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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB 15196-2015
食品安全国家标准 食用油脂制品(中英文版)
National Standard for Food Safety Edible Fat and Oil Products
GB/T 51417-2020
Technical standard for joint construction and sharing of telecommunication steel tower
GB/T 12703.6-2010
纺织品 静电性能的评定 第6部分:纤维泄漏电阻(中英文版)
Textile - Evaluation for electrostatic properties - Part 6:Fibre resistance leak
GB/T 37280-2019
Determination of microorganisms in fluorescent brighteners product
GB/T 11024.4-2001
标称电压1 kV以上交流电力系统用并联电容器 第4部分:内部熔丝(中英文版)
Shunt capacitors for a.c.power systems having rated voltage above 1kV--Part 4:Internal fuses
GB/T 22317.1-2008
有质量评定的压电滤波器 第1部分:总规范(中英文版)
Piezoelectric filters of assessed quality - Part 1: Generic sepcification
GB/T 584-2008
Marine cast steel flanged stop valves
GB/T 19544-2024
Classification and general technical conditions of spinal orthotics
GB 15084-2013
机动车辆 间接视野装置 性能和安装要求(中英文版)
Motor vehicles - Devices for indirect vision - Requirements of performance and installation
GB/T 21163.1-2007
农业谷物干燥机 干燥性能的测定 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Agricultural grain driers - Determination of drying performance - Part 1: General
GB/T 36325-2018
信息技术 云计算 云服务级别协议基本要求(中英文版)
Information technology—Cloud computing—Basic requirements of cloud service level agreement(CSLA)
GB/T 16895.35-2023
低压电气装置 第 8-1 部分:功能方面 能源效率(中英文版)
Low-voltage electrical installations Part 8-1: Functional aspects Energy efficiency
GB 50617-2010
Code for construction and acceptance of electrical lighting installation in building
GB/T 19670-2005
机械安全 防止意外启动(中英文版)
Safety of machinery-Prevention of unexpected start-up
GB/T 20564.11-2017
汽车用高强度冷连轧钢板及钢带 第11部分:碳锰钢(中英文版)
Continuously cold rolled high strength steel sheet and strip for automobile—Part 11:Carbon manganese steel
GB/T 16895.13-2022
低压电气装置 第7-701部分:特殊装置或场所的要求 装有浴盆或淋浴的场所(中英文版)
Low-Voltage Electrical Installations Part 7-701: Requirements for Special Installations or Locations Locations with Tubs or Showers
GB/T 13603-2012
Marine battery installation
GB/T 35646-2017
Basic requirement of incremental updating of navigable electronic maps
GB/T 29186.2-2021
品牌价值要素评价 第2部分:有形要素(中英文版)
Evaluation of brand value elements-Part 2:Tangible elements
GB/T 9634.1-2002
铁氧体磁心表面缺陷极限导则 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Ferrite cores--Guide on the limits of surface irregularities--Part 1:General specification
GB 4343.2-2009
家用电器、电动工具和类似器具的电磁兼容要求 第2部分:抗扰度(中英文版)
Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 2: Immunity - Product family standard
GB 51056-2014
Standard for appraisal of reliability of chimneys
GB 23200.18-2016
食品安全国家标准 蔬菜中非草隆等15种取代脲类除草剂残留量的测定 液相色谱法(中英文版)
National food safety standards—Determination of 15 substituted urea herbicides in vegetables Liquid chromatography
GB/T 21824-2008
地理标志产品 永春佛手(中英文版)
Product of geographical indication - Yongchun foshou tea
GB/T 38874.3-2020
农林拖拉机和机械 控制系统安全相关部件 第3部分:软硬件系列开发(中英文版)
Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry—Safety-related parts of control systems—Part 3: Series development,hardware and software
GB/T 14406-2011
Gantry crane for general purpose
GB/T 20159.1-2006
环境条件分类 环境条件分类与环境试验之间的关系及转换指南 贮存(中英文版)
Classification of environmental conditions - Guidance for the correlation and transformation of environmental condition classes to the environmental tests - Storage
GB/T 38002.1-2019
自动化系统与集成 制造业串行实时通信系统集成 第1部分:总则和框架(中英文版)
Automation system and integration—Serial real time communication system for manufacturing integration—Part 1:General overview and architecture
GB/T 22543.1-2008
大坝监测仪器 引张线仪 第1部分:步进电机式引张线仪(中英文版)
Instrument for dam monitoring - Exte nsion line gauge - Part 1: Step motor type extension line gauge
GB/T 6291-2013
夹扭钳和剪切钳 试验方法(中英文版)
Pliers and nippers - Methods of test
GB/T 36204-2018
肥料中赤霉酸含量的测定 高效液相色谱-质谱联用仪法(中英文版)
Determination of gibberellic acid in fertilizer—High performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method
GB 5009.287-2022
食品安全国家标准 食品中胭脂树橙的测定(中英文版)
National food safety standards Determination of annatto in food
GB/T 5009.175-2003
Determination of 2,4-D in grains and vegetables
GB/T 25213-2010
煤的塑性测定 恒力矩吉氏塑性仪法(中英文版)
Determination of plastic properties of coal - Constant-torque gieseler plastometer method
GB/T 34616-2017
General technical requirements of pedestrian automatic doors
GB/T 22096-2008
The tool presetting and measuring instrument
GB/T 22748-2022
饮食加工设备 电动设备 立式和面机(中英文版)
Food processing equipment Electric equipment Vertical dough mixer
GB/T 7622-1987
600/1200 bauds modem standardized for use in the general switched telephone network
GB/T 28705-2012
无损检测 脉冲涡流检测方法(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing - Test method for pulsed eddy current testing
GB/T 20759-2006
畜禽肉中十六种磺胺类药物残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法(中英文版)
Method for the determination of sixteen sulfonamide residues in livestock and poultry muscles - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 35672-2017
Fluroxypyr-mepthyl technical material
GB/T 5211.14-2021
颜料和体质颜料通用试验方法 第14部分:筛余物的测定 机械冲洗法(中英文版)
General methods of test for pigments and extenders—Part 14: Determination of residue on sieve—Mechanical flushing procedure
GB/T 23912-2009
无损检测 液浸式超声纵波脉冲反射检测方法(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing - Practice for immersed ultrasonic testing by the reflection method using pulsed longitudinal waves
GB/T 21411.1-2014
石油天然气工业 人工举升用螺杆泵系统 第1部分:泵(中英文版)
Petroleum and natural gas industries―Progressing cavity pump systems for artificial lift―Part 1: Pumps
GB/T 32730-2016
Mustard seed
GB 20075-2020
Passenger handholds and footrests on motorcycles
GB/T 17980.57-2004
农药 田间药效试验准则(二) 第57部分:杀虫剂防治茶树害螨(中英文版)
Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(Ⅱ)--Part 57:Insecticides against pest mites on tea
GB 15269.3-2011
雪茄烟 第3部分:产品包装、卷制及贮运技术要求(中英文版)
Cigars - Part 3:Technical requirements for packing,making, storage and transport
GB/T 31724-2015
Terminologies of wind energy resource
GB/T 50568-2019
油气田及管道岩土工程勘察标准 (中英文版)
Standard for and gas field and pipeline investigation of geotechnical engineering

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