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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 8117.1-2008
汽轮机热力性能验收试验规程 第1部分: 方法A 大型凝汽式汽轮机高准确度试验(中英文版)
Rules for steam turbine thermal acceptance tests - Part 1: Method A - High accuracy for large condensing steam turbines
GB 50185-2010
Code for acceptance of construction quality of industrial equipment and pipeline insulation engineering
GB/T 34649-2017
Magnetron sputtering ruthenium target
GB/T 41276-2022
Limits and detection methods of Phosphorus and its analogues in organophosphorus insecticides
GB/T 21035-2007
饲料安全性评价 喂养致畸试验(中英文版)
Feed safety evaluation - Feeding teratogenicity test
GB/T 19226-2003
Determination of vanadium in coal
GB/T 18168-2017
Specifications of water amusement equipment category
GB 11676-2012
食品安全国家标准 有机硅防粘涂料(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Silicone anti - stick coating
GB/T 20373-2021
变性淀粉中乙酰基含量的测定 滴定法(中英文版)
Determination of acetyl content in modified starch—Titrimetric method
GB/T 23543-2009
Good manufacturing practice for wine enterprises
GB/T 1592.1-2016
农业拖拉机 后置动力输出轴 1、2、3和4型 第1部分:通用要求、安全要求、防护罩尺寸和空隙范围(中英文版)
Agricultural tractors—Rear-mounted power take-off types 1, 2, 3 and 4—Part 1: General specifications,safety requirements,dimensions for master shield and clearance zone
GB/T 39021-2020
智能照明系统 通用要求(中英文版)
Intelligent lighting systems—General requirements
GB/T 30971-2014
软件工程 用于互联网的推荐实践 网站工程、网站管理和网站生存周期(中英文版)
Software engineering―Recommended practice for the internet―Web site engineering, web site management, and web site life cycle
GB/T 23703.5-2010
知识管理 第5部分:实施指南(中英文版)
Knowledge management - Part 5:Implementation guide
GB/T 23711.2-2019
塑料衬里压力容器试验方法 第2部分:耐低温试验(中英文版)
Test method for pressure vessels lined with plastics—Part 2:Low-temperature testing
GB/T 15072.7-2008
贵金属合金化学分析方法 金合金中铬和铁量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(中英文版)
Test methods of precious metal alloys - Determination of chromium and iron contents for gold alloys - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 18189-2008
Requirements for industry of motorcycle maintenance and repair being managed
GB/T 1422-2004
Iridium powder
GB/T 36147.1-2018
供应链安全管理系统 电子口岸通关(EPC) 第1部分:消息结构(中英文版)
Security management systems for the supply chain—Electronic port clearance(EPC)—Part 1: Message structures
GB 6479-2013
Seamless steel tubes for high-pressure chemical fertilizer equipments
GB/T 17529.2-2023
工业用丙烯酸及酯 第2部分:工业用丙烯酸甲酯(中英文版)
Acrylic acids and esters for industrial use Part 2: Methyl acrylate for industrial use
GB/T 10762-2005
Method of mass measurement for industrial and mining electric locomotive
GB 50574-2010
Uniform technical code for wall materials used in buildings
GB/T 34975-2017
信息安全技术 移动智能终端应用软件安全技术要求和测试评价方法(中英文版)
Information security technology—Security technical requirements and testing and evaluation approaches for application software of smart mobile terminals
GB/T 27996-2022
All Terrain Cranes
GB/T 8286-2017
Mining flameproof movable substations
GB/T 18494.3-2012
变流变压器 第3部分:应用导则(中英文版)
Converter transformers - Part 3: Application guide
GB/T 40339-2021
金属和合金的腐蚀 服役中检出的应力腐蚀裂纹的重要性评估导则(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys—Guidelines for assessing the significances of stress corrosion cracks detected in service
GB/T 21994.5-2008
氟化镁化学分析方法 第5部分:钙含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法(中英文版)
Chemical analysis of magnesium fluoride - Part 5: Determiantion of calcium content - Method of flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 15249.1-2009
合质金化学分析方法 第1部分:金量的测定 火试金重量法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of crude gold - Part 1: Determination of gold content - Fire assay gravimetric method
GB/T 32907-2016
信息安全技术 SM4分组密码算法(中英文版)
Information security technology—SM4 block cipher algorthm
GB 2716-2005
Hygienic standard for edible vegetable oil
GB/T 29618.5110-2021
现场设备工具(FDT)接口规范 第5110部分:通用对象模型的通信实现 IEC 61784 CPF 1(中英文版)
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification—Part 5110: Communication implementation for common object model—IEC 61784 CPF 1
GB 51067-2014
Code for design of process of optical cable plant
GB 20561-2006
Periodic inspection and evaluation of steel gas cylinders for the liquefied petroleum gas for vehicles
GB/T 31739-2015
农产品购销基本信息描述 仁果类(中英文版)
Basic information description of agricultural products for purchase & sale—Pome fruits
GB/T 26473-2011
起重机 随车起重机安全要求(中英文版)
Cranes - Safety requirements for loader cranes
GB/T 39288-2020
Thermal storage device with electrical input and thermal output
GB/T 17677-1999
植物保护机械 防滴装置 性能测定(中英文版)
Equipment for crop protection--Antidrip devices--Determination of performance
GB/T 4935.1-2008
土工试验仪器 固结仪 第1部分:单杠杆固结仪(中英文版)
Instrument for soil test - Oedometer - Part 1: Single level arm oedometer
GB/T 5706-2018
Textiles—Wool textile products—Terminology
GB 15579.5-2013
弧焊设备 第5部分:送丝装置(中英文版)
Arc welding equipment - Part 5: Wire feeders
GB/T 43428-2023
市场、民意和社会调查中数字分析与网络分析 术语和服务要求(中英文版)
Digital analysis and network analysis in market, public opinion and social surveys Terminology and service requirements
GB/T 9910-2008
Shipbuilding - Clear openings through frames for external single - Leaf doors
GB/T 5135.19-2010
自动喷水灭火系统 第19部分:塑料管道及管件(中英文版)
Automatic sprinkler system - Part 19: Plastic pipe and fittings
GB/T 36035-2018
制药机械 电气安全通用要求(中英文版)
Pharmaceutical machinery—General requirements for electrical safety
GB/T 11468-1989
265 无线电高度表(中英文版)
265 Radio altimeter
GB/T 12727-2023
Appraisal of electrical equipment important to safety in nuclear power plants
GB/T 21061-2007
The specification of electronic government network technology and using management
GB/T 33774-2017
电子工业用气体 丙烯(中英文版)
Gas for electronic industry—Propylene

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