GPS)滤波 第1部分:概述和基本概念(中英文版)
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Filtration - Part 1: Overview and basic concepts
GB 37489.5-2019
公共场所卫生设计规范 第5部分:美容美发场所(中英文版)
Hygienic design specification for public places—Part 5:Barber and beauty
GB/T 22919.6-2024
Aquatic feed - Part 6: Grouper feed
GB/T 2424.17-2008
电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验T:锡焊试验导则(中英文版)
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests methods guidance on - Test T: Soldering Test
GB/T 30265-2013
信息技术 学习、教育和培训 学习设计信息模型(中英文版)
Information technology—Learning, education and training—Learning design information model
GB/T 36661-2018
Green ship recycling general regulation
GB/T 26176-2023
Soymilk Makers for Household and Similar Purposes
GB/T 25498.1-2010
电声学 人头模拟器和耳模拟器 第1部分:校准压耳式耳机用耳模拟器(中英文版)
Electroacoustics - Simulators of human head and ear - Part 1: Ear simulator for the calibration of supra-aural earphones
GB/T 6425-2008
Nomenclature for thermal analysis
GB/T 34010-2017
建筑物气密性测定方法 风扇压力法(中英文版)
Standard for determination of air permeability of buildings—Fan pressurization method
GB/T 18832-2002
Box pallet and post pallet
GB/T 41937-2022
橡胶或塑料涂覆织物 物理机械性能试验 挠度仪法测定耐曲挠性(中英文版)
Rubber or plastics coated fabrics-Physical-mechanical property tests-Determination of flex resistance by deflectionometer method
GB/T 20438.5-2006
电气/电子/可编程电子安全相关系统的功能安全 第5部分: 确定安全完整性等级的方法示例(中英文版)
Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems―Part 5: Examples of methods for the determination of safety integrity levels
GB/T 29256.4-2012
纺织品 机织物结构分析方法 第4部分:织物中拆下纱线捻度的测定(中英文版)
Textiles - Woven fabrics - Construction - Methods of analysis - Part 4: Determination of twist in yarn removed from fabric
GB 14886-2016
Specifications for road traffic signal setting and installation
GB/T 14914.4-2021
海洋观测规范 第4部分:岸基雷达观测(中英文版)
The specification for marine observation—Part 4:Shore based radar observation
GB/T 14119-1993
Blankdetail specification for semiconductor inte-grated circuit fusible-link programmable bipolar read-only memories
GB/T 13770-2009
纺织品 评定织物经洗涤后褶裥外观的试验方法(中英文版)
Textiles - Test method for assessing the appearance of creases in fabrics after cleansing
GB/T 20090.12-2015
信息技术 先进音视频编码 第12部分:综合场景(中英文版)
Information technology—Advanced coding of audio and video—Part 12: Synthetic scene
GB/T 38604.4-2020
公共信息导向系统 评价要求 第4部分:公共汽电车车站(中英文版)
Public information guidance systems—Assessment requirement—Part 4: Trolley and bus station
GB/T 27308-2011
合格评定 信息技术服务管理体系认证机构要求(中英文版)
Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of IT service management systems
GB/T 14454.2-2008
香料 香气评定法(中英文版)
Fragrance/Flavor substances - Method for valuation of odour
GB 38030.2-2019
内河过闸运输船舶标准船型主尺度系列 第2部分:京杭运河、淮河水系(中英文版)
Dimensions series of standard transport ship types passing the locks of inland rivers—Part 2:Grand Canal and Huai River system
GB/T 19234-2003
Dimensional codes for passenger cars
GB/T 17699.1-2024
Electronic data exchange for administration, commerce and transportation-Part 1: Data element directory
GB/T 22677-2008
Electric impact wrenches
GB/T 4127.8-2007
固结磨具 尺寸 第8部分:去毛刺、荒磨和粗磨用砂轮(中英文版)
Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 8: Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling/snagging
GB 30439.1-2013
工业自动化产品安全要求 第1部分: 总则(中英文版)
Safety requirements for industrial automation products—Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 18658-2018
Charpy V-notch reference test pieces for indirect verification of pendulum impact testing machines
GB/T 43003-2023
定制家具 安装验收规范(中英文版)
Customized furniture installation acceptance specifications
GB/T 3807-1994
Polyvinyl chloride cellular plastic slippers
GB/T 25833-2010
The galvanized steel wire ropes for highway guardrail
GB/T 34370.2-2017
游乐设施无损检测 第2部分:目视检测(中英文版)
Nondestructive testing of amusement equipments-Part 2:Visual examination
GB/T 11303-1989
电子设备用C 类预调可变电容器空白详细规范(中英文版)
Blank detail specification for variable preset capacitors type C in electronic equipments
GB/T 8446.3-2022
电力半导体器件用散热器? 第3部分:绝缘件和紧固件(中英文版)
Heat sinks for power semiconductor devices—Part 3: Insulators and fasteners
GB/T 29329-2012
Terminology of chemical waste
GB/T 35579-2017
General specifications of gasoline vapor recovery unit
GB/T 12719-2021
Exploration specification of hydrogeology and engineering geology in mining areas

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