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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 8511-2018
Vibratory roller
GB/T 15057.5-1994
化工用石灰石中二氧化硅含量的测定 钼蓝分光光度法(中英文版)
Limestone for chemical industry--Determination of silicon dioxide content--Molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method
GB/T 26991-2023
Fuel cell electric vehicle power performance test method
GB/T 3179-2009
Presentation of periodicals
GB/T 36094-2018
信息技术 生物特征识别 嵌入式BioAPI(中英文版)
Information technology—Biometrics—Embedded BioAPI
GB/T 42810-2023
Specification for classification and coding of geographical elements of ports
GB/T 4958.16-1992
地面无线电接力系统所用设备的测量方法 第二部分:分系统的测量 第三节 射频分支网络(中英文版)
Methods of measurement for equipment used in terrestrial radio-relay systems--Part 2:Measurements for sub-systems--Section three--R.F. branching networks
GB/T 27918-2011
地理信息 基于位置服务 参考模型(中英文版)
Geographic information - Location based services - Reference model
GB/T 31465.6-2017
道路车辆 熔断器 第6部分:螺栓式高压熔断器(中英文版)
Road vehicles—Fuse-links—Part 6: Fuse-links with bolt-in contacts with high voltage
GB/T 14397-2008
信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 DTE/DCE接口处起止式传输的信号质量(中英文版)
Information technology - Telecommunication and information exchange between systems - Start-stop transmission signal quality at DTE/DCE interfaces
GB/T 20001.11-2022
标准编写规则 第11部分:管理体系标准(中英文版)
Rules for writing standards - Part 11: Management system standards
GB/T 18850-2002
工业用金属丝筛网 技术要求和检验(中英文版)
Industrial wire screens--Technical requirements and testing
GB 18447.2-2008
拖拉机 安全要求 第2部分:手扶拖拉机(中英文版)
Safety requirements for tractors - Part 2: Walking tractors
GB/T 12763.6-2007
海洋调查规范 第6部分: 海洋生物调查(中英文版)
Specifications for oceanographic survey - Part 6: Marine biological survey
GB/T 31052.8-2016
起重机械 检查与维护规程 第8部分:铁路起重机(中英文版)
Lifting appliances—Code of inspection and maintenance—Part 8: Railway cranes
GB/T 30445-2013
在职人员评估服务 服务提供者要求(中英文版)
The assessment service for people in work and organizational settings—Requirements for service providers
GB/T 41182-2021
General specification for the braille display
GB/T 6571-1995
半导体器件 分立器件 第3部分:信号(包括开关)和调整二极管(中英文版)
Semiconductordevices--Discrete devices--Part 3:Signal(including switching)and regulator diodes
GB/T 25821-2010
Stainless steel wire strand
GB 51136-2015
Code for design of thin film transistor liquid crystal display plant
GB/T 15092.1-2020
器具开关 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Switches for appliances—Part 1:General requirements
GB/T 29479-2012
General requirements of mobile laboratory
GB/T 37665-2019
古陶瓷化学组成无损检测 PIXE分析技术规范(中英文版)
:Non-destructive testing for chemical compositions of ancient ceramics—PIXE analysis technique standards
GB/T 44020-2024
Information Technology - Computer Graphics Image Processing and Environmental Data Representation - Representation of Real-time Portraits and Entities in Mixed and Augmented Reality
GB/T 7156-2003
Codes and identification of secret level for documents
GB/T 24591-2009
Seamless steel tubes for high pressure feedwater heater
GB/T 8923.2-2008
涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 表面清洁度的目视评定 第2部分: 已涂覆过的钢材表面局部清除原有涂层后的处理等级(中英文版)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products-Visual assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 2: Preparation grades of praviously coated steel substrates after localized removal of previous coatings
GB/T 36715-2018
节能评估技术导则 煤炭矿井及选煤厂项目(中英文版)
General principles for energy conservation assessment—Coal mine and coal preparation plant project
GB/T 42907-2023
硅锭、硅块和硅片中非平衡载流子复合寿命的测试 非接触涡流感应法(中英文版)
Testing of non-equilibrium carrier recombination lifetime in silicon ingots, silicon blocks and silicon wafers Non-contact eddy current induction method
GB/T 15865-1995
摄像机(PAL/SECAM/NTSC)测量方法 第1部分:非广播单传感器摄像机(中英文版)
Video cameras(PAL/SECAM/NTSC)--Methods of measurement--Part 1:Non-broadcast single-sensor cameras
GB/T 20097-2006
防护服 一般要求(中英文版)
Protective clothing - General requirements
GB/T 26237.2-2011
信息技术 生物特征识别数据交换格式 第2部分:指纹细节点数据(中英文版)
Information technology - Biometric data interchange formats - Part 2: Finger minutiae data
GB/T 34072-2017
Specification of temperature transmitter for internet of things
GB/T 42152-2022
General specification for remanufacturing waste office consumables and accessories
GB/T 23286.1-2009
文献管理 长期保存的电子文档文件格式 第1部分:PDF1.4(PDF/A-1)的使用(中英文版)
Document management - Electronic document file format for long-term preservation - Part 1: Use of PDF 1.4(PDF/A-1)
GB/T 33455-2016
Guidelines on risk management in public affairs activity
GB/T 30745-2014
Gradation and classification on sea area
GB/T 39796-2021
Test method for airbone sound insulating properties of glass used on multipe units
GB/T 19448.6-2004
圆柱柄刀夹 第6部分:装圆柱柄刀具的E型刀夹(中英文版)
Tool holders with cylindrical shank--Part 6:Type E with cylindrical seat
GB/T 25859-2010
蓄冷系统用蓄冰槽 型式与基本参数(中英文版)
The stand form and basic parameters of ice storage tank in cool storage system
GB/T 11297.8-2015
Test method for pyroelectric coefficient of pyroelectric materials
GB/T 6283-2008
化工产品中水分含量的测定 卡尔.费休法(通用方法)(中英文版)
Chemical products - Determination of water Karl.fischer method (general method)
GB/T 13319-2020
产品几何技术规范(GPS) 几何公差 成组(要素)与组合几何规范(中英文版)
Geometrical product specifications (GPS)—Geometrical tolerancing—Pattern and combined geometrical specification
GB/T 1965-1996
Test method for cross-bending strength of porous ceramic
GB/T 14048.8-2006
低压开关设备和控制设备 第7-2部分:辅助器件 铜导体的保护导体接线端子排(中英文版)
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 7-2: Ancillary equipment - Protective conductor terminal blocks for copper conductors
GB 50300-2013
Unified standard for constructional quality acceptance of building engineering
GB/T 37716-2019
信息技术 学习、教育和培训 电子课本与电子书包术语(中英文版)
Information technology—Learning, education and training—Terminology for e-Textbook and e-Schoolbag
GB/T 4208-2017
Enclosure protection level (IP code) "Amendment No. 1"
GB/T 24691-2009
Cleaning agent for fruit and vegetable
GB/T 36212-2018
无损检测 地下金属构件水泥防护层胶结声波检测及结果评价(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing—Acoustic testing method and evaluation for the cement bond of underground metal component

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