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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB 6067.1-2010
起重机械安全规程 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Safety rules for lifting appliances - Part 1: General
GB 1886.141-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 d-核糖(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - d-ribose
GB/T 7928-2003
General technical specification for metro vehicles
GB/T 21509-2008
Denitration equipment of coal-fired flue gas
GB/T 1971-2021
旋转电机 线端标志与旋转方向(中英文版)
Rotating electrical machines—Terminal markings and direction of rotation
GB 3033.1-2005
船舶与海上技术 管路系统内含物的识别颜色 第1部分:主颜色和介质(中英文版)
Ships and marine technology-Identification colours for the content of piping systems-Part 1:Main colours and media
GB/T 28815-2012
Specification for master station of real-time dynamics monitoring system for power systems
GB/T 31965-2015
Praseodymium-neodymium oxides
GB/T 39391-2020
Sanitary absorbent pants for women
GB/T 23913.2-2009
复合岩棉板耐火舱室 第2部分:天花板(中英文版)
Fire-resisting compartment of composite rock wool panel - Part 2: Ceiling panel
GB/T 31341-2014
General principles for energy conservation assessment
GB/T 37600.4-2019
全国主要产品分类 产品类别核心元数据 第4部分:公共游乐场的游乐设施(中英文版)
National central product classification—Product category core metadata—Part 4: Amusement ride in public amusement park
GB/T 43753.2-2024
Chemical analysis methods for precious metal alloy electroplating wastewater-Part 2: Determination of zinc, manganese, chromium, cadmium, lead, iron, aluminum, nickel, copper and beryllium content-Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB 50712-2011
Code for acceptance of construction quality of acid-making equipment installtion enginering for metallurgical off-gas
GB/T 36870-2018
Code names of the main commercial timbers
GB 19510.7-2005
灯的控制装置 第7部分:航空器照明用直流电子镇流器的特殊要求(中英文版)
Lamp controlgear--Part 7:Particular requirements for d.c.supplied electronic ballasts for aircraft lighting
GB/T 970.2-2008
圆板牙 第2部分:技术条件(中英文版)
Circular screwing dies - Part 2: Technical specifications
GB/T 33061.7-2023
塑料 动态力学性能的测定 第7部分: 非共振扭转振动法(中英文版)
Plastics - Determination of dynamic mechanical properties - Part 7: Non-resonant torsional vibration method
GB/T 22775-2008
计时仪器用齿轮 端面齿轮(中英文版)
Gears for timekeeping instruments - Contrate gears
GB/T 20478-2006
Glossary of phytosanitary terms
GB/T 30165-2013
纺织机械与附件 针织机用舌针 针杆厚度和针钩高度的对应尺寸(中英文版)
Textile machinery and accessories―Latch-type needles for knitting machines―Coordination of shank widths and hook heights
GB/T 33965-2017
金属材料 拉伸试验 矩形试样减薄率的测定(中英文版)
Metallic materials—Tensile testing—Determination of thickness reduction ratio for rectangular specimen
GB/T 42086.1-2022
液压传动连接 法兰连接 第1部分:3.5 MPa~35 MPa、DN13~DN127系列(中英文版)
Hydraulic transmission connection flange connection Part 1: 3.5 MPa ~ 35 MPa, DN13 ~ DN127 series
GB/T 9750-1998
Marks for package of coating products
GB/T 25411-2010
IB single-stage centrifugal pumps
GB/T 15067.2-2016
Stainless steel cutlery
GB/T 860-1987
Curved spring washers
GB/T 15579.14-2021
弧焊设备 第14部分:校准、确认和一致性试验(中英文版)
Arc welding equipment -- Part 14: Calibration, validation and consistency testing
GB 18071.8-2012
基础化学原料制造业卫生防护距离 第8部分:氢氟酸制造业(中英文版)
Health protection zone for basic chemistry industry - Part 8: Hydrofluoric acid industry
GB/T 3489-2015
硬质合金 孔隙度和非化合碳的金相测定(中英文版)
Hardmetals—Metallographic determination of porosity and uncombined carbon
GB/T 23809.1-2020
应急导向系统 设置原则与要求 第1部分:建筑物内(中英文版)
Emergency guidance systems—Setting principles and requirements—Part 1: Inside buildings
GB/T 22242-2008
装修机械 术语(中英文版)
Mortar machinery - Terminology
GB/T 4701.3-2009
钛铁 铜含量的测定 铜试剂光度法和火焰原子吸收光谱法(中英文版)
Ferrotitanium - Determination of copper content - The DDTC photometric method and the flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 12763.11-2007
海洋调查规范 第11部分:海洋工程地质调查(中英文版)
Specifications for oceanographic survey - Part 11;marine engineering geological investigation
GB/T 15347-2015
化学试剂 L(+)-抗坏血酸(中英文版)
Chemical reagent—L(+)-Ascorbic acid
GB/T 38440-2019
Test method for penetration strength of cast iron
GB/T 44117-2024
Model parameter test procedures for electrochemical energy storage power station
GB/T 18179-2000
金属覆盖层 孔隙率试验 潮湿硫(硫华)试验(中英文版)
Metallic coatings--Porosity tests--Humid sulfur(flowers of sulfur) test
GB/T 26941.1-2011
隔离栅 第1部分:通则(中英文版)
Fences - Part 1: General rules
GB/T 36522-2018
分离机械用电气控制系统 通用技术要求(中英文版)
Electrical controlling system for separation machinery—General technology requriements
GB/T 42981-2023
信息技术 生物特征识别 人脸识别系统测试方法(中英文版)
Information Technology Biometric Recognition Facial Recognition System Test Method
GB 13140.5-2008
家用和类似用途低压电路用的连接器件 第2部分:扭接式连接器件的特殊要求(中英文版)
Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes - Part 2: Particular requirements for twist-on connecting devices
GB/T 30287.2-2013
卫星定位船舶信息服务系统 第2部分:船用终端与服务中心信息交换协议(中英文版)
Satellite positioning ship information service system(SISS)—Part 2: Information protocol for shipborne station and service center
GB/T 4698.20-2017
海绵钛、钛及钛合金化学分析方法 第4部分:锰量的测定 高碘酸盐分光光度法和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of titanium sponge, titanium and titanium alloys—Part 4:Determination of manganese content—Potassium periodate spectrophotometry and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 41234-2022
水生动物RNA病毒核酸检测参考物质质量控制规范 假病毒(中英文版)
Specification of quality control of reference materials for RNA virus detection of aquatic animals—Armored RNA
GB/T 7341.1-2010
电声学 测听设备 第1部分:纯音听力计(中英文版)
Electroacoustics - Audiological equipment - Part 1: Pure-tone audiometers
GB/T 12686-2017
Glyphosate acid technical material
GB/T 4209-2008
Sodium silicate for industrial use
GB/T 6546-2021
瓦楞纸板 边压强度的测定(中英文版)
Corrugated fibreboard—Determination of edgewise crush resistance
GB 18544-2001
Occupational exposure limit for barite dust in the air of workplace

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