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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 21336-2008
地理信息 质量评价过程(中英文版)
Geographic information - Quality evaluation procedures
GB/T 25644-2010
信息技术 软件工程 可复用资产规范(中英文版)
Information technology - Software engineering - Reusable asset specification
GB/T 31525-2015
图形标志 电动汽车充换电设施标志(中英文版)
Graphical signs—Electric vehicle charging and battery swapping infrastructure signs
GB 38455-2019
眼科仪器 角膜曲率计(中英文版)
Ophthalmic instruments—Ophthalmometers
GB 1890-2005
食品添加剂 六偏磷酸钠(中英文版)
Food additive Sodium hexametaphosphate
GB/T 28984-2012
Detection and identification of Banana bract mosaic virus
GB/T 37213-2018
Test method for silicon brick dimension—Laser technology method
GB/T 25684.14-2023
土方机械 安全 第14部分:小型机具承载机的要求(中英文版)
Earthmoving machinery - Safety Part 14: Requirements for small implement carriers
GB/T 24298-2009
Standard test method for cross curvature of thermostat metals
GB/T 2546.2-2003
塑料 聚丙烯(PP)模塑和挤出材料 第2部分: 试样制备和性能测定(中英文版)
Plastics--Polypropylene(PP) moulding and extrusion materials--Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
GB/T 34789-2017
Cold of practice on good quality cultivation of ginseng
GB/T 11836-2023
Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Drains
GB/T 15251-2008
橡胶 游离硫的测定(中英文版)
Rubber - Determination of free sulfur
GB/T 8166-2011
Package cushioning design
GB 5009.12-2017
食品安全国家标准 食品中铅的测定(中英文版)
National food safety standard - Determination of lead in food
GB/T 3488.4-2022
硬质合金 显微组织的金相测定 第4部分:孔隙度、非化合碳缺陷和脱碳相的金相测定(中英文版)
Cemented carbide - Metallographic determination of microstructure - Part 4: Metallographic determination of porosity, non-combined carbon defects and decarburized phases
GB/T 20454-2006
便携式脉冲烟雾机 使用安全规程(中英文版)
Portable pulse fogger―Safety code of practice
GB/T 394.2-2008
General methods of analysis for ethanol
GB/T 11743-2013
Determination of radionuclides in soil by gamma spectrometry
GB/T 3952-2016
Copper drawing stock for electrical purpose
GB/T 36450.5-2021
信息技术 存储管理 第5部分:文件系统(中英文版)
Information technology—Storage management—Part 5: File systems
GB/T 25686-2010
土方机械 司机遥控的安全要求(中英文版)
Earth-moving machinery - Safety requirements for remote operator control
GB/T 5240-2015
Neodymium oxide
GB 2717-2003
Hygienic standard for soy sauce
GB/T 39239-2020
无损检测 超声检测 不连续的特征和定量(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing—Ultrasonic testing—Characterization and sizing of discontinuities
GB/T 22070-2008
Aqua-ammonia absorption refrigerating unit
GB/T 29265.303-2012
信息技术 信息设备资源共享协同服务 第303部分:通用控制设备描述(中英文版)
Information technology - Information device intelligent grouping and resource sharing - Part 303: General control device description
GB/T 3142-2019
润滑剂承载能力的测定 四球法(中英文版)
Standard test method for determination of load-carrying capacity of lubricants—Four-ball method
GB/T 32066-2024
Forklift design specifications
GB/T 7452-2007
机械振动 客船和商船适居性振动测量、报告和评价准则(中英文版)
Mechanical vibration - Guidelines for the measurement, reporting and evaluation of vibration with regard to habitability on passenger and merchant ships
GB/T 16762-2009
Wire rope slings for general purposes-characteristics and technical requirements
GB/T 35976-2018
板带精整与表面处理装备 安全技术条件(中英文版)
Strip finishing and processing equipment—Safety requirements
GB/Z 42759-2023
智慧城市 人工智能技术应用场景分类指南(中英文版)
Smart City: Guidelines for the Classification of AI Technology Application Scenarios
GB/T 7113.6-2011
绝缘软管 第6部分:聚氨脂(PUR)玻璃纤维软管(中英文版)
Flexible insulating sleeving - Part6:Glass textile sleeving with polyurethane(PUR) based coating
GB/T 33894-2017
ebXML based packing list messages
GB/T 19495.5-2004
转基因产品检测 核酸定量 PCR 检测方法(中英文版)
Detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products--Quantitative nucleic acid based methods
GB/T 41871-2022
信息安全技术 汽车数据处理安全要求(中英文版)
Information Security Technology - Security Requirements for Automobile Data Processing
GB/T 23263-2009
Determination of asbestos in products
GB/T 14707-1993
Proofreader’s marks for image reproduction
GB 6675.3-2014
玩具安全 第3部分:易燃性能(中英文版)
Safety of toys—Part 3: Flammability
GB/T 33273-2016
纺织品 三氯生残留量的测定(中英文版)
Textiles—Determination of triclosan residues
GB/T 41139-2021
Requirements of standard conformance testing for information classification coding and metadata
GB/T 21564.5-2008
报警传输系统串行数据接口的信息格式和协议 第5部分:数据接口(中英文版)
Message formats and protocols for serial data interfaces in alarm transmission systems - Part 5: data interfaces
GB/T 26088-2010
造船 推进用水冷四冲程柴油机(中英文版)
Shipbuilding - Water-cooled four cycle diesel engines for propelling
GB/T 19769.1-2015
功能块 第1部分:结构(中英文版)
Function blocks—Part 1: Architecture
GB/T 38566-2020
军民通用资源 信息代码的安全转换与防伪技术规范(中英文版)
Civil-military common resources—Security conversion and anti-counterfeiting specification for information code
GB/T 19911-2005
造船 内河 链斗挖泥船挖斗容量标定(中英文版)
Shipbuilding-Inland navigation-bucket Dredgers-Scale of bucket capacities
GB/T 5231-2012
Designation and chemical composition of wrought copper and copper alloys
GB/T 24583.2-2019
钒氮合金 氮含量的测定 惰性气体熔融热导法(中英文版)
Vanadium-nitrogen—Determination of nitrogen content—Thermal conductimetric method after fusion in a current of inert gas
Marine rope thrower

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