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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB 5135.1-2003
自动喷水灭火系统 第1部分:洒水喷头(中英文版)
Automatic sprinkler system--Part 1: Sprinkler
GB/T 30428.2-2013
数字化城市管理信息系统 第2部分:管理部件和事件(中英文版)
Information system for digitized supervision and management of city—Part 2:Managed component and event
GB/T 20761-2006
牛尿中α-群勃龙、β-群勃龙、19-乙烯去甲睾酮和epi-19-乙烯去甲睾酮残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法(中英文版)
Method for the determination of α-trenbolone,β-trenbolone, nortestosterone and epi-nortestosterone residues in bovine urine - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 11938-1989
水源水中氯苯系化合物卫生检验标准方法 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Standard method for hygienic examination of chlorobenzenes in drinking water sources--Gas chromato-graphy
GB 32459-2015
消防应急救援装备 手动破拆工具通用技术条件(中英文版)
Fire emergency rescue equipments—General technical specification for manual rescue tools
GB 25532-2010
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 纳他霉素(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Natamycin
GB/T 5770-2020
柴油机柱塞式喷油泵总成 技术条件(中英文版)
Jerk fuel injection pump for diesel engine—Specifications
GB 16187-1996
Health standard for hydrazoic acid and sodium azide in the air of workplace
GB/T 37704-2019
General specifications for motion rehabilitation training robot
GB/T 9393-2012
STZ3 type power supply connector for electronic measurement instrument
GB/T 44192-2024
Guide for the application of data for government service hotline
GB/T 22330.3-2008
无规定动物疫病区标准 第3部分:无猪水泡病区(中英文版)
Standard for specified animal disease free zone - Part 3 : Swine vesicular disease free zone
GB/T 9649.17-2009
地质矿产术语分类代码 第17部分:煤地质学(中英文版)
Terminology classification and code of geology and mineral resources - Part 17: Coal geology
GB/T 36158-2018
Emergency information marking of civil aircraft
GB/T 43191-2023
Electric vehicle AC charging pile on-site detector
GB/T 19497-2004
农业车辆 牵引车上钩型机械连接装置 试验方法和要求(中英文版)
Agricultural vehicles--Mechanical hook-type connections on towing vehicles--Test methods and requirements
GB/T 8811-2008
硬质泡沫塑料 尺寸稳定性试验方法(中英文版)
Test method for dimensional stability of rigid cellular plastics
GB/T 34441-2017
软体家具 床垫燃烧性能的评价(中英文版)
Upholstered furniture—Assessment of burning behavior of mattress
GB/T 27778-2011
杀鼠剂现场药效测定及评价 毒饵(中英文版)
Field efficacy test methods and criterions of rodenticides - Rodenticides bait
GB/T 41427-2022
家用电器质量安全 生产过程状态监测与评价指南(中英文版)
Guide for condition monitoring and evaluation of quality and safety production process of household appliances
GB/T 19812.1-2005
塑料节水灌溉器材 单翼迷宫式滴灌带(中英文版)
Plastic equipment for water saving irrigation-drip tape with labyrinth on one side
GB/T 4857.22-1998
包装 运输包装件 单元货物稳定性试验方法(中英文版)
Packaging--Transport packages--Unit loads stability test methods
GB/T 23274.1-2009
二氧化锡化学分析方法 第1部分:二氧化锡量的测定 碘酸钾滴定法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of stannic oxide - Part 1: Determination of stannic oxide content - Potassium iodate titrimetric method
GB/T 35165-2017
Terminology and classification for agglomerated stone
GB/T 4689.20-1996
皮革 涂层粘着牢度测定方法(中英文版)
Leather--Determination of adhesion of finish
GB/T 40224-2021
Plastics boxes used for rainwater infiltration,attenuation and storage
GB/T 8822.13-1988
中国林木种子区 白榆种子区(中英文版)
Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Ulmus pumila L.
GB/T 30519-2014
轻质石油馏分和产品中烃族组成和苯的测定 多维气相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of hydrocarbon types and benzene in light petroleum distillates and products―Multidimensional gas chromatographic method
GB/T 13993.1-2016
通信光缆 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Optical fibre cables for telecommunication—Part 1: General
GB 16710-2010
土方机械 噪声限值(中英文版)
Earth-moving machinery - Noise limits
GB/T 39101-2020
多肽抗菌性测定 抑菌圈法(中英文版)
Determination of antimicrobial activity for polypeptides—Inhibition zone method
GB/T 9281.1-2008
透明液体 加氏颜色等级评定颜色 第1部分:目视法(中英文版)
Clear liquids - Estimation of colour by the Gardner colour scale - Part 1:Visual method
GB/T 223.16-1991
钢铁及合金化学分析方法 变色酸光度法测定钛量(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The chromotropic acid photometric method for the determination of titanium content
GB/T 38399.1-2019
纺织机械与附件 平型经编机词汇 第1部分:基本结构和成圈机件(中英文版)
Textile machinery and accessories—Vocabulary of flat warp knitting machines—Part 1: Basic structure and knitting elements
GB 29145-2012
The norm of energy consumption per unit products of roasted molybdenum concentrate
GB/T 20299.2-2006
建筑及居住区数字化技术应用 第2部分:检测验收(中英文版)
Digital technique application of building and residence community - Part 2: Test and acceptance
GB/Z 17976-2000
信息技术 开放系统互连 命名与编址指导(中英文版)
Information technology--Open Systems Interconnection--Tutorial on naming and addressing
GB/T 24537-2009
坠落防护 带柔性导轨的自锁器(中英文版)
Personal fall protection equipment - Guided type fall arrester including a flexible anchor line
GBZ/T 318.2-2018
Determination of trimethyltin chloride in blood - Part 2: Gas chromatography - mass spectrometry
GB/T 17083-1997
Workplace air--Determination of amyl acetate--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 16886.12-2023
医疗器械生物学评价 第12部分:样品制备与参照材料(中英文版)
Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices Part 12: Sample Preparation and Reference Materials
GB/T 2900.101-2017
电工术语 风险评估(中英文版)
Electrotechnical terminology—Risk assessment
GB/T 28083-2011
Detection and identification of Ceratocystis fagacearum (Bretz) Hunt
GB/T 26471-2023
塔式起重机 安装、拆卸与爬升规则(中英文版)
Rules for erection, dismantling and climbing of tower cranes
GB/T 7672.3-2008
玻璃丝包绕组线 第3部分:155级浸漆玻璃丝包铜扁线和玻璃丝包漆包铜扁线(中英文版)
Glass-fiber wound winding wires - Part 3: Glass-fiber wound resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled rectangular copper wire, temperature index 155
GB/T 23294-2009
Abrasion resistant refractory materials
GB/T 12443-2017
金属材料 扭矩控制疲劳试验方法(中英文版)
Metallic materials—Torque-controlled fatigue testing
GB/T 38775.7-2021
电动汽车无线充电系统 第7部分:互操作性要求及测试 车辆端(中英文版)
Electric vehicle wireless power transfer—Part 7:Interoperability requirements and testing—Vehicle side
GB/T 30824-2014
Testing method for temperature uniformity of gas heat treatment furnace
GB/T 20931.8-2007
锂化学分析方法 氯量的测定 硫氰酸盐分光光度法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of lithium - Determination of chlorine content - Thiocyanate spectrophotometric method

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