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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 40966-2021
Quality assessment requirements for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2) antigen detection kit
GB/T 31118-2014
土地生态服务评估 原则与要求(中英文版)
Principle and requirement for assessment of land ecological services
GB/T 17980.16-2000
农药 田间药效试验准则(一) 杀虫剂防治温室白粉虱(中英文版)
Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against greenhouse whitefly
GB 1886.62-2015
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 硅酸镁(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Magnesium silicate
GB/T 9116-2010
Hubbed slip-on-welding steel pipe flanges
GB/T 16550-2020
Diagnostic techniques for newcastle disease
GB/T 16605-2008
Regenerated rayon filament fabrics
GB 16655-2008
机械安全 集成制造系统 基本要求(中英文版)
Safety of machinery - Integrated manufacturing systems - Basic requirements
GB/T 28448-2019
信息安全技术 网络安全等级保护测评要求(中英文版)
Information security technology—Evaluation requirement for classified protection of cybersecurity
GB/T 29790-2013
即时检测 质量和能力的要求(中英文版)
Point-of-care testing(POCT) - Requirements for quality and competence
GB/T 3214-2007
Methods for measurement of capacity of pump
GB/T 26906-2024
Sweet cherry
GB/T 25005-2010
感官分析 方便面感官评价方法(中英文版)
Sensory analysis - Methods for sensory evaluation of instant noodles
GB/T 5170.15-2005
电工电子产品环境试验设备 基本参数检定方法 振动(正弦)试验用液压振动台(中英文版)
Inspection methods for basic parameters of environmental testing equipments for electric and electronic products hydraulic vibrating type machines for vibration(sinusoidal)test
GB/T 36492-2018
Method for determination of fiber shedding of mineral wool products
GB/T 42812-2023
General Technical Specifications for Soil Improvement in Continuous Cropping Barriers
GB/T 12834-2001
硫化橡胶 性能优选等级(中英文版)
Rubber,vulcanized--Preferred gradations of properties
GB/T 19518.1-2017
爆炸性环境 电阻式伴热器 第1部分:通用和试验要求(中英文版)
Explosive atmospheres—Electrical resistance traces heating—Part 1: General and testing requirements
GB/T 28537-2012
Use and handling of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) in high-voltage switchgear and controlgear
GB/T 2285-1993
Coking xylene
GB/T 42277-2022
Test method for carbonation of cement mortar
GB/T 14093.2-2009
机械产品环境技术要求 寒冷环境(中英文版)
Environmental technology requirements of machinery products for cold environments
GB/T 33350.6-2016
雷电防护系统部件(LPSC) 第6部分:雷击计数器(LSC)的要求(中英文版)
Lightning protection system components(LPSC)—Part 6: Requirements for lightning strike counters(LSC)
GB/T 11313.35-2021
射频连接器 第35部分: 2.92系列射频连接器分规范(中英文版)
Radio-frequency connectors—Part 35: Sectional specification for 2.92 series R.F connectors
GB/T 14353.18-2014
铜矿石、铅矿石和锌矿石化学分析方法 第18部分:铜量、铅量、锌量、钴量、镍量测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of copper ores, lead ores and zinc ores―Part 18: Determination of copper content、lead content、zinc content、cobalt content and nickel content
GB/T 3755-2008
24° cone connectors - Branch tee with O-ring
GB 20054-2015
Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for metal-halide lamps
GB/T 664-2011
化学试剂 七水合硫酸亚铁(硫酸亚铁)(中英文版)
Chemical reagent - Iron(Ⅱ)sulfate heptahydrate
GB 20263-2006
Navigable electronic map - Basic requirements of security processing technology
GB/T 38717-2020
Terminology of amphibious aircraft
GB/T 9627-1988
通信用电感器和变压器磁芯 第三部分:空白详细规范 宽带变压器用磁性氧化物磁芯评定水平 A和B (可供认证用)(中英文版)
Inductor and transformer cores for telecommunications--Part 3:Blank detail specification--Magnetic oxide cores for broad-band transformers--Assessment levels A and B
GB/T 5359.3-2008
摩托车和轻便摩托车术语 第3部分:两轮车和三轮车尺寸(中英文版)
Term for motorcycles and mopeds - Part 3: Dimensions of vehicle with two and three wheels
GB/T 18844-2002
滑动轴承 损坏和外观变化的术语、特征及原因(中英文版)
Plain bearings--Terms,characteristics and causes of damage and changes in appearance
GB/T 10067.1-2019
电热和电磁处理装置基本技术条件 第1部分:通用部分(中英文版)
Basic specifications for electroheating and electromagnetic processing installations—Part 1: General
GB/T 12549-2013
Terms and definitions for vehicle controllability and stability
GB/T 15155-1994
Generic specification for piezoelectric ceramic for use in filters
Industrial sulfuric acid, dilute nitric acid and glacial acetic acid per unit product energy consumption limit
GB/T 25233-2010
粮油机械 袋式除尘器(中英文版)
Grain and oil machinery - Bag filter
GB/T 16566-2018
Terms for railway tunnel
GB/T 43056-2023
Technical requirements for desert photovoltaic power stations
GB/T 14812-2008
Testing method for heat transfer performance of heat pipes
GB/T 4698.28-2017
海绵钛、钛及钛合金化学分析方法 第28部分:钌量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of titanium sponge, titanium and titanium alloys—Part 28:Determination of ruthenium content—Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 18029.21-2012
轮椅车 第21部分:电动轮椅车、电动代步车和电池充电器的电磁兼容性要求和测试方法(中英文版)
Wheelchairs - Part 21: Requirements and test methods for electromagnetic compatibility of electrically powered wheelchairs and scooters, and battery chargers
GB/T 19769.4-2007
工业过程测量和控制系统用功能块 第4部分:一致性行规指南(中英文版)
Function blocks for industrial-process measurement and control system - Part 4: Rules for compliance profiles
GB/T 4584-2022
Specification of active opto-electronic protective devices for presses
GB/T 23942-2009
化学试剂 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法通则(中英文版)
Chemical reagent - General rules for inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 35674-2017
General technical requirements for electromagnetic shielding all-round conductive foam
GB/T 5555-2003
表面活性剂 耐酸性测试法(中英文版)
Surface active agents--Test method for acid stability
GB/T 27021.3-2021
合格评定 管理体系审核认证机构要求 第3部分:质量管理体系审核与认证能力要求(中英文版)
Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems - Part 3: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of quality management systems
GB 16740-2014
食品安全国家标准 保健食品(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Healthy food

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