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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 38279-2019
Technical specification of auxiliary material for lead-acid batteries
GB/T 29910.1-2013
工业通信网络 现场总线规范 类型20:HART规范 第1部分:HART有线网络物理层服务定义和协议规范(中英文版)
Industrial communication networks―Fieldbus specifications―Type 20 HART specification―Part 1: HART wired network physical layer service definition and protocol specification
GB/T 6554-2003
电气绝缘用树脂基反应复合物 第2部分:试验方法 电气用涂敷粉末方法(中英文版)
Resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation--Part 2:Methods of test--Methods for coating pourders for electrical purposes
GB/T 15548-2008
General specification for three-phase synchronous generators driven by reciprocating internal combustion engine
GB/T 14353.10-2010
铜矿石、铅矿石和锌矿石化学分析方法 第10部分:钨量测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of copper ores, lead ores and zinc ores - Part 10: Determination of tungsten content
GB 51287-2018
Design standard for reclamation engineering of open pit mine in coal industry
GB/T 43253.4-2023
道路车辆 功能安全审核及评估方法 第4部分:硬件层面(中英文版)
Road vehicles Functional safety audit and assessment methods Part 4: Hardware level
GB/T 20893-2007
Terbium metal
GB/T 34968-2017
Guidelines for the assessment of groundwater overexploitation zones
GB/T 4132-1996
Definitions of terms relating to thermal insulatingmaterials
GB/T 28769-2012
脂肪酸甲酯中游离甘油含量的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Test method for determination of free glycerol content in Fatty Acid Methyl Esters(FAME) by gas chromatography
GB/T 41657-2022
Determination of puncture resistance of adhesive tape
GB/T 14838-2009
橡胶与橡胶制品 试验方法标准精密度的确定(中英文版)
Rubber and rubber products - Determination of precision for test method standards
GB/T 3099.3-2017
紧固件术语 表面处理(中英文版)
Terminology of fasteners—Coatings
GB/T 40405-2021
Technical specification of screen windows and doors for building
GB 9744-2015
Truck tyres
GB/T 2900.49-2004
电工术语 电力系统保护(中英文版)
Electrotechnical terminology--Power system protection
GB/T 32876-2016
Terminology in the area of information structures,documentation and graphical symbols
GB 5959.4-2008
电热装置的安全 第4部分:对电阻加热装置的特殊要求(中英文版)
Safety in electroheat installations - Part 4: Particular requirements for safety resistance heating installations
GB/T 6159.2-2011
缩微摄影技术 词汇 第2部分: 影像的布局和记录方法(中英文版)
Micrographics - Vocabulary - Part 2: Image positions and methods of recording
GB/T 12274.4-2021
有质量评定的石英晶体振荡器 第4部分:分规范 能力批准(中英文版)
Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality—Part 4: Sectional specification—Capability approval
GB/T 19582.3-2008
基于Modbus协议的工业自动化网络规范 第3部分:Modbus协议在TCP/IP上的实现指南(中英文版)
Modbus industrial automation network specification - Part 3: Modbus protocol implementation guide over TCP/IP
GB/T 23112-2008
Ultraviolet metal halide lamp
GB/T 6346.301-2015
电子设备用固定电容器 第3-1部分:空白详细规范 表面安装MnO2固体电解质钽固定电容器 评定水平EZ(中英文版)
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment—Part 3-1: Blank detail specification—Surface mount fixed tantalum electrolytic capacitors with manganese dioxide solid electrolyte—Assessment level EZ
GB/T 39334.1-2020
机械产品制造过程数字化仿真 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Digital simulation of mechanical products manufacturing process—Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 3291.1-1997
纺织 纺织材料性能和试验术语 第1部分:纤维和纱线(中英文版)
Textiles--Terms of textile material properties and test--Part 1:Fibre and yarn
GB/T 30341-2013
Specifications of vehicle drivers training site
GB/T 17347-1998
商用道路车辆 尺寸代码(中英文版)
Commercial road vehicles--Dimensional codes
GB 19877.2-2005
Special Bath Agents and Shower Agents
GB 22380.3-2010
燃油加油站防爆安全技术 第3部分:剪切阀结构和性能的安全要求(中英文版)
Explosion protected safety technique of the petrol filling station - Part 3: Safety requirements for construction and performance of shear valves
GB/T 37116-2018
Feeding specification for dairy replacement
GB/T 43509-2023
Technical requirements for energy Internet trading platform
GB/T 36109-2018
Geographical partition of meteorological products in China
GB/T 11026.4-2012
电气绝缘材料 耐热性 第4部分:老化烘箱 单室烘箱(中英文版)
Elecrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 4: Ageing ovens - Single-chamber ovens
GB/T 12223-2023
Connections for part-turn valve actuators
GB/T 15305.2-2008
涂附磨具 砂卷(中英文版)
Coated abrasives - Abrasive rolls
GB/T 18391.2-2009
信息技术 元数据注册系统(MDR) 第2部分:分类(中英文版)
Information technology - Metadata registries (MDR) - Part 2: Classification
GB 21258-2017
The norm of energy consumption per unit product of general coal-fired power set
GB/T 42060-2022
医学实验室 样品采集、运送、接收和处理的要求(中英文版)
Medical laboratories - Requirements for sample collection, shipping, receipt and handling
GB/T 17980.16-2000
农药 田间药效试验准则(一) 杀虫剂防治温室白粉虱(中英文版)
Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against greenhouse whitefly
GB/T 20441.4-2006
测量传声器 第4部分: 工作标准传声器规范(中英文版)
Measurement microphones―Part 4: Specifications for working standard microphones
GB/T 33106-2016
Triethyl phosphate for industrial use
GB/T 27534.6-2011
畜禽遗传资源调查技术规范 第6部分:马(驴)(中英文版)
Rules for animal genetic resource survey - Part 6: Horse(Donkey)
GB/T 41126-2021
跨境电子商务 出口经营主体信息描述规范(中英文版)
Cross-border E-commerce -- Specification for information description of export trade entity
GB/T 22919.2-2008
水产配合饲料 第2部分:军曹鱼配合饲料(中英文版)
Aquafeed - Part 2: Formula feed for cobia(Rachycentron canadum)
GB/T 11259-2015
无损检测 超声检测用钢参考试块的制作和控制方法(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing—Practice for fabrication and control of steel reference blocks used in ultrasonic testing
GB/T 39631-2020
General specification for servo motor system in air conditioning compressor of new energy vehicles
GB/T 30200-2013
Test method for energy consumption of rubber and plastics injection moulding machines
GB/T 22191-2008
船舶电气设备 设备 灯具和附件(中英文版)
Electrical installations in ships - Equipment - Luminaires and accessories
GB/T 25731-2010
粮油机械 长管蒸发器(中英文版)
Grain and oil machinery - Raising file evaporator

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