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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 1311-2008
Test procedure for direct current machines
GB/T 12568-1990
直观存储管分规范 (可供认证用)(中英文版)
Sectional specification for display storage tubes
GB/T 22837-2008
纸和纸板 表面强度的测定(蜡棒法)(中英文版)
Paper and board - Determination of surface strength(wax method)
GB/T 33305-2016
Guideline for process information collection and process optimization in perishable food storage and transportation
GB/T 30125-2013
Bamboo-charcoal polyester staple fiber
GB/T 5267.2-2021
紧固件 非电解锌片涂层(中英文版)
Fasteners—Non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings
GB/T 20982.3-2007
纺织机械与附件 织机 第3部分:织机零部件 词汇(中英文版)
Textile machinery and accessories - Weaving machines - Part 3: Parts of the machine - Vocabulary
GB/T 25293-2010
电工电子设备机柜 机械门锁(中英文版)
Mechanical door lock for cabinets of electrotechnical and electronic equipment
GB/T 32273-2015
建筑施工机械与设备 手扶随行式振动平板夯 术语和商业规格(中英文版)
Building construction machinery and equipment—Pedestrian-controlled vibratory plates—Terminology and commercial specifications
GB/T 20840.102-2020
互感器 第102部分:带有电磁式电压互感器的变电站中的铁磁谐振(中英文版)
Instrument transformers—Part 102: Ferroresonance oscillations in substations with inductive voltage transformers
GB/T 8378-1987
Test methods for fittings of solid web steel frame
GB 50112-2013
Technical code for buildings in expansive soil regions
GB/T 17135-1997
土壤质量 总砷的测定 硼氢化钾-硝酸银分光光度法(中英文版)
Soil quality--Determination of total arsenic--Spectrophotometric method with potassium borohyride andsilver nitrate
GB/T 38436-2019
Engineering data handover specification for power transmission and transformation
GB/T 30757-2024
Carbon content 7% ~50% alkaline dense shaped refractory products classification
GB/T 18291-2000
蒙古语术语工作 原则与方法(中英文版)
Mongolian terminology work--Principles and methods
GB/T 3209-2009
Method for determination the amount of distillation residual of benzene-type product
GB/T 36421-2018
Restricted substances concerning printing inks for packaging materials
GB/T 42977-2023
纳米技术 纳米光电显示 量子点光转换膜的光学可靠性测定(中英文版)
Nanotechnology Nano-optoelectronic display Optical reliability determination of quantum dot light conversion films
GB/T 15456-2008
工业循环冷却水中化学需氧量(COD)的测定 高锰酸钾法(中英文版)
Industrial circulating cooling water - Determination of the chemical oxygen demand - Potassium permanganate method
GB/T 28015-2011
家用卫生杀虫用品 烟尘量试验方法(中英文版)
Domestic sanitary insecticide - Test method of smoke dust
GB/T 13747.21-2017
锆及锆合金化学分析方法 第21部分:氢量的测定 惰气熔融红外吸收法/热导法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of zirconium and zirconium alloys—Part 21:Determination of hydrogen content—Inert gas fusion-infrared absorption or thermal conductivity method
GB/T 41233-2022
Frozen surimi-based product
GB/T 19970-2005
Thompson Seedless
GB 17498.4-2008
固定式健身器材 第4部分:力量型训练长凳 附加的特殊安全要求和试验方法(中英文版)
Stationary training equipment - Part 4: Strength training benches - Additional specific safety requirements and test methods
GB/T 35453-2017
Rigid polyurethane foam board for frozen soil subgrade (DLPU)
GB/T 11446.3-2013
Generic rules for test methods of electronic grade water
GB/T 6068-2021
Test code for truck crane and tyre crane
GB 3838-2002
Environmental quality standards for surface water
GB/T 13723-1992
Generic specification for medium size computer
GB 14755-2010
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 维生素D2(麦角钙化醇)(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol)
GB/T 20290-2016
家用电动洗碗机 性能测试方法(中英文版)
Electric dishwashers for household use—Methods for measuring the performance
GB/T 38959-2020
高强度钢强力旋压 工艺规范(中英文版)
Power spinning of high-strength steel—Technological specification
GB/T 5121.10-2008
铜及铜合金化学分析方法 第10部分:锡含量的测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of copper and copper alloys - Part 10:Determination of tin content
GB/T 4180-2012
Permanent magnetic material of rare earth cobalt
GB/T 38252-2019
Test method of fire-resistant integrity for building windows and doors
GB/T 20514-2006
Photovoltaic systems - Power conditioners - Procedure for measuring efficiency
GB/T 15628.1-2009
中国动物分类代码 第1部分:脊椎动物(中英文版)
Taxonomic codes of the China fauna - Part 1: Vertebrates
GB/T 7563-2018
商品煤质量 水泥回转窑用煤(中英文版)
Commercial coal quality—Coal for rotary cement kiln
GB/T 29021-2023
石油天然气钻采设备 游梁式抽油机(中英文版)
Oil and gas drilling equipment beam pumping unit
GB/T 19080-2003
食品与饮料行业GB/T 19001-2000应用指南(中英文版)
Gudielines on the application of GB/T 19001--2000 for the food and drink industry
GB/T 27651-2011
Use category and specification for preservative-treated wood
GB/T 34664-2017
General assessment principles for electrical and electronic eco-design products
GB/T 19608.2-2022
特殊环境条件分级 第2部分:干热沙漠(中英文版)
Classification of special environmental conditions Part 2: hot and dry desert
GB/T 15223-2008
塑料 液体树脂 用比重瓶法测定密度(中英文版)
Plastics - Liquid resins - Determination of density by the pyknometer method
GB 7000.218-2008
灯具 第2-18部分:特殊要求 游泳池和类似场所用灯具(中英文版)
Luminaires - Part 2-18: Particular requirements - Luminaries for swimming pools and similar application
GB/T 35149-2017
Piston type balancing control valve for pump
GB/T 30500-2014
气体超声流量计使用中检验 声速检验法(中英文版)
Ultrasonic gas flow meter performance online audit―Method using speed of sound checking
GB/T 40364-2021
Fundamental terminology for human biobank
GB 50217-2007
Code for design of cables of electric engineering

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