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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 16935.3-2005
低压系统内设备的绝缘配合 第3部分:利用涂层、罐封和模压进行防污保护(中英文版)
Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems Part 3:Use of coating,potting or moulding for protection against pollution
GB/T 32884-2016
Technical specifications to resources utilization evalation of waste television
GB/T 14048.17-2008
低压开关设备和控制设备 第5-4部分:控制电路电器和开关元件 小容量触头的性能评定方法 特殊试验(中英文版)
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-4: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Methord of assessing the performance of low-energy contacts - Special tests
GB/T 40701-2021
Electric multiple units gear oils
GB/T 7214-2003
电子设备用固定电容器 第15-3部分:空白详细规范 固体电解质和多孔阳极钽电容器 评定水平 E(中英文版)
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 15-3:Blank detail specification--Fixed tantalum capacitors with solid electrolyte and porous anode--Assessment level E
GB/T 30334-2013
Service specifications and evaluation indicators for logistics park
GB/T 10833-2015
Marine sewage treatment equipment specification
GB/T 39417-2020
Health management of large-scale amusement device
GB/T 25645-2010
信息技术 中文Linux服务器操作系统技术要求(中英文版)
Information technology - Technical requirement for chinese linux server operating system
GB/T 11868-1996
Diesel engine set for lifeboats
GB/T 36947-2018
User interface design specification for household electrical appliances for older persons
GB/T 9074.17-1988
六角头螺栓, 弹簧垫圈和平垫圈组合件(中英文版)
Hexagon head bolt,single coil spring lock washer and plain washer assemblies
GB/T 21921-2008
Test method for tensile strength of impermeable graphite materials
GB/T 43547-2023
良好实验室规范(GLP) 管理、描述和测试项目的使用(中英文版)
Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) management, description and use of test items
GB/T 28985-2012
Wood I-jiost for building structures
GB/T 1637-2006
可溶性还原染料 色光和强度的测定(中英文版)
Solubilised vat dyes - Determination of shade and relative strength
GB/T 35801-2018
化妆品中禁用物质克霉丹的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of prohibited captan in cosmetics—High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 24299-2009
Test method for the mechanical life of snap action discs of thermostat bimetal
GB/T 42569-2023
工业互联网平台 开放应用编程接口功能要求(中英文版)
Industrial Internet platform - open application programming interface functional requirements
GB/T 19602-2004
1,1-Difluoroethane for industrial use(HFC-152a)
GB/T 33807-2017
玉米中转基因成分的测定 基因芯片法(中英文版)
Detection of genetically modified components in maize—Gene chip method
GB/T 41875-2022
Seamless Thin Wall Molybdenum Tube
GB/T 8186-2011
挤奶设备 结构与性能(中英文版)
Milking machine installations - Construction and performance
GB/T 33018.1-2016
炭素企业节能技术规范 第1部分:浸渍(中英文版)
Energy-saving technical specification for carbon enterprise—Part 1: Impregnation
GB/T 6590-1998
半导体器件 分立器件 第6部分:闸流晶体管 第二篇 100A以下环境或管壳额定的双向三极闸流晶体管空白详细规范(中英文版)
Semiconductor devices--Discrete devices--Part6:Thyristors--Section Two:Blank detail specification for bidirectional triode thyristors(triacs),ambient or case-rated,up to 100A
GB 15365-2008
Symbols for controls, indicators and telltales for motorcycles and mopeds
GB/T 4020-1997
卧式车床 精度检验(中英文版)
Acceptance conditions for general purpose parallellathes--Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 41217-2021
City metro and composite pipe gallery hot-rolling channel
GB/T 12729.2-2008
香辛料和调味品 取样方法(中英文版)
Spices and condiments - Sampling
GB/T 13666-2013
Type organization method of product for books and information articles
GB/T 32064-2015
Determination of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of building matertials:transient plane heat sourse method
GB/T 6229-2007
手扶拖拉机 试验方法(中英文版)
Test methods for walking tractors
GB/T 39676-2020
跨境电子商务 物流信息申报和支付信息申报电子单证(中英文版)
Cross-border electronic commerce—Electronic document for logistics information and payment information declaration
GB/T 25687.1-2010
土方机械 同义术语的多语种列表 第1部分:综合(中英文版)
Earth-moving machinery - Multilingual listing of equivalent terms - Part 1: General
GB/Z 37627.3-2019
架空电力线路和高压设备的无线电干扰特性 第3部分:减少无线电噪声至最小程度的实施规程(中英文版)
Radio interference characteristics of overhead power lines and high-voltage equipment—Part 3:Code of practice for minimizing the generation of radio noise
GB/T 43844-2024
IPv6 address allocation and encoding rules-Interface identifier
GB/T 29265.306-2012
信息技术 信息设备资源共享协同服务 第306部分:服务质量(中英文版)
Information technology - Information device intelligent grouping and resource sharing - Part 306: Quality of service
GB/T 4937.22-2018
半导体器件 机械和气候试验方法 第22部分:键合强度(中英文版)
Semiconductor devices—Mechanical and climatic test methods—Part 22: Bond strength
GB/T 5271.11-2000
信息技术 词汇 第11部分:处理器(中英文版)
Information technology--Vocabulary--Part 11:Processing units
GB/T 16942-2009
电子工业用气体 氢(中英文版)
Hydrogen for electronic industry
GB 17149.7-1997
Disgnostic criteria and principles of management of skin discolouration induced by cosmetics
GB/T 42882-2023
城市和社区可持续发展 智慧城市运行模型 应对突发公共卫生事件的指南(中英文版)
Sustainable development of cities and communities Smart city operation model Guidelines for responding to public health emergencies
GB/T 34289-2017
Fitness equipment and location safety sign and labels
GB/T 5124.1-2008
硬质合金化学分析方法 总碳量的测定 重量法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of hardmetals - Determination of total carbon content - Gravimetric method
GB/T 42080.1-2022
分子体外诊断检验 冷冻组织检验前过程的规范 第1部分:分离RNA(中英文版)
Molecular in vitro diagnostic tests - Specification of preexamination procedures for frozen tissues - Part 1: Isolation of RNA
GB/Z 25320.6-2011
电力系统管理及其信息交换 数据和通信安全 第6部分:IEC 61850的安全(中英文版)
Power systems management and associated information exchange - Data and communications security - Part 6: Security for IEC 61850
GB 9706.25-2005
医用电气设备 第二部分:心电监护设备安全专用要求(中英文版)
Medical electrical equipment Part2:Particular requirements for the safety of electrocardiographic monitoring equipment
GB/T 35555-2017
Basic Specification for hot spring service
GB/T 23264-2009
Brake lining assembly for electric power assist bicycles
GB/T 28594-2021
Weather nowcasting

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