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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 29992-2017
Rubber sealing rings for pressure cooker
GB/T 40186-2021
微生物诱变育种致遗传物质损伤强度测定 Umu法(中英文版)
Determination of genetic material damage strength for microbial mutation breeding—Umu method
GB 26640-2011
Specification for minimal thickness of the shell of valves
GB/T 31960.11-2016
电力能效监测系统技术规范 第11部分:电力能效信息集中与交互终端检验规范(中英文版)
Technical specification of power energy efficiency monitoring system—Part 11: Test specification of power energy efficiency information collection and exchange terminal
GB/T 39219-2020
Design guides for post-treatment of desalinated seawater
GB/T 22638.10-2008
铝箔试验方法 第10部分:涂层表面密度的测定(中英文版)
Test methods for aluminium and aluminium alloy foils - Part 10: Determination of mass per unit area (surface density) of coatings
GB/T 12726.4-2013
核电厂安全重要仪表 事故及事故后辐射监测 第4部分:工艺流管内或管旁放射性连续监测设备(中英文版)
Nuclear power plants―Instrumentation important to safety―Radiation monitoring for accident and post-accident conditions―Part 4: Equipment for continuous in-line or on-line monitoring of radioactivity in process streams
GB/T 31512-2015
Economic operation of water-source heat pump systems
GB 22321.1-2008
信息技术 中文编码字符集 汉字48点阵字型 第1部分:宋体(中英文版)
Information technology - Chinese coded character set - 48-dots matrix font of Chinese ideogram - Part 1: Song ti
GB 28378-2019
Minimum allowable values of water efficiency and water efficiency grades for showers
GB/T 14099.5-2010
燃气轮机 采购 第5部分:在石油和天然气工业中的应用(中英文版)
Gas turbines - Procurement - Part 5: Applications for petroleum and natural gas industries
GB 4706.84-2007
家用和类似用途电器的安全 第2部分:织物蒸汽机的特殊要求(中英文版)
Household and similar electrical appliances-safety - Part 2: Particular requirements for fabric steamers
GB/T 18932.4-2002
蜂蜜中土霉素、四环素、金霉素、强力霉素残留量的测定方法 液相色谱法(中英文版)
Method for the determination of oxytetracycline,tetracycline,chlortetracycline,and doxycycline residues in honey--Liquid chromatographic method
GB/T 37208-2018
Nonmetallic paper based wet type frictional materials
GB/T 7731.17-2023
钨铁 钴、镍、铝含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(中英文版)
Ferrotungsten - Determination of cobalt, nickel and aluminum content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 28762-2012
NC shears
GB/T 19719-2005
首饰 镍释放量的测定 光谱法(中英文版)
Jewellery-Determination of the release of nickel-Method of spectrometry
GB/T 34892-2017
无损检测 机械手超声检测方法(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing—Test method for robotic ultrasonic testing
GB/T 22769-2023
Bathroom electric heater (bathroom heater)
GB 19359-2009
Safety code for inspection of packaging of dangerous goods transported by railway
GB/T 31455.5-2015
快速公交(BRT)智能系统 第5部分:调度中心与车载信息终端通信数据接口规范(中英文版)
Intelligent system of bus rapid transit—Part 5: Interface specifications between dispatch center and on-board information terminal
GB/T 33534-2017
Specification of unemployment registration management service
GB/T 11059-2022
原油蒸气压的测定 膨胀法(中英文版)
Determination of vapor pressure of crude oil - Expansion method
GB/T 26911-2011
植物新品种特异性、一致性、稳定性测试指南 山茶属(中英文版)
Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability - Camellia (Camellia L.)
GB/T 825-1988
GB/T 1601-1993
Determination method of pH value for pesticides
GB/T 5646-2008
Flared couplings - Sleeve
GB/T 32981-2016
Test method for effective thermal conductivity of wall materials
GB/T 5009.99-2003
Method for analysisof hygienic standard of polycarbonate resin used as food containers and packaging materials
GB/T 40806-2021
机床发射空气传播噪声 金属切削机床的操作条件(中英文版)
Airborne noise emitted by machine tools—Operating conditions for metal-cutting machines
GB/T 5178-2008
表面活性剂 工业直链烷基苯磺酸钠平均相对分子质量的测定 气液色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of mean relative molecular mass for technical straight-chain sodium alkylbenzenesulfonates - Gas-liquid chromatographic method
GB/T 30221-2013
Energy efficiency test procedures for industry brakes
GB/T 11881-2006
GB/T 4137-2015
Rare earth ferrosilicon alloy
GB/T 4702.9-1985
金属铬化学分析方法 结晶紫分光光度法测定锑量(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of chromium metal--The crystal violet spectrophotometric method for the determination of antimony content
GB/T 39225.2-2020
托卡马克聚变堆遥操作部件兼容性设计与评估技术指南 第2部分:评估技术指南(中英文版)
Guidance for compatibility design and assessment for remotely-handled components of Tokamak fusion reactor—Part 2:Guidance for compatibility assessment
GB/T 17971.6-2010
信息技术 文本和办公系统的键盘布局 第6部分:功能区(中英文版)
Information technology - Keyboard layouts for text and office systems - Part 6: Function section
GB/T 37149-2018
Specification for data collection of unified social credit identifier geographic information
GB/T 43880.2-2024
Service-oriented manufacturing-Guidelines-Part 3: Resource management
GB/T 28970-2012
道路交通运输 地理信息系统 数据字典要求(中英文版)
Road transportation - Geographic information system - Requirements for data dictionaries
GB/T 15529-1995
Blank detail specification for LED numeric displays
GB/T 7921-2008
Uniform color space and color difference formula
GB/T 35890-2018
Technical specification of high throughput sequencing data format
GB/T 19472.1-2004
埋地用聚乙烯(PE)结构壁管道系统 第1部分:聚乙烯双壁波纹管材(中英文版)
Polyethylene structure wall pipeline system for underground usage--Part 1:Polyethylene double wall corrugated pipes
GB/T 31866-2023
物联网标识体系 物品编码Ecode(中英文版)
IoT identification system Item code Ecode
GB/T 13417-2009
Contents list of periodicals
GB/T 18015.3-2007
数字通信用对绞或星绞多芯对称电缆 第3部分:工作区布线电缆 分规范(中英文版)
Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications - Part 3:Work area wiring - Sectional specification
GB/T 33933.3-2017
天然石开采设备 安全要求 第3部分:臂式锯切机(中英文版)
Natural stone mining equipments—Safety requirements—Part 3: Arm type sawing machine
GB/T 18216.6-2022
交流1000V和直流1500V及以下低压配电系统电气安全 防护措施的试验、测量或监控设备 第6部分:TT、TN和IT系统中剩余电流装置(RCD)的有效性(中英文版)
Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring electrical safety protection measures for low-voltage power distribution systems up to and including 1000 V AC and 1500 V DC Part 6: Effectiveness of residual current devices (RCDs) in TT, TN and IT systems
GB/T 27571-2011
Rubber hose and hose assemblies for conveying concrete

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