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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 27001-2011
合格评定 公正性 原则和要求(中英文版)
Conformity assessment - Impartiality - Principles and requirements
GB/T 18700.8-2005
远动设备和系统 第6-601部分:与ISO标准和ITU-T建议 兼容的远动协议 在通过永久接入分组交换数据网连接的端系统中提供基于连接传输服务的功能协议集(中英文版)
Telecontrol equipment and systems-Part 6-601:Telecontrol protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T recommendations-Functional profile for providing the connection-oriented transport service in an end system connected via permanent access to a pac
GB/T 43638-2024
Technical specifications for forensic clinical identification of peripheral nerve dysfunction
GB/T 22678-2008
Electric saber saws
GB/T 4937.11-2018
半导体器件 机械和气候试验方法 第11部分:快速温度变化 双液槽法(中英文版)
Semiconductor devices—Mechanical and climatic test methods—Part 11: Rapid change of temperature—Two-fluid-bath method
GB/T 29344-2023
Technical Specifications for Harvesting and Processing of Ganoderma Spore Powder
GB 30439.2-2013
工业自动化产品安全要求 第2部分: 压力/差压变送器的安全要求(中英文版)
Safety requirements for industrial automation products—Part 2: Safety requirements for pressure (differential)transmitter
GB 5135.2-2003
自动喷水灭火系统 第2部分: 湿式报警阀、延迟器、水力警铃(中英文版)
Automatic sprinkler system--Part 2:Wet system alarm valves,retard chamber,water motor alarm
GB 11722-1989
Health standard for vanadium and its compounds in the air of workplace
GB/T 15972.44-2017
光纤试验方法规范 第44部分:传输特性和光学特性的测量方法和试验程序 截止波长(中英文版)
Specifications for optical fibre test methods—Part 44: Measurement methods and test procedures for transmission and optical characteristics—Cut-off wavelength
GB/T 25834-2010
金属和合金的腐蚀 钢铁户外大气加速腐蚀试验(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys - Accelerate corrosion testing of iron and steel in outdoor atmospheres
GB/T 42256-2022
海水中钌-106的分析方法 γ能谱法(中英文版)
Analytical Method of Ruthenium-106 in Seawater Gamma Energy Spectroscopy
GB/T 21744-2008
Ration of workers for manufacturing large rail traffic engineering equipments
GB/T 33352-2016
电子电气产品中限用物质筛选应用通则 X射线荧光光谱法(中英文版)
General rules of screening application of restricted substances in electrical and electronic products—X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry
GB/T 5095.2303-2021
电子设备用机电元件 基本试验规程及测量方法 第23-3部分:屏蔽和滤波试验 试验23c:连接器和附件的屏蔽效果 线注入法(中英文版)
Electromechanical components for electronic equipment—Basic testing procedures and measuring methods—Part 23-3:Screening and filtering tests—Test 23c:Shielding effectiveness of connectors and accessories—Line injection method
GB/T 29330-2012
模内装饰(IMD)用薄膜 油墨粘接性能测定方法(中英文版)
Films used in IMD - Test method of ink adhesion properties
GB/T 20157-2006
信息技术 软件维护(中英文版)
Information technology - Software maintenance
GB/T 32188-2015
The method for full width at half maximum of double crystal X-ray rocking curve of GaN single crystal substrate
GB/T 5312-2009
Carbon and carbon-manganese steel seamless steel tubes and pipes for ship
GB/T 38660-2020
物联网标识体系 Ecode标识系统安全机制(中英文版)
Identification system for internet of things—Security mechanism for Ecode identification system
GB/T 8858-1988
Method for determination ofdry matter and water content in fruit and vegetable products
GB/T 19498-2004
农林拖拉机防护装置 静态试验方法和验收技术条件(中英文版)
The static testing method and accepting technical comdition of the protective structures on agricultural and forestry tractors
GB/T 4392-2019
Slugging open-end wrenches and slugging box-end wrenches
GB/T 27698.7-2011
热交换器及传热元件性能测试方法 第7部分:空冷器噪声测定(中英文版)
Test method for the performance of heat exchangers and heat exchange element - Part 7: Measurement of noise from air-cooled heat exchangers
GB/T 44115.2-2024
Information technology - Virtual reality content expression - Part 2: Video
GB/T 14772-2008
Determination of crude fat in foods
GB/T 11146-2009
原油水含量测定 卡尔?费休库仑滴定法(中英文版)
Crude petroleum - Determination of water - Coulometric Karl Fischer titration method
GB/T 36499-2018
Guidance on a consumer product risk assessment for GHS labelling
GB/T 43026-2023
Public safety video surveillance network information security testing specifications
GB/T 30766-2014
Classification of tea
GB/T 20747-2006
牛和猪肌肉中安乃近代谢物残留量的测定 液相色谱-紫外检测法和液相色谱-串联质谱法(中英文版)
Method for the determination of metabolite residues of dipyrone in bovine and porcine muscle tissues - LC-UV and LC-MS-MS method
GB 17323-1998
Bottled purified water for drinking
GB/T 30843.3-2017
1kV以上不超过35kV的通用变频调速设备 第3部分:安全规程(中英文版)
Variable-frequency drive above 1kV and not exceeding 35kV—Part 3: Safety requirements
GB/T 26000-2010
Thermal insulating mortar mixed with expanded and vitrified beads
GB/T 1455-2022
Test method for shear properties of sandwich constructions or cores
GB/T 35777-2017
金属及其合金饰品链力学性能测试 拉力测试(中英文版)
Mechanical tests for metal alloys adornment chains—Tensile testing
GB/T 13082-1991
Method for determination of cadmium in feeds
GB/T 17739.2-2021
技术图样与技术文件的缩微摄影 第2部分: 35mm银-明胶型缩微品的质量准则与控制(中英文版)
Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents—Part 2:Quality criteria and control of 35 mm silver gelatin microfilms
GB/T 50866-2013
Design code for photovoltaic power station connecting to power system
GB/T 18108-2008
Fresh marine fish
GB/T 32514.1-2016
电阻焊 焊接电流的测量 第1部分:测量指南(中英文版)
Resistance welding—Welding current measurement for resistance welding—Part 1: Guidelines for measurement
GB/T 24800.2-2009
化妆品中四十一种糖皮质激素的测定 液相色谱/串联质谱法和薄层层析法(中英文版)
Determination of 41 glucocorticoids in cosmetics by LC-MS-MS and TLC method
GB/T 31009-2020
足部防护 鞋(靴)限量物质要求及测试方法(中英文版)
Foot protection—Critical substance requirements and test methods for footwear
GB/T 21292-2007
渔网 网目断裂强力的测定(中英文版)
Fishing nets Determination of mesh breaking force of netting
GB/Z 17977-2000
信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 OSI路由选择框架(中英文版)
Information technology--Telecommunication and information exchange between systems--OSI routing framework
GB/T 38306-2019
手部防护 防热伤害手套(中英文版)
Hand protection — Protective gloves against thermal risks
GB/T 1468-2011
Tracing paper
GB/T 8511-2005
Vibratory roller
GB/T 23416.9-2009
蔬菜病虫害安全防治技术规范 第9部分:葱蒜类(中英文版)
The safety technical specification of pest control for vegetables - Part 9: Bulb crups
GB/T 51294-2018
Detailed planning standards for scenic spots

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