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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 10248-2005
气体分析 校准用混合气体的制备 静态体积法(中英文版)
Gas analysis-Preparation of calibration gas mixtures-Static volumetric methods
GB/T 33008.1-2016
工业自动化和控制系统网络安全 可编程序控制器(PLC) 第1部分:系统要求(中英文版)
Industrial automation and control system security—Programmable logic controller(PLC)—Part 1: System requirements
GB/T 41066.1-2021
石油天然气钻采设备 海洋石油半潜式钻井平台 第1部分:功能配置和设计(中英文版)
Petroleum drilling and production equipment—Offshore semisubmersible drilling unit—Part 1:Functional configuration and design
GB/T 11450.3-1989
空心金属波导 第三部分:扁矩形波导有关规范(中英文版)
Hollow metallic waveguides--Part 3:Relevant specifications for flate rectangular waveguides
GB/T 29350-2012
Rules for forensic digital image technology
GB/T 13631-2015
Design criteria for supplementary control point of nuclear power plants
GB 15593-1995
Plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) compounds for transfusion (infusion) equipment
GB/T 39515.1-2020
农林机械 喷雾机的环境要求 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Agricultural and forestry machinery—Environmental requirements for sprayers—Part 1: General
GB/T 11460-2009
信息技术 汉字字型要求和检测方法(中英文版)
Information technology - Requirements and test method of the chinese ideograms font
GB/T 21825-2008
Glass fibre geogrid
GB/T 19557.8-2004
植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性测试指南 李(中英文版)
Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness,uniformity and stability--Plum (Prunus spp.)
GB/T 1672-1988
Liquid plasticizers--Determination of volume resisti-vity
GB/T 11805-2019
General specifications of automatic control components (devices) and their related system for hydroturbine-generating sets
GB/T 43949-2024
Drilling system for offshore mobile drilling platforms-Configuration and technical requirements
GB 19295-2011
食品安全国家标准 速冻面米制品(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Quick-frozen Food Made of Wheat Flour and Rice
GB/T 13010-2006
Sliced veneer
GB/T 36580-2018
Test method of model propeller for cavitation observation and pressure fluctuation measurement
GB/T 26038-2023
Tungsten-based high specific gravity alloy plate
GB/T 17999.9-2008
SPF鸡 微生物学监测 第9部分:SPF鸡 试管凝集试验(中英文版)
SPF chicken - Microbiological surveillance - Part 9: Tube agglutination test for SPF chicken
GB/T 17479-1998
Apricots--Guide to cold storage
GB/T 30312-2013
Test method for thermal shrinkage of yarns and cords
GB/T 34152-2017
General principle of circular economy management for industrial enterprises
GB/T 16136-1995
Radiological protection requirement fordesign of γ-ray teletherapy rooms
GB/T 42151.5-2022
电力自动化通信网络和系统 第5部分:功能和装置模型的通信要求(中英文版)
Communication networks and systems for power automation - Part 5: Communication requirements for functions and device models
GB 25543-2010
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 L-丙氨酸(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-L-alanine
GB/T 7551-2008
Load cells
GB/T 33430-2016
硅橡胶混炼胶 电线电缆用(中英文版)
Silicone rubber compounds—Application for wires and cables
GB/T 39851.2-2021
道路车辆 基于控制器局域网的诊断通信 第2部分:传输层协议和网络层服务(中英文版)
Road vehicles—Diagnostic communication over Controller Area Network (DoCAN) —Part 2:Transport protocol and network layer services
GB/T 10893.1-2012
压缩空气干燥器 第1部分:规范与试验(中英文版)
Compressed air dryers - Part 1:Specifications and testing
GB 20906-2007
Safety requirements for high pressure metal die casting units
GB/T 32305-2015
Requirements for space product assurance
GB/T 38747-2020
农村产权流转交易 信息平台建设与维护(中英文版)
Transfer transaction of rural property rights—Construction and maintenance of information platform
GB/T 24449-2009
Heat-transfer oil dryers
GB/Z 17625.3-2000
电磁兼容 限值 对额定电流大于16 A的设备在低压供电系统中产生的电压波动和闪烁的限制(中英文版)
Electromagnetic compatibility--Limits--Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low-voltage power supply systems for equipment with rated current greater than 16 A
GB/T 13021-1991
聚乙烯管材和管件炭黑含量的测定 热失重法(中英文版)
Determination for the carbon black content of polyethylene pipes and fittings by calcination and pyrolysis
GB/T 37794-2019
碳纤维 结节拉伸强度的测定(中英文版)
Carbon fibre—Determination of knot strength
GB/T 3671.1-1996
Determination of application solubility and solution stability of water-soluble dyes
GB 28148-2011
Pyridaben emulsifiable concentrates
GB/T 15663.4-2008
煤矿科技术语 第4部分:露天开采(中英文版)
Terms relating to coal mining - Part 4: surface mining
GB/T 35060.2-2018
滚筒采煤机通用技术条件 第2部分:截割传动装置(中英文版)
General specification of shearer—Part 2: Cutting transmission unit
GB/T 43246-2023
Technical requirements for manufacturing supervision of full-section tunnel boring machines
GB/T 18314-2009
Specifications for global positioning system (GPS) surveys
GB/T 50975-2014
Code for construction and acceptance of process water piping in uranium enrichment plant
GB/T 21445.2-2008
石油天然气工业 海底生产系统的设计和操作 第2部分:用于海底和海上的挠性管系统(中英文版)
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 2: Flexible pipe systems for subsea and marine applications
GB/T 34341-2017
Guideline of water footprint assessment and reporting for organization
GB/T 41499-2022
废弃催化剂 分类(中英文版)
Waste catalyst classification
GB 26133-2010
Limits and measurement methods for exhaust pollutants from small spark ignition engines of non-road mobile machinery
GB/T 19868.1-2005
Welding procedure qualification based on tested welding consumables
GB/T 14491-2001
Propylene oxide for industrial use
GB/T 35407-2017
ebXML based replenishment proposal

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