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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 18136-2008
AC high voltage electrostatic shielding clothing and test procedure
GB/T 34625-2017
金属及其他无机覆盖层 电气、电子和工程用金和金合金电镀层 技术规范和试验方法(中英文版)
Metallic and other inorganic coatings—Electrodeposited gold and gold alloy coatings for electrical, electronic and engineering purposes—Specification and test methods
GB/T 7966-2022
声学 超声功率测量 辐射力天平法及其要求(中英文版)
Acoustics—Ultrasonic power measurement—Radiation force balances and the requirements
GB/T 5476-2013
Methods of pretreating ion exchange resins
GB/T 9278-2008
Temperatures and humidities for conditioning and testing of paint specimens
GB/T 35662-2017
Technical requirements of folding case for pre-1912 Chinese books
GB/T 6276.2-2010
工业用碳酸氢铵的测定方法 第2部分:氯化物含量 电位滴定法(中英文版)
Determination of ammonium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use - Part 2: Chloride content - Potentiometric titration method
GB/T 40092-2021
生态设计产品评价技术规范 变压器(中英文版)
Assessment technical specification for eco-design product—Tranformers
GB/T 20293-2006
Fried pepper sauce
GB/T 32562-2016
滚动轴承 摩擦力矩测量方法(中英文版)
Rolling bearings—Measuring methods for friction torque
GB 8965.1-2020
防护服装 阻燃服(中英文版)
Protective clothing — Flame retardant protective clothing
GB 4789.5-2012
食品安全国家标准 食品微生物学检验 志贺氏菌检验(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Microbiological Examination of Food Hygiene - Examination of Shigella
GB/T 14521.7-1993
运输机械术语 螺旋输送机(中英文版)
Terms of conveying machinery--Screw conveyor
GB/T 16457.2-2009
超硬材料锯片基体尺寸 第2部分:用于建筑物和土木工程材料的手持切割(中英文版)
Blanks for superabrasive cutting-off wheels - Dimensions - Part 2:Hand-held cutting-off in building and civil engineering
GB/T 20899.1-2019
金矿石化学分析方法 第1部分:金量的测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of gold ores—Part 1:Determination of gold content
GB/T 5613-2014
Designation for cast steels
GB/T 3320.3-1982
Wow and flutter test record
GB/T 7672.23-2008
玻璃丝包绕组线 第23部分:180级浸漆玻璃丝包铜圆线和玻璃丝包漆包铜圆线(中英文版)
Glass-fiber wound winding wires - Part 23: Glass-fiber wound resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled round copper wire, temperature index 180
GB/T 17704.2-1999
信息技术 信息交换用130 mm一次写入盒式光盘 第2部分:记录格式(中英文版)
Information technology--130mm optical disk cartridge,write once,for information interchange--Part 2:Recording format
GB/T 36969-2018
Nanotechnology—Method for the measurement of the nanofilm-thickness by atomic force microscopy
GB/T 26416.1-2010
镝铁合金化学分析方法 第1部分:稀土总量的测定 重量法(中英文版)
Chemical analysis methods of dysprosium ferroalloy - Part 1 :Determination of total rare earth content - Gravimetry
GB/T 43356-2023
Test method for periodic infiltration of corrosion salt solution on steel bars
GB/T 20931.6-2007
锂化学分析方法 铝量的测定 铬天青S-溴化十六烷基吡啶分光光度法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of lithium - Determination of aluminum content - Chromazurol S-cetylpyridine broide spectrophotometric method
GB/T 13358-2008
Milled non-glutinous broomcorn millet
GB/T 34821-2017
Requirements for weight control healthcare service
GB/T 42452-2023
系统与软件工程 功能规模测量 COSMIC方法(中英文版)
Systems and Software Engineering Functional Size Measurement COSMIC Method
GB 30005-2013
Safety requirements of unicycle
GB 51221-2017
Code for construction of municipal wastewater treatment plant engineering
GB/T 15265-1994
环境空气 降尘的测定 重量法(中英文版)
Ambient air--Determination of dustfall--Gravimetric method
GB/T 25069-2010
信息安全技术 术语(中英文版)
Information security technology glossary
GB/T 40514-2021
Electrostatic precipitator
GB/T 32903-2016
信息技术 指静脉识别系统 指静脉图像数据格式(中英文版)
Information technology—Finger vein recognition system—Finger vein image data formats
GB/T 11617-2000
Lexicographical symbols
GB/T 23931-2021
三轮汽车 试验方法(中英文版)
Tri-wheel vehicles—Test method
GB/T 28614-2012
绿色制造 干式切削 通用技术指南(中英文版)
Green manufacturing - The general technique guideline for dry cutting
GB/T 21490-2008
Carbon fiber sheet for strengthening and restoring structures
GB/T 20254.1-2015
引线框架用铜及铜合金带材 第1部分:平带(中英文版)
Copper and copper alloy strips for lead frame—Part 1: Plane strip
GB/T 23742-2009
Animal feeding stuffs - Determination of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid
GB/T 17888.3-2020
机械安全 接近机械的固定设施 第3部分:楼梯、阶梯和护栏(中英文版)
Safety of machinery—Permanent means of access to machinery—Part 3: Stairs, stepladders and guard-rails
GB/T 31034-2014
Insulating back sheet for crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules
GB/T 6147-2005
精密电阻合金热电动势率 测试方法(中英文版)
Test method for thermoelectric power of precision resistance alloys
GB/T 37067-2018
Technical specification for restoration of degraded rangeland
GB/T 15828-1995
V带和多楔带传动 节线位置的动态测定(中英文版)
V-and ribbed belt--Dynamic test to determine--Pitch zone location
GB/T 26611-2011
Alashan camel
GB/T 43606-2023
Test method for corrosion properties of corrosion-resistant steel used in cargo tanks of crude oil tankers
GB/T 7963-1987
烧结金属材料(不包括硬质合金) 拉伸试样(中英文版)
Sintered metal materials (excluding hardmetal)--Tensile test pieces
GB/T 22586-2008
Measurements of microwave surface resistance of resistance of HTSC thin film
GB/T 35836-2018
Technical regulation for evaluating cold tolerance of sugarcane
GB/T 4194-1984
Creep testing,high temperature treatment and metallographic examination of the tungsten wires
GB 50021-2001
Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering

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