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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 31186.2-2014
银行客户基本信息描述规范 第2部分:名称(中英文版)
Specification of description for basic information of bank’s customer―Part 2: Name
GB/T 43195-2023
进口冷链食品追溯 追溯系统开发指南(中英文版)
Imported Cold Chain Food Traceability Traceability System Development Guide
GB/T 2900.57-2008
电工术语 发电、输电及配电 运行(中英文版)
Electrotechnical terminology - Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity - Operation
GB 26148-2010
Safety specification for the use of manually operated high pressure waterjet equipment
GB/T 10760.1-2017
小型风力发电机组用发电机 第1部分:技术条件(中英文版)
Generator of small wind turbines—Part 1:Technical condition
GB/T 4169.17-2006
塑料注射模零件 第17部分:推管(中英文版)
Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 17: Ejector sleeve
GB/T 41430-2022
Online reputation evaluation index system of consumer goods
GB/T 9808-2008
Seamless steel tubes for drilling
GB 15216-1994
全球海上遇险安全系统(GMDSS) 搜救雷达应答器(SART)性能要求(中英文版)
Global maritime distress and safety system--Performance requirements for marine search and rescue radar transponder (SART)
GB/T 35521-2017
化学品 胚胎毒性 植入后大鼠全胚胎培养法(中英文版)
Chemicals—Embryotoxicity—Post-implantation embryo culture test
GB/T 29749-2013
Guideline for water system integration and optimization of industrial enterprises
GB/T 40226-2021
环境微生物宏基因组检测 高通量测序法(中英文版)
Detection of environmental microbial metagenome—High throughput sequencing
GB/T 19534-2004
园林机械 分类词汇(中英文版)
Horticultural machinery--Classification--Vocabulary
GB/T 3374.1-2010
齿轮 术语和定义 第1部分:几何学定义(中英文版)
Vocabulary of gear terms - Part 1: Definitions related to geometry
GB/T 14048.11-2016
低压开关设备和控制设备 第6-1部分:多功能电器 转换开关电器(中英文版)
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear—Part 6-1: Multiple function equipment—Transfer switching equipment
GB/T 39098-2020
船舶与海上技术 船舶消防员装备(防护服、手套、靴子和头盔)(中英文版)
Ships and marine technology—Shipboard fire-fighters’ outfits (protective clothing, gloves, boots and helmet)
GB/T 16984-2008
Raw hemp
GB/T 671-1998
化学试剂 硫酸镁(中英文版)
Chemical reagent--Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate
GB/T 28448-2012
信息安全技术 信息系统安全等级保护测评要求(中英文版)
Information security technology - Testing and evaluation requirement for classified protection of information system
GB/T 38399.4-2019
纺织机械与附件 平型经编机词汇 第4部分:缝编机和缝编装置(中英文版)
Textile machinery and accessories—Vocabulary of flat warp knitting machines—Part 4: Stitch bonding machines and stitch bonding devices
GB/T 21186-2007
Fourier transform infrared spectrometer
GB/T 10262-1988
Beta backscattering thicknessmeter for small area of plating (coating)
GB/T 384-1981
Determination of calorific value of petroleum products
GB/T 23622-2009
Quarantine protocols for banana seedlings in places of production
GB/T 6382.2-1995
平板玻璃集装器具 箱式集装器及其试验方法(中英文版)
Flat glass container--Box-type container and its test method
GB/T 3792.6-2005
Bibliographical description for cartographic materials
GB/T 23439-2017/XG1-2018
Expansive agents for concrete
GB/T 31270.10-2014
化学农药环境安全评价试验准则 第10部分:蜜蜂急性毒性试验(中英文版)
Test guidelines on environmental safety assessment for chemical pesticides―Part 10: Honeybee acute toxicity test
GB/T 9195-2023
Architectural sanitary ceramics terminology and classification
GB/T 26396-2011
Technical specification for safety of soaps and detergents
GB/T 10335.4-2017
涂布纸和纸板 涂布白纸板(中英文版)
Coated paper and board—Coated folding board
GB/T 898-1988
双头螺柱 bm=1.25d(中英文版)
Double end studs--bm=1.25d
GB/T 21373-2023
知识产权文献与信息 分类及代码(中英文版)
Intellectual property literature and information classification and code
GB/T 18166-2008
Specifications of amusement rides monorail category
GB/T 33463.1-2017
钢铁行业海水淡化技术规范 第1部分:低温多效蒸馏法(中英文版)
Technology specification of seawater desalination for iron and steel industry—Part 1: Low temperature multiple effect distillation
GB/T 18085-2000
植物检疫 小麦矮化腥黑穗病菌检疫鉴定方法(中英文版)
Plant quarantine--Methods forinspection and identification of Tilletia controversa kǖhn
GB/T 29853.2-2013
信息技术 业务操作视图 第2部分:作为业务对象的剧本及其构件的注册(中英文版)
Information technology - Business operational view - Part 2: Registration of scenarios and their components as business objects
GB/T 38775.5-2021
电动汽车无线充电系统 第5部分:电磁兼容性要求和试验方法(中英文版)
Electric vehicle wireless power transfer—Part 5: Electromagnetic compatibility requirements and test methods
GB/T 21750-2008
化学品 毒物代谢动力学试验方法(中英文版)
Chemicals - Test method of toxicokinetics studies
GB/T 25240-2010
Pelleted seed of tobacco
GB/T 32796-2016
Cold rolling ferritic stainless steel sheet and strip for automotive exhaust system
GB/T 16276-1996
Test method for blocking of plastic film
GB 10810.3-2006
眼镜镜片及相关眼镜产品 透射比规范及测量方法(中英文版)
Spectacle lenses and related eye wear―Transmittance specifications and test methods
GB/T 40587-2021
Technical specification for power system security and stability control system
GB/T 31991.1-2015
电能服务管理平台技术规范 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Technical specification of electric energy service management platform— Part 1: General rules
GB/T 28660-2012
马铃薯种薯真实性和纯度鉴定 SSR分子标记(中英文版)
Genuineness and purity verification of potato seed-tuber - SSR molecular marker
GB/T 29401-2020
Sulfur coated urea (SCU)
GB/T 23847-2009
Nickel sulfamate for electroplating
GB/T 33925.2-2018
Liquid pumps and installation—General terms, definitions, quantities, letter symbols and units—Part 2: Pumping system
GB 6932-2001
Domestic gas instantaneous water heater

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