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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 3653.3-2023
硼铁 硅含量的测定 高氯酸脱水重量法(中英文版)
Ferroboron Determination of silicon content Perchloric acid dehydration gravimetric method
GB/T 26099.2-2010
机械产品三维建模通用规则 第2部分:零件建模(中英文版)
General principles of three-dimensional modeling for mechanical products - Part 2: Part modeling
GB/T 34785-2017
粮油机械 环形浸出器(中英文版)
Grain and oil machinery—Loop type extractor
GB/T 42326-2023
inland waterway code
GB/T 19721.2-2017
海洋预报和警报发布 第2部分:海浪预报和警报发布(中英文版)
The issue of marine forecasts and warnings—Part 2: The issue of wave forecasts and warnings
GB/T 29513-2013
含铁尘泥 X射线荧光光谱化学分析 熔铸玻璃片法(中英文版)
Chemical analysis of ferric-containing dust and sludge by XRF-Fused cast bead method
GB/T 10095.1-2022
圆柱齿轮 ISO齿面公差分级制 第1部分:齿面偏差的定义和允许值(中英文版)
Cylindrical gears - ISO tooth surface tolerance classification system - Part 1: Definition and permissible values of tooth surface deviations
GB/T 839-1988
Knurled thumb screws with waisted shank
GB/T 5009.43-2003
Method for analysis of hygienic standard of monoso-dium glutamate
GB/T 22351.3-2008
识别卡 无触点的集成电路卡 邻近式卡 第3部分:防冲突和传输协议(中英文版)
Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) IC cards - Vicinity cards - Part 3: Anticollision and transmission protocol
GB/T 24737.3-2009
工艺管理导则 第3部分:产品结构工艺性审查(中英文版)
Guide for technological management - Part 3: Review of technological efficiency of product design
GB/T 32790-2016
Methods for evaluating the weld quality of seam welds in aluminium and aluminium alloy extrusion
GB/T 40632-2021
The determination for polysaccharides in bamboo leaves
GB 14646-2007
Retreaded tyre for passenger car
GB/T 3504-2015
Europium oxide
GB/T 12241-2005
Safety Valves-General Requirements
GB/T 27681-2011
Specification on zero emissions and recycling of cooling water during melting and casting for copper and copper alloy
GB/T 39223.5-2020
健康家居的人类工效学要求 第5部分:床垫(中英文版)
Ergonomic requirements for healthy home—Part 5: Mattress
GB 4053.3-2009
固定式钢梯及平台安全要求 第3部分:工业防护栏杆及钢平台(中英文版)
Safety requirements for fixed steel ladders and platform - Part 3: Industrial guardrails and steel platform
GB/T 26779-2011/XG1-2018
Fuel cell electric vehicles - Refuelling receptacle
GB/T 30969-2014
Test method for short-beam shear strength of polymer matrix composite materials
GB/T 32076.11-2024
Guidelines for water reuse in industrial parks
GB/T 17980.77-2004
农药 田间药效试验准则(二) 第77部分:杀虫剂防治水稻蓟马(中英文版)
Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(Ⅱ)--Part 77:Insecticides against thrips on rice
GB/T 26172.2-2010
折叠翻靠床 安全要求和试验方法 第2部分:试验方法(中英文版)
Foldaway beds - Safety requirements and tests - Part 2:Test methods
GB/T 35979-2018
Technical specification for selection,installation,use and maintenance of metal bellows expansion joints
GB/T 25419-2023
fruit tree pruning machine
GB/T 10046-2008
Silver brazing filler metals
GB/T 14660-1993
数控坐标镗床 精度(中英文版)
NC jig boring machine--Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 18136-2008
AC high voltage electrostatic shielding clothing and test procedure
GB/T 33867-2017
光合有效辐射测量 半球向辐射表法(中英文版)
Measurement for photosynthetic active radiation—Hemispherical radiometer method
GB/T 16810-2006
Tests and requirements for fire resistance of record protection containers
GB/T 5476-2013
Methods of pretreating ion exchange resins
GB/T 42015-2022
信息安全技术 网络支付服务数据安全要求(中英文版)
Information Security Technology - Data Security Requirements for Online Payment Services
GB/T 6276.2-2010
工业用碳酸氢铵的测定方法 第2部分:氯化物含量 电位滴定法(中英文版)
Determination of ammonium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use - Part 2: Chloride content - Potentiometric titration method
GB/T 33268-2016
Evaluating and classifyingunit forreward of science and technology
GB/T 25684.8-2021
土方机械 安全 第8部分:平地机的要求(中英文版)
Earth-moving machinery—Safety—Part 8: Requirements for graders
GB/T 1840-1989
Modules of cylindrical gear with circular arc profiles
GB/T 17213.16-2015
工业过程控制阀 第8-4部分:噪声的考虑 液动流流经控制阀产生的噪声预测方法(中英文版)
Industrial-process control valves—Part 8-4: Noise considerations—Prediction of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow
GB 4789.5-2012
食品安全国家标准 食品微生物学检验 志贺氏菌检验(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Microbiological Examination of Food Hygiene - Examination of Shigella
GB/T 38548.6-2020
内容资源数字化加工 第6部分:应用模式(中英文版)
Content resources digitization—Part 6:Model of application
GB/T 22108.2-2008
气动压缩空气过滤器 第2部分: 评定商务文件中包含的主要特性的测试方法(中英文版)
Pneumatic fluid power - Compressed air filters - Part 2: Test methods to determine the main characteristics to be included in supplier’s literature
GB/T 15443-1995
Pressurized water reactor pressure vessel--The principle of selecting materials and the basic requirements of the materials
GB/T 16457.2-2009
超硬材料锯片基体尺寸 第2部分:用于建筑物和土木工程材料的手持切割(中英文版)
Blanks for superabrasive cutting-off wheels - Dimensions - Part 2:Hand-held cutting-off in building and civil engineering
GB/T 17884-1999
Electronic ripple control receiver for tariff and load control
GB/T 16597-2019
冶金产品分析方法 X射线荧光光谱法通则(中英文版)
Analytical methods of metallurgical products—General rule for X-ray fluorescence spectrometric methods
GB/T 20764-2006
可食动物肌肉中土霉素、四环素、金霉素、强力霉素残留量的测定 液相色谱-紫外检测法(中英文版)
Method for the determination of oxytetracycline, tetracycline, chlortetracycline, and doxycycline residues in edible animal muscles - HPLC-UV detection method
GB/T 5613-2014
Designation for cast steels
Fire shutters - Part 1: General technical conditions
GB/T 26416.1-2010
镝铁合金化学分析方法 第1部分:稀土总量的测定 重量法(中英文版)
Chemical analysis methods of dysprosium ferroalloy - Part 1 :Determination of total rare earth content - Gravimetry
GB/T 36334-2018
智慧城市 软件服务预算管理规范(中英文版)
Smart city—Specification for software service budget management

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